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It'll probably be another year or two. we figured it would take about 4-5K to keep us a float for 4 months. We're going to concentrate on getting L's credit score up so we could possibly do a personal loan to help with it. Well, it's not so much his credit score but just giving his credit more time to be more than a baby.

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I'm pretty sure Conway will be for permanent. It's close enough to the beach for us without being right on the beach (which L doesn't want because of hurricanes). Conway is far enough back that if we did stay the flooding wouldn't be as bad as in Myrtle (and we are 3 1/2 hours closer to family if we did leave in the case of an emergency).


That could change though. Good schools are important to L for our future kids and if there was a better school system in Myrtle vs. Conway, he would be willing to move to Myrtle for the sake of our kids education (even with the impending threat of hurricanes. How much we make is a factor as well. If we both end up with jobs that make what we make now, I don't know how we could afford to live in Myrtle with the prices of apartments I'm seeing. For the next 5+ years after we move Conway will be it and then we will play it by ear then. Once we get down to the area in a none-tourist capacity we can better see which one will be permanent home.

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Ooohh snow... wow - it's a hot summer over here, unfortunately. I want to go for a walk and move around but it's too hot! Although I suppose snow isn't exactly idea for walking either!!


I'm good!!! Finished my honours degree - now moving on to my phd! Can't believe I'm doing that but it's a pretty good deal financially so I am. Too lazy to get started though..


You guys settled in the US because the immigration process to the UK was too insane, I suppose? Any way of you both going back to the UK some time in the future or is that not on the cards at all? If you're talking about schools for kids etc then I guess you're pretty settled in the US..

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Ooohh snow... wow - it's a hot summer over here, unfortunately. I want to go for a walk and move around but it's too hot! Although I suppose snow isn't exactly idea for walking either!!


I'm good!!! Finished my honours degree - now moving on to my phd! Can't believe I'm doing that but it's a pretty good deal financially so I am. Too lazy to get started though..


You guys settled in the US because the immigration process to the UK was too insane, I suppose? Any way of you both going back to the UK some time in the future or is that not on the cards at all? If you're talking about schools for kids etc then I guess you're pretty settled in the US..


Yeah, at the time they were looking at implanting a raise for the sponsor income over even what L made (and he made good money over there). So we just decided to move him here. Lord was that a process! Almost a whole year before we got the visa but we finally got it. he's been here since mid-August.


Unless something dramatic happened nope, it's the US for us. We'll go back for visits of course but I don't see us movin to the UK.

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OMG I am the worst fur-mumma ever!! I came home and was in a rush to get to my moms. I apparently shut the front door but not well and didn't lock it. I was pulling into my mom's driveway (about a 20 min drive) when I get a text from L that the front door was open when he came home and he couldn't find Luna.... 0.0 I can not even begin to describe that feeling at that moment. I instantly turned around and came back home. Luckily L found her before I got back home (she was under the neighbor's car) but OMG!! How do I let that happen??

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Well I cuddled the crap out of Luna. And then preceded to spend like 6 hours doing homework on one subject. >.


On a positive note, I'm going to my first concert in May!! James Blunt is touring the US and he's stopping in Atlanta in early May. L and I are both excited. We'll have to take the next day off work as the show doesn't start til 8 PM.

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L did our taxes today and we are getting a nice refund back! We're getting L his tablet he has wanted for a while, funding the beach trip in March, putting a deposit down for the beach hotel in Sept, repairing a few things on the car, and paying off the rest of my root canal. And we have a small amount left to put into the moving to Myrtle savings!

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Went after work today and got my hair cut. It was so over due. If I can reach around and grab a fist full of hair, it's too long! Came home and worked on sociology homework almost afternoon. Spent the last few hours watching House of Cards with L and crafting (he is so excited for the second season in a few weeks).

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I have the beginnings of a migraine.




39 more days and my toes will be in the sand!


I have one too! Bleck!!! I have found something that works for me almost every time!! Ice cream! I did a little bit of research on it and apparently it works by creating brain freeze which interrupts the migraine cycle. Give it a try and see if it works for you.


At present though I have no ice cream in this house. And my husband is watching the Super Bowl so there will be no getting his backside out of the chair. And he has done a lot of running around and caring for me the past two days because I was in emergency with an asthma attack and a sinus infection. So I don't have the heart to ask him to go out and get me some ice cream bars.

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Awwww I thought it might help! Too bad . It seems to wonders for me.


Yeah ,it was a pretty scary couple of days. Whenever I have a sinus infection it really upsets my bronchial tubes. So it felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. So when I went into the emergency finally when I got scared my pulse and blood pressure were elevated. And I was coughing so bad I couldn't talk. If I'd let it go much longer it would've been life-threatening. So after two nebulizer treatments I was much better. And they checked my oxygen and my vitals and said I was okay to leave. But they have me on prednisone for a little bit to shut my immune system down so it can stop attacking my lungs. So I have an oral steroid ,an inhaled steroid and antibiotics. But they say prednisone can give headaches.

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Urgh - Vic WHY do people have to have health issues? I know I'm a big baby but I just hate it. In my 20s I never got sick and I never really understood what it's like to have serious health concerns .. now - they're everywhere! Parents.. me.. friends.


I said to my honours supervisor "I wish life would just give us a set time on Earth.. and didn't make us sick or anything.. and when the set time is over we just die."


He looked at me and said "If that were how it worked your set time would be up already" (referring to my P.E.)


Fair enough. Still... I hate it. (To state the obvious, I know)

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I agree. I never really understood what it was to be sick until I was diagnosed with my autoimmune disorder. Now for the rest of my life I'll have to deal with that (not that I shouldn't be used to it as I have been dealing with migraines my whole life).


Sitting here trying to apply for admin. jobs that are actually worthwhile...

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Urgh - Vic WHY do people have to have health issues? I know I'm a big baby but I just hate it. In my 20s I never got sick and I never really understood what it's like to have serious health concerns .. now - they're everywhere! Parents.. me.. friends.


I said to my honours supervisor "I wish life would just give us a set time on Earth.. and didn't make us sick or anything.. and when the set time is over we just die."


He looked at me and said "If that were how it worked your set time would be up already" (referring to my P.E.)


Fair enough. Still... I hate it. (To state the obvious, I know)


Migraines are one of the worst plagues..... Seriously . My mom has them so I got them from her and unfortunately I passed them onto my son.

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