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C had a fever, which we knew when we made the plans. That's why we were going to her house so she wouldn't have to take C out. It felt like a shrug off tbh. But we have tentative plans to stop by on our way back home Tuesday so we'll see.


Sherry - she's suppose to be, yes, but that title really isn't hers if that makes sense. There was a huge confrontation a few weeks back. She got mad we made the beach trip on the weekend of C's birthday. We did it because it coincided with my school spring break (next week) and I could go on vacation without worrying about school assignments. Then she brought up all the other times I didn't come see her but we went and saw the pseudo family. I guess she was hurt we didn't invite her?? But I would never invite another friend to someone's house, you know? Plus she hates things like Doctor Who and The Hobbit. Pseudo family are my nerd friends, she isn't. And I don't think she liked that I brought up she hadn't made a move to come visit me. Which she hasn't. I told her it worked both ways. Usually I just lay down and do nothing but she really irritated me this time by getting mad about when we planned this beach trip. I have been to every birthday party for C for the last 4 years. I've sat in the freezing cold for 5 hours to reserve a booth for my niece's party. I think I'm entitled to miss one. The fact is, I wouldn't expect her to come down to every bryhday party when we have kids and we live close to Myrtle. If she could great but I would understand.

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That's tge part that pisses me off about her. That you've wasted your time by sitting in a park for 5 hours for her daughters bday and she's probably pissed that you won't do it this year. You reconsidered moving to England bc of her daughter also. And yet it's still not enough.


Sorry, I just can't stand friends like that who walk all over people!

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It's honestly to the point where I can't stand them either and I'm not allowing it any more. She's going to school as well, she should know how hectic life is when you're a full time student. And yes, she has a daughter to raise which is a full time job but she doesn't work and go to school like I do. She just doesn't understand how much planning goes into when we visit the pseudo family. It's not a 'hey, you free tomorrow??' I have to plan it with work and school months in advanced.


I'm at that age were I'm just destressing my life. I love her and she's been a great friend in the past to me but over the years it's just been more take and take then give. And I'm tired of it. I have best friends who know how to give and take and that's all I need.

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Exactly. You know nothing will change and it's just too draining to even try to.


Well, we made it to Columbia! I'm so glad we decided to drive halfway tonight and go the rest of the way tomorrow. Even the three hour drive today was long (probably because I worked all day, as did L). We're at the hotel though and had dinner and are watching the tale end of Titantic and just relaxing. It feels so good to just RELAX. No work tomorrow, no school work to be done.... just r.e.l.a.x. We do miss the babies though.

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We are def. making moving closer to here a priority!


The rest of the trip down here went smoothly. We actually hit a bit of traffic about 15-20 minutes to the beach and the area def. seems busier then when we come in October. While going through Conway we stopped at an apartment complex we were looking at possibly moving into. L is very big on viewing a place before we move into it so we had a little time to kill before checking into the hotel. It was a gorgeous complex, great features, but it's a half student/half non-student housing so they charge by the room. So we'd have to have two leases (which wouldn't go well with immigration) and pay two times the rent. Sadly that is a no go. We're going to look at a few other places while we are here but we may just not be able to view a place before moving here next year.


The hotel is pretty busy as well. It's apparently Canadian week or something, explains all the Ontario license plates we saw! As always the hotel is lovely. The weather is nice too. It's a bit chilly when you are in the shade so it isn't shorts and tank top weather (guess what I was wearing today, haha) but it's nice jeans, light top, and light jacket weather. As always when we checked in we went down and saw the ocean. I know it sounds weird to say it felt like we were coming home, but that is exactly how it feels. There is just something about that vast body of water. But God is it cold!! Tomorrow is swim and relax day!

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Well we were but we changed our minds for a few reasons. When we went there on our honeymoon is was this small, family Mom-and-Pop atmosphere and that really made the experience all the more better. The nest time we came they had moved to a bigger location (because they became so famous!) but it completely destroyed that 'intimate' atmosphere. We had plans to go on this trip but then we saw this Egyptian snow globe (I'll post a pic) and it was a little pricey so we just decided to not go this time to get the snow globe and we really didn't enjoy it as much the second time around. The food was still amazing but the atmosphere really made it what it was. Maybe once we are down here for good and they've had time to settle in to that place we'll give it another go.

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Renny, I've been meaning to FB message you. Do you know of any good guinea pig websites that you can buy stuff from? As you know L's mum has like 6 of them and we have been trying to rack our brains of a nice mother's day present for her (England's mother's day is the end of this month). We figured if anyone knew you would know some were that we could just buy some small things that could be easily shipped - like guinea pig theme magnets or something like that.

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OG is I saw this and thought of you.


I never got how people could do long distance relationships, I'm not against them just don't understand, but this makes a lot more sense to me.


Hope you're enjoying your holiday!

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They are def. very hard and I never thought I could do one either but I found a guy who was completely worth every day we were apart.


We are, thank you! We went swimming today in the indoor pool and are watching The Guardian now. We're going to grab lunch after it finishes and bring it back and eat on the balcony of our room and enjoy the sunshine and sea!

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