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Yes, unfortunately they will be a part of ours lives until L takes citizenship. We have to remove the conditions off his green card next year - basically changing it from a 2 year to a 10 year one. Then the year after that he can apply for citizenship. And any time we move we have to notify them. And I'm sure we'll have to sell them our firstborn child at some point. Haha

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It's just daily draining on me. I thought the move to the other area would help but if anything, it's worse. I feel like - no, I am - being bullied by my supervisor. I was bullied in HS, I'm all too familiar with the signs. And going to the manager of our department is out of the question because, well, he defers to the supervisors.


For instance, I was put on an area I had never previously worked. I am of the belief that you can do any area in our department once you know the basics but this was just a slammed week. All week I had no less than 15 patient rooms plus side work plus totaling the room when a patient left - it wasn't the right week to have a newbie in that area. So things lagged for a few days until I caught my stride but by the time I had, I was written up. Twice.


The day before I was written up (a day I had a mid-term exam no less) I drove to school in tears because I was overwhelmed at work and my supervisor excluded anyone from helping me and didn't offer advice or help other than 'get it together'. The day I was written up there were no tears as this supervisor thrives on making people cry, and this people pleaser firmly stood there and defended herself.


I'm just so over the hypocrisy. I am very much actively looking for other jobs although I'm focusing on admin positions.

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I had the last procedure for my root canal today. So happy THAT is finally over! Thankfully even though L came with my mom did as well because I was feeling super loopy afterward and would have been in no condition to drive. I've got to go back in a year to make sure everything is as it should. Now to just start on normal teeth work in a few months.


Before classes tonight I stopped by admissions and asked about work studies the school offers. I figured that would be the best way to get experience in the field I'm going into. Right now they don't have anything clerical available (or anything I could do) but it's an option to do some stuff for over the summer when I'm not doing classes.

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9 more days until our vacation starts. Just 9 more days... and in true fashion, I'm working every single one of them. We're all having to do this 9 am to 4 pm class on our days off next week (or we can't work there any more) and they thought they were going to schedule my class day on the Friday we are due to leave for Columbia. Um, no. So now I'm having to work Tuesday and Friday plus go in for that stupid class on Monday. Talk about a way to go out before a vacation....


Yesterday L went and had his follow up at the eye doctor because of the thing going on with his corneas. Everything is looking good though, no more deteriation (sp), and he got this sunglasses that go over your normal glasses so he'll be able to see in the sun (without us having to pay for prescription sunglasses). Although in fairness our vision insurance covers A LOT (including prescription sunglasses to an extent) but he didn't want to use his frame allowance on prescription sunglasses. I ordered a new pair of glasses as well (yay!) and hopefully they will be in before we leave for Myrtle next week.

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