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Well I got our marriage blog all set up! Now I want to post in it dang it, hahaha.


Have you ever had a moment were out of the complete blue you felt this over whelming sense of love for someone? I was sitting here listening to music and happened to look over at a picture of CS and I that I have sitting on my dresser and it just hit me full force. My God, I LOVE this man! If he'd been sitting next to me he would have gotten the biggest kiss in the world at that moment. He's absolutely perfect for me and is my rock in life. I can not wait to take his name and start our own little family and go through life as husband and wife. The closer we get to the wedding the more sure of us I become. I mean I was sure before obviously or I wouldn't have said yes but it's like our foundation is getting stronger, if that makes any sense. I love everything about him. I love how he gets so giddy when he talks about airplanes and how I play dumb to a lot of airplane stuff just because I know he loves telling me about the inner workings of it. He really is like a kid at Christmas when it comes to airplanes. And I love how he can always make laugh, always. Even when I'm stark raving mad at him I just want to burst into laughter sometimes.


I have been a bit of a pain lately to him for a number of reasons. You know you never want your SO to feel like they aren't apprectiated and I feel like I haven't been doing my upmost to make him feel like he is lately due to my Mad Cow moments. I need to recenter myself and stop worrying over things I can't handle and concentrate on what I can.. CS taught me that. I can't wait to marry this man and spend my life with him!

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^^ Ooh, I'd love to read your marriage blog - I think it will be even sweeter than this thread - and it will also be interesting to watch you both through navigate the LDR aspect - and so awesome to see what happens when you finally get to move over there and get hit with soooo much time to spend with him and so much more stuff you can do - it will be awesome.. ohh and adjusting to the UK!


Trekkie hey? I forced my H to watch Felicity (he liked it, although he makes fun of it) .. and in return had to watch the Wire (such a boy show..)

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lol, I'm excited to start it. I'm horrible at actually blogging (only reason I maintain this one of any kind is I'm already on here every day) but I think it would be awesome to have something we can look back on a year from now or two and remember what that first year was like and the milestones after it.



Mom just told me Tyler has to be in Atlanta at 7:30 am tomorrow. I"m like, okay. She then tells me we have to leave here by 3:30 am. Why we have to leave so freakin early I have no idea. Ugh.

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Yeah. I'm the driver as well so blah. I need to be asleep within the next 30 mins and I told them they are NOT to wake me up until 3 am. I'm also battling a migrain right now... ughhhhhhhhhh. My boss is awesome though. I ended up having help tonight with the day rooms (I really have to start looking at the schedule to see when I have help) so I texted my boss asking her if I could leave an hour early since I had to get up so early and she was like 'absolutely. Keep me informed of his surgery and I'm praying for him'. One of the best bosses I have ever worked for really.


My brother is going to Atlanta with us as well. Mom said he couldn't miss school for it but he talked to her and she agreed. My brother is 17 and at that age (and he's a man) and he doesn't show his emotions much but when it has come to Tyler you can see him swell up with Uncle pride. I think he pretty much told mom he was going to be there no matter what. So proud of him. We are stopping by McDonalds before going as well so at least the driver (moi) will be fueled up for the trip.


So I have Icy Hot on my neck, I have taken 2 BC powders, and I have my head laying on the pillow. Hopefully it won't be long until I'm OUT.

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Yeah I was reading that. Your glasses are too cute btw. I have astigmatism in my right eye. I wear my glasses sometimes, usually more when I am working but I also have a pair of prescription sunglasses and I never ever go outside during the day without my sunglasses. LOL

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Thank you. CS admitted to bursting out laughing when I sent him the picture. I was like yeah, I would laugh too if he sent me one with him wearing glasses. I have it in both eyes but she said my left one was worse and it's gotten hard to see at night, especially when it rains. God, I sound like an old woman... lol

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Walmart has some great deals on glasses. That is probably where I will take my mom. I got her glasses two years ago at JC Penny's, but I see Walmart has glasses as cheap as 12 dollars or something. Although I know hers will cost more because she wears the no line bifocals and she got spoiled with the transition lenses. She thinks that is the neatest thing. LOL

