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L came home today feeling sick to his stomach.... uh oh. He managed to get through the premier of Sherlock season 3 (which was A-MAZING by the way!) before the throwing up really started for him. Now hubby is tucked into bed resting. I know what the next 24 hours if going to be like for him since I had this not even a week ago.... poor guy.

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Made an appointment for L today since he was still not feeling well this morning (it was a bit weird to answer 'yes' to the 'do you have insurance?' question, let alone made an appointment without worrying about how to pay for it). So L got to use our medical insurance first, haha. She diagnosed him with the same thing I had last week and wrote him out for tomorrow so he'll have tomorrow, Sat, and Sun to rest up. We were expecting a co pay (our insurance does say $30 co pay) but they said we didn't owe anything?? Pretty sure it was a mess up but I'll take it. We got his prescription filled and I picked up some detergent and stuff since we are getting my co worker's washer/dryer (she's moving to Texas on Saturday). I really need to clean this house, it's been almost a week since I've done any kind of cleaning or pick up since I was sick and it looks like we are a bunch of bums (which, at this point, we are!)

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I've had a couple doctor's offices mess up co-pays and what usually happens is that I get a bill in the mail for the difference (usually $15, like they charged me $30 when it should have been $45), or they will credit the charge on my debit card if they overcharged me. I just got a bill today from the hospital saying that I owe them $300 co-pay for a recent surgery I had (insurance covered it, but I still need to pay the co-pay). I am going to call soon and start a payment plan.


I need to clean too ><.>

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It's strange. They tell me I have a $15 co-pay at the office, but then a few weeks (months or even years later!) I get another bill for $15. I know that my co-pay is actually $30, so I don't know why they ask for half up front, and then half later. It's very odd.


Yay insurance!


I don't have to clean, but I have to unpack.

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No, the only thing I've had happen is that I showed up expecting to pay a higher co-pay (like $45, which is what I pay to see a specialist) and then I only paid $30. I did receive a bill for the $15 as I should have been charged more. If a co-pay was needed and they just didn't ask you for it at the office, you will probably receive a bill in the mail.


Depending on the office/services, you can ask to have the co-pay billed to you directly instead of paying right then and there. Some doctor offices require co-pay right up front. For bigger co-pays, it can be different. I was not able to couch up $300 prior to my surgery so I asked them to send me the bill and I'd deal with it later.


The only, only healthcare professional that is 100% free for me to see (no co-pay) is my nutritionist. And that's only because it's a special set-up through the surgery office (all surgery patients get free consults with the nutritionist for life). Otherwise, it's a co-pay for everything.


But boy, it sure beats paying out of pocket.

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First day of classes went well, I feel really good about this semester compared to the last two. I almost froze to death walking to my car in -30 wind chill. L had dinner ready when I got home though, how sweet. he went to bed shortly after dinner and I stayed up a bit to finish some assignments. Now I'm in bed since I have an appointment with my allergist at 8:15 in the morning and it's suppose to be like 7 degrees tomorrow! >.

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Luna is in heat - wonderful. Between her and the beeping fire alarm this morning, there was no sleeping in for me!


And it doesn't help it's 63 freaking degrees in this house. We called the matience man a few days ago when we noticed it wasn't heating properly but I have no idea if the AC guy he was calling has been out. Obviously not if the house isn't heating when I've set the heat on 85!

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He finally got back in touch with him. He said the AC guy said to put it on emergency heat setting and it should heat the house. I'm totally unleashing my British husband on them whenever he gets home from work. I pay rent so people will FIX crap when stuff like this happens, if they don't want to fix it (for whatever reason) then they can reduce our rent for next month since I'm sure my power bill is going to be jacked up from being on 80+ just to keep the house above freezing.

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I saw it is pretty cold down where you are OG. I am sure it is FREEZING for you guys. That is a more normal temperature for us in the winter. There is an arctic vortex which has reached down as far as you guys. But my son said to say welcome to Canada. He said we got a taste of your summer weather now you get a taste of our Winter weather.

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It is! It's 22 F here now (so -5 for my Celsius friends) but with the wind chill it feels like 15 F (-9 C). We almost never get this low, or at least this bad of a wind chill. Even my stoic, British husband did his jacket up on the walk to work yesterday. I think the emergency heat option is working, my hands don't feel like ice any more!

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It is! It's 22 F here now (so -5 for my Celsius friends) but with the wind chill it feels like 15 F (-9 C). We almost never get this low, or at least this bad of a wind chill. Even my stoic, British husband did his jacket up on the walk to work yesterday. I think the emergency heat option is working, my hands don't feel like ice any more!


Where are at -23C but -35 C with the windchill today. Most of the school boards have actually shut down today because of the severe cold and blowing snow. My son went out to catch his bus this morning and he said after 10 minutes he was so cold he almost peed his pants and had come back to the house. So I had to drive him this morning. Well thank God your emergency heat came on!!! We have wind gusts up to 75 km an hour today too. It almost sounds like the wind is tearing the siding off my house. Brrr

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Good lord! Yeah we aren't that bad. A lot of schools here were on a 2 hour delay because of the cold. And of course everyone in their brother has been freaking out and every store is out of bread and milk. My mom lost power last night and call us at 10:30 (waking me and L up) to see if we still had power. Had a very grouchy Brit on my hand.

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Lol. In the ice storm on the 23rd we lost our power for about 12 hours. My in-laws were without power for four and a half days. It was pretty bad because they are over 80 years old and it was below freezing. The last two nights when they were without power went to -20C. It has been a pretty wicked winter.

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We found out today that while the new company has great insurance and are paying us 7 holidays a year (if you work the holiday it's double, but you get normal pay even if you don't work), we aren't getting any PTO until our hire date next year. Well, I'll get 2-3 days this coming August but that's it until August 2015. Then I'll get 14 days for that year.


Sucks because that has pretty much canned Washington for us.

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