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I do, that's how I keep Tyler quiet most of the time when I'm at mom's - I put Spongebob on Netflix on my phone and mom and I can watch adult shows on the tv, haha.


All the office staff is nice and it's def. a high end office - seriously, I want the sink that they had in their bathroom. It was like the counter and a huge blue bowl was in place of your normal sink but a hole had been cut out the bottom so the water could drain. Very jazzy. They were one of the cheapest places though, every were else was like $1,000+.

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Found out today that the Depo-Provera shot will be fully covered by the insurance under the Affordable Health Care Act (as long as it's done in the office). So when I go to my appointment next Thursday she will start on me on the shot probably. We still have a few questions for her, she just happen to mention looking up the prices while L saw her today for being out of work today.

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Well, yeah, i don't know but i suspect the cleaning agents can be involved in triggering autoimmune things. I know some cleaning products make my hands swell. I know you like your job, but what if they could transfer you to a different department? i just wonder, you know?

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I'm not really around cleaning products, the only ones I am around are the automatic ones that go directly in the machine. Idk though. There's def. no transferring going on right now, not with these new owners. Everyone's head is on the chopping block and they are just looking for a reason to axe people.

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They called me after the procedure was over with and told me everything went fine and she's okay. That's why I really love the vet she goes to. They are always so nice and you can tell they really love and care for the animals. She has to stay over night so we are going to pick her up tomorrow about noon. L wants me to wait until he gets off at noon so he can be with when she is picked up. Daddy is having separation anxiety, obviously.


I need to go ahead and see if my brother will watch the kids while we are in Atlanta in March (or Helen, we haven't made our mind up yet). Now that my co worker has moved to Texas there isn't anyone really close that could come check on them and feed them. I'm sure he will do it if we pay him something. I def. don't want to go the boarding route, especially with Jasper. I'm fairly sure the reason he has separation anxiety with me now is because of that month and a half he was away from me when my ex and I broke up!

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Took L on his first drive today - starting out he reminded me of that HIMYM episode with Barney driving but he got the hang of it. And for someone who is a control freak, I was pretty calm with someone else driving the car (we'll see if that stays the same when he starts driving like 60 MPH and not around a parking lot!) We're having dinner with mom on Sunday so I think I'll let him drive there since it's a straight shot, give him some road experience.

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I went and picked Luna up from the vet about noon today (L wasn't able to come due to something at work) so she's home now and reclaiming the house as her own. Jasper of course had to investigate every inch of her when she got back home to make sure she was okay, haha. We've got to take her back in 14 days to have the stitches removed. Then I went to the doctor (both for this blasted cold and my birth control shot). She said if I'm still stuffy in two weeks to come back, that she'll prescribe and antibiotic then and relayed to us that in two years we will reevaluate continuing on the shot (as long term use can cause osetoporosis). We don't plan on having kids within the next two years anyway probably so it works out. L has to go back into work tonight for a few hours to take care of something and I'm currently sat here on the couch all stuffy and trying to write my ethnoautobiography paper for sociology and it's the last thing I want to do be doing right now....

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Poor Luna. Hope she's recovering well... So cute how much of a cat person L has become


I'm at work and it's the last thing I feel like doing right now haha. My brat of a cat was such a pain this morning! Tonight he is going out at bedtime, I will miss out on my night time snuggles, but I need sleep darnit.

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So far she is. We had to put a cone on her for a short while which was kind of sad/funny. I hated seeing her in but it took everything I had not to laugh when she would bump into something. I'm a horrible mum. It is, isn't it? He like refused to let me give her some wet food we had bought her as a treat, he had to do it, haha


Oh Lord, me too! Jasper woke me up bright and early this morning by HEAD BUTTING me!! I was like, seriously??? And then he would not leave me alone. He was knocking things off my night stand, trying to eat the lamp... you'd swear L hadn't fed him this morning!

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