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That they do! The frames for mine were only $40 and I actually could have gotten a more expensive pair (my insurance covers up to $100 on frames) and I don't even think I had a prescription for lenses... I kept trying frames on and asking my mom and sister, "Do these make me look dorky?" lol. I"m glad I bought my sister with me that day. She was like, 'what kind do you want?" I told her square and black and she like bee lined for all of those kind, lol

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Yeah when I was in middle school I had the Harry Potter kind of glasses, with the round lenses. Yikes. Completele nerd. My sister was like 'why black?' "Because it goes with everything doughnut. I already can't color cordinate as it is.. last thing I need is to also worry about if my glasses match my outfit, haha'


Although CS did say I couldn't wear them during the wedding photos because TECHNICALLY the lady said I had to wear them all the time.... not gonna happen. I will wear them but I will also not feel guilty about not wearing them, especially at work.

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I'm working my way through reading your journal (getting there slowly haha) but just wanted to say you look sooo much like one of my friends! If I didn't know differently I'd be convinced you're her haha.


Not unless you live in the States.



Just got home from Atlanta. Tyler's surgery went great and was very short actually (the actual surgery lasted only 15 minutes). They will keep him over night for observation but they said it was great, and they think they got all the blood clot so they wouldn't have to do it again. Poor little guy's eye was swollen when they brought him into their room. I drove down and was driving back. I was reminded yet again why I don't go anywere with my mom. I told her not to worry, I was using the GPS on my phone to get us back home but nooooooooooooo, she still had to go call my stepdad who had no clue were we were and then proceeded to stay on the phone while I was trying to look and listen to the GPS. Grrrrr. Then I got sleepy so we pulled over, gased up, and I slept for about 30 minutes on the way home while she drove. Over all, a rough day. I'm about to eat now and see what CS is doing when he gets home (I know a United game is on at 2:30) and see if he wants to talk before the game if he isn't staying after work again.

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I got to talk to CS for an hour today at least. Then we hung up at 12:30 so CS could eat and get ready to watch the game at 2:30 and I fell asleep. I slept til 6 PM, nice long and uniterrupted nap. I woke up to mom putting a package in my room and that's when I realized it was our cake topper! I picked it up out of the box and was like wow! I did not know it was real porcelain.

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^^^ I know, now just gotta figure out a way to get it to the UK without breaking along with my flutes. :s


My corset came today and yeah. Lol. I was so worried about it fitting my hips I forgot about my other problem---my stomach, lol. So I'm having to redneck rig it. The next size up will be too big in the chest and we will have to pull it tighter to compensate the loseness and i would like to be able to breath... so I'm getting some additional ribbon so we can still lace it up tight and go up all the way. It def slums me though!

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I'm soooo tired. I have been up since 6:30 am. Ugh. I'm going to try to stay awake til midnight so I'm on a normal schedule somewhat. I went on my break at work and picked up some glasses and I have to say, I love them. I instantly saw a difference when I put them on. I can look over the top of the glasses and see what I saw before and then look through the lenses and it's SO much clearer. And the drive home from work was awesome because I could SEE, lol. Even now for the first time I'm sitting straight up typing on the computer because I can see the screen clearly instead of having to hunch forward to make out the screen. Def. think this will help with my headaches!


My mom has a migrain so I'm holding off trying my corset under my dress until tomorrow since I have to have her help. So excited to see how everything looks together with the corset, the dress, and the tiara.


I also confirmed with the courthouse they allow pictures so I'm getting my cousin who is doing our photos to come early and get pictures of us getting ready and pics of the ceremony. We are 18 days tomorrow until CS arrives!!!!!!! Which means almost 20 days until we are married. God it's going by so slow now!

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Hey.. that's less than three weeks.. seriously no time at all. Doesn't it feel like just yesterday when it was 40 something? Now we're half that! Soon it will be 10.. then 5.. then 2.. then you'll be totally unable to sleep.

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