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I'm just very uneasy about the IUD. Sherry's experience really did a number on me, hahah. Seriously though, even L doesn't like the IUD option. If I were to stay on my current BC it would cost us $95 a month but the insurance classifies it as a level 3 drug and it's brand name. So that's why it's so freaking high.


95$ a month is insane. What about the patch? I don't know anything about that honestly and don't hear about it too much anymore.



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The patch does have estrogen in it.


Is there a generic form of birth control pill that you can take? I never buy brand name drugs now because it's just so expensive. I was on Yaz name brand for a short time before it turned generic and it was $120 with insurance. Yikes! Generic version was $10 with insurance.


Of course, honestly, I'd look into the implant if I were you. The progesterone-only pill's narrow time window may be a little worrisome. And no buying pill packs. But that's just me.

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I managed to get on the prescription drug look up area of our medical insurance website and looked up the shot option. Apparently I get can the generic brand for $20 a month. I can live with that if that is the case!


I hate working when it is practically a tsunami outside. We were under a tornado watch early this morning and almost everyone in our department that was working today was huddled in my area because it's the safest place to be in case of a tornado in our hospital.


And I am so ready for my two days off.

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Be careful with the shot as it can affect your fertility for up to a year afterwards. I had my last shot in May and my periods still haven't returned to normal, I had my first one last month and it was much lighter than usual. It might not be a good option if you want to start trying as soon as you come off it.

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And since we may not have to fork so much over for my root canal out of pocket, we are considering taking a weekend getaway to Atlanta in March during my spring break. L has been wanting to see the Aquarium for a while now (I've been once before) and since Atlanta participates in the City Pass thing, we can do a bunch of stuff and not pay a whole bundle. It's up in the air though until we find out how much the insurance company is covering though.

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Thank you ladies!


It went okay. They put this numbing stuff on my tooth/glum before they gave me the needle so I didn't even feel any pressure from when they stuck me (thank God because that was what I was worried about most!) Then they put this blue contraption over mouth and tied it to my front teeth with floss (so nothing would fall into my mouth) and they started. What was nice was they had a list of movies I could choose from - I chose Walk the Line - and they had a moveable TV above me and gave me headphones so I could watch the movie while they worked. So right now there is antibiotic and bleach paste in the tooth and in 6 weeks I go back to have all that sucked out and the permanent paste put in. My lip is super swollen (use to that from the hives anyway) but it is so dang numb, to the point my left nostril is numb as well, hahaha. I just took some ibuprofen so I'm going to relax in my recliner and maybe get some reading done in Art or Sociology.

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Now you know it is not too scary. So you won't be so anxious next time. And they have movies for you to watch so that is very distracting. Do you have Netflix on your phone?

I watch movies that way too at my dentist. They do not have movies available. The dental surgeon I went to 2 years ago had a very state of the art office. It was incredible really. I got to see a movie there. But her dental rooms were so fancy and it was no wonder why considering what she charged me!

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