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Thank you ladies! A million things could go wrong with getting it but it's an option that wasn't there before. The position was actually for another person in my department but our boss dragged their feet in transfering her so she went and found a better paying job. And in true fashion when that was circulated through the halls the transfer went through like lightening speed. But she's keeping with the new job and I've been in talks with the head of the clerical job and am like 'I'm in school for this, I'm interested, etc'. So now it's down to the head of the hospital and the head of my department - both men - and you always have this feeling in my job it's a man's world, ya know? Keeping fingers crossed though.


We actually had a fire at work this morning, bright and early at 7 am. :s They've been fixing the roof of the hospital and apparently something caught fire. L and I walked in to the middle of it. I did my job and helped them move patients to the designated day room and such. Just how I wanted to start my day off!


Only 8 more days until our vacation (and I'm working all bloody 8 of those days.... >.

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5 more days until vacation. It feels like I haven't taken a vacation in years (which I really haven't... Last time we went to Myrtle was 2012 for our one year anniversary). I know L is ready for it to. He's not use to working this much with no time off and the last few days his back has been out. I say out but it's just hurting. He says it's a lot better today than Thursday when it started though.

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What is L doing now? I know I could probably find out if I read back far enough, but I'm too laaaaazy...


Haha! He's doing floor tech and office work at the same hospital I work in. It's a bone of contention really. He got moved from floor tech to office and for the last few months they've been steadily moving him more to do floor tech than office. The only reason he hasn't done anything about it is what little he is in the office, it gives him clerical experience here in the US.

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9 am to 2:30 pm orientation with the new company about customer skills and support recovery, just how I wanted to spend my Monday! It really wasn't that bad. We did like 4 to 5 skits and the little group L and I were in kept me laughing. It was due to last til 4 but we finished early. 3 more days until we start on our vacation!

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funny how some couples can work together and others absolutely can't. I loved working with Alex for the most part. He kept us all sane and happy and laughing in an environment that can suck the happiness right out of you.


Well, I hope they are not being too rough on L.

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L is the same way. I think it helps that we are always in different areas of the hospital - I'm always on one or two areas and he's either in the other facility or the office - and we only see each other in passing. When we both work he always comes and collects me for breaks which is super sweet. The hardest part is not calling him 'hunny' while we are there. I never say his name unless I'm really angry or I want him to take me seriously so to just say his name is... weird.


It's mostly our bully of a supervisor. As I mentioned a few posts back, L's back has been a little agitated because of the way he picked up a bag of trash (that was heavier then he thought thanks to what they packed in it) and this morning she told him to 'suck it up'. It's just little things like that that she does to all of us, the way she speaks to you, like you are a dog or something on the bottom of her shoe. I told him next time she made that comment to ask her did anyone tell her to suck it up when she was out for 3 months on FMLA because of her back.

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I applied for a college receptionist position at my school. It's full time and really has no requirements (they prefer for you to be in the program I am in so that's a bonus!) and be proficient in Microsoft Office Suites (I am). I've just got to get through tomorrow and Thursday and after work on Friday, it's smooth sailing!

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L and I went after work and I picked up my new glasses! So in love with them (and the case too, if I'm being honest!)


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One more day!! I work in the morning tomorrow and L works night (he's getting some extra stuff done around the hospital you can't do during the day). After work I've got to mail my uncle's birthday card and check the fluids in the car, as well as checking the back tires for air pressure. I've got to shave my legs as well - swim suit with hairy legs, ew! - and pack us. Plus make dinner to take to L at work. Busy last day!

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One more day of work and this vacation begins! Car is cleaned and checked, nails are done, and everything is ready to be packed before bed. We're going to stop by my friend M's house in my hometown so I can give my niece C her birthday gift her birthday is this weekend). We picked her up this Hello Kitty lip balm watch and a Hello kitty jewelry box (L actually picked that out).

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