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I really think you both would like my town a lot!


We'll have to come visit you one day (well, that should happen regardless though!). Apparently my husband is anti-Florida?? He said something about hurricanes and humidity. Only Florida gets humidity in his mind?


He is so not prepared for Summer in the South!


It'll be two years before we can do any moving - 3 really. Two because of school, 3 because it'll be such a pain to move before he takes citizenship. And then the whole moving six hours away fun starts. How do you even begin that?!

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How did you go about doing it M?


Obviously our first bet is to save up to move (because we will need a rented truck thing) but I just don't know how we can do it without possibly doing the LD thing again for a short while?


I know I was like you realize Myrtle/Conway gets hurricanes too right? And that the ENTIRE South has humidity during the Summer.


He may just want to move back to England after this summer, haha

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The climate of Ontario varies largely from season to season and from one location to another.[12] The climate of Ontario is affected by 3 air sources: cold, dry and arctic air from the north (dominant factor during the winter months, and for a longer part of the year in far northern Ontario); Pacific polar air crossing in from the western Canadian Prairies/US Northern Plains and warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean.[13] The effects of these major air masses on temperature and precipitation depend mainly on latitude, proximity to major bodies of water and to a small extent, terrain relief.[13] In general, most of Ontario's climate is classified as humid continental.[13] Ontario has three main climatic regions.

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It was like low 20s F here this morning. We've had colder this month (like in the single digits).


I'm just so tired of the cold. I want spring!!


OMG me too. We have snow on the ground since early December and it hasn't left. We probably have two more months of snow left the go. Bleh!

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I just realized I haven't been to the beach in over a month It's not the same in the rain and wind though, just chilly and grey. I told Alex I'm ready to move off this island and somewhere we can have actual seasons.


Moe did great last night. I got up to go to bed and he took that as his cue. He went outside willingly and at 7:00 when I got up, he came to the front door to be let in, cuddled with me, had some breakfast, and then went back outside. I guess he was having fun

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I just decided where I wanted to go. My uncle lived in Atlanta too and offered to look at apartments for me but I did go up once to look. Then I paid for the apt and sold everything down here I didn't want to take with me and moved up. My friend had a pick up and offered to bring up my furniture so I paid her gas. Then I did two trips over two weekends to get everything in my car up. Not too bad.

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My second cat wore the cone for weeks. She was fresh out of her spaying when we got her at the pound. She has an oral fixation and is always cleaning herself and wanting to pull on the stitches. I think that cone was on her for 2 weeks!


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Luna is not liking the cone at ALL. She has never slept on the bed when L and I are in it together (her and Jasper use to sleep were L sleeps now) but last night she slept in the bed all night. She was either snuggled up to me or L and at one point tried to poke poor Jasper's eye out with the cone, haha. Big brother forgave her and let her snuggle to him though.

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We have had someone from another department (Same department as us, just a different variation) come to us. My thought was they were going to be a member of our department and do everything a member of this department is suppose to. Welllll guess what? Nope. This person has been able to come in and say 'I'm not working alone' (the shift she works requires you to do some nights alone) nor is she going to do this, that, or zap. If you can't do every facet of this job why are you here? It just causes people like me (who DO everything this job requires) to work 10x harder because you won't do x, y, and z. And then you have the gall to tell me 'I'm tired' when I tell you you have to finish something I completed all but one of??? I had no break today aside from my lunch break and spent MAYBE an hour in my physical department because some twit has decided she doesn't have to do the entire range of this job.




I have already talked with the head Nurse of another department about a possible position that is opening in a few months. She was told if she could get the census up in her area she could have a 7-3 secretary. I already told her I was interested in it if it ever came available.

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