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I also had to post, Tyler has hit two major milestones! He is starting to sit up all by himself (well, for like 30 secs at max but he's slowly getting the hang of it!) and he has discovered his feet. So now every time he's on his back, the legs go up and his little hands reach for his feet. So cute!


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We watched it in Gatlinburg together (my first time seeing it). CS can quote EVERY line from it..


What's up with guys loving that movie?? That's V's favorite movie as well. He also sings along to the "you've lost that lovely feeling" song in the bar scene. lol. Or at least he did the last time we watched it together. I could not stop laughing.

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Just got back from my eye appt. I have a stigmatism in both my eyes, the left is worse. Had it all my life (duh lady, I had glasses as a kid). It'll take about a week, little less for my glasses to come in, so hopefully by next week I'll have them. They dialated my eyes as well so right now my vision is SUPER blurry, lol. My mom had to drive back. God it's so nerve racking to have someone else drive my car. My mom also likes to hug the shoulder of the road and I can't STAND that. I'd rather hug the middle of the road and move over when oncoming traffic comes on. The doctor also said there isn't anything wrong with my vision per say (I thought I couldn't see things far away) but she said it was fine, just the stigmiatism was causing the issue.


She also said this could be a major factor behind the frequency of my headachhes (Since my eyes are having to work over time because of the stigmatism). She said within a few weeks to a month I should see a drastic difference in the number of headaches I have. So looking forward to that! The visit wasn't that high either, $60 and $50 of that was because I put the night time reflective stuff on the lenses so I could see better at night. So the insurance covered everything else. Awesome!


And these are the ones I decided to go with, what do you guys think?


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Ugh. So earlier today I was holding my webcam and the back part that closes kind of became loose. It would still sit on the computer screen but it wouldn't clamp shut, it was just sitting there. So I went to move it just now and the back part completely falls off. I was so mad. Pretty much means It won't sit on the computer screen at all now.


But I'm a smart cookie (and a woman) so I perched it on top of my computer screen, grabbed one of my small hair clips and clamped the hair clip over the webcam wire and it hangs perfectly. God it's good to be a woman sometimes....

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On the car ride home today from the eye appt (mom and my sister went with me which also meant we had Tyler. They stayed the night so we were dropping them off on our way home) we got onto the subject of health and weight (usually a sensitive subject for me). I cracked some wise joke about it (I don't even remember).. something about CS and my mom won't let be not lose weight at this point. My mom was like, 'Of course we want you to lose weight OG. I don't want you getting diabetes or having a heart attack at 25.' I was like God I"m not THAT big... medically I'm about 60 lbs. over weight what I should weigh for my age and height. But I know she worries just like CS about my health. I have started to notice she's cut back on the amount of sodas she buys and always tells me when she makes another kind of drink (tea or kool-aide).


I also created a new email address with my married name (was going to do that anyway after the wedding) but I also decided I'm going to create a blog solely based for our married life together, especially since we will be in an LDR still for the first year and a half. I'll have to ask CS about giving certain people the link since I'll obviously post pics of us and he doesn't like his face being face being out there.

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60 pounds is actually a lot though, sorry, but it's dangerous in the long run.


I know. And between CS and my mom, I know I will get it off because they are at that point they are tired of me making excuesses and are pushing me. Even my mom has started asking me before I go to work, "You going to the gym tonight?"

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I hate it when other people can't butt out though Alex used to think that he could motivate me, or chide me for skipping the gym on a particular day, and I would get SO mad. He knows better now. It was incredibly hypocritical because he has never set foot in a gym, and he ate crap before. He knows better now, because I did not put up with that. He just hates when I go through those "omg I hate my body" phases.


With a support team of two, as long as they don't get obnoxious about it, you'll do great!


CS- it's way too easy to wrongly interpret tone on an internet forum. OG knows I don't have an attitude towards her about it. I'm 30 pounds overweight and I consider that to be unhealthy in the long run as well. It's just a fact.

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I got mad at CS one day and blew up at him because he was trying to push me to do it and all I was doing was making excuesses. It can def. hit you wrong on certain days and come accross as not helping you but just throwing in your face you aren't healthy. CS knows I'm a procrastinator and that's why he pushed me to get back IN the gym really. Once I started back he really hasn't said anything but when I missed those two weeks.. oh boy. He knows how I am about starting something and not following through so I know that's why he pushed me to get back in the gym.

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I know someone pushing you to do something can seem like it is being throwing it in your face, but really I think you need that. You can also make a doctors appointment to get a physical done to find out exactly what that extra weight does to your body. I pushed a friend to do that, and it really got her to be more self-motivated as it scared her to realize the realities of what was going on. She was about 73 pounds overweight. It puts a big strain on your heart and other vital organs, puts you at a much higher risk for complications, etc. It's pretty serious, so being serious about losing weight is good.

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I know someone pushing you to do something can seem like it is being throwing it in your face, but really I think you need that. You can also make a doctors appointment to get a physical done to find out exactly what that extra weight does to your body. I pushed a friend to do that, and it really got her to be more self-motivated as it scared her to realize the realities of what was going on. She was about 73 pounds overweight. It puts a big strain on your heart and other vital organs, puts you at a much higher risk for complications, etc. It's pretty serious, so being serious about losing weight is good.


That's what my mom has specifically told me in the past. I need to get the weight off my heart (we have a history of heart problems in the family) and she's afraid I could get diabetes (if I don't already have it). The only problem with a doctor's visit is no insurance. I know it's causing problems though because I can't go up stairs without giving out of breath. Since I started working out at the gym though, I see a huge difference in that.


BUT, you have to want to do it for yourself, not just to please those around you, otherwise, there is no permanent change.


Exactly. And I do want to do it for myself, and I know that's why they push me the most because they know I want it but they also know how badly of a procrastinator I can be. It's not even about losing weight to slim down anymore... it's about trying to get healthy.

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And it should be about getting healthy. Being slim doesn't matter all that much, it should really be about living a longer, healthy life. If a condition runs in the family, then it is extra important to stay on top of it. Diabetes runs in my family, which is something I really have to watch. I'm not overweight, but I already have pre-diabetes, so I am trying to change how I eat, staying away from those delicious high sugar foods. lol. Have you tried looking into going to a clinic? There are low cost clinics all over the US. Walgreens and CVS have minute clinics which are low cost(don't need insurance). Some hospitals also do clinics occasionally, but you'd have to look into it.

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Have you tried the walgreens of cvs clinic? those are not based off of income... I know for me, I like the way it is. I can see the specialist of my choice and pay for what I need. No waiting to see my specialist, too. But it works out for you going to the UK, you'll get the national health care you want.

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lol, God I love CS. He sent me this link on youtube:




And said they were destroying Star Trek with a dang advert. I emailed him back and was like, 'Is this a bad thing?' He goes, "Yes!" and I'm like, "Why?" and my beloved fiance replies, "Becuase they are using well loved characters to advertise cable of all things." It was so cute I couldn't stop smiling. The man really loves his Star Trek (and it's one of the shows that at some point in our marriage I have to watch. That's alright, in return he has to watch The Golden Girls).


However we didn't get to talk today. Both of us had headaches and I slept through trying to get rid of mine. Ugh. I hate when we both have a day off and still don't talk. Seems like every time we have a free day to really talk we can't. And we won't get to webcam Tuesday because Tyler's surgery is that day. We may get to phone skype for a little while but I know we will at least get to email through the day. We always email every day at least.


Jasper is also currently stretch out at the bottom of the bed on his back, legs straight like a human, head turned, with his front paws pressed against the wall. The cat is more limber than his mummy!

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