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OMG what is with people lately!? I got asked today if I was expecting a baby. Nope, just a fatty lol. People are dumb, let it rolllll off your back.


I hope she said that because you recently got married after a long engagement?? i'd like to think she meant that..?

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No she was my cab driver. We don't know each other.

I must just be giving off a vibe. Last weekend I helped a new mom with her 3 month old and as she was leaving she said "you guys should have a baby!" Didn't know her, and all she knew was that we just got married. People be crazy.


Sorry to thread-jack OG. You are always beautiful and that woman is mean and sucky!

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We have had such a fun weekend! We drove down to my uncle's after work on Friday. We ended up going out for Chinese and I finally got the sushi I have been craving! Mmmmmm! We stayed up til like midnight talking with the pseudo family. Saturday was a nice, relaxing day were we just sat around. We did go and see the new Hobbit movie last night - awesome! I knew the second movie would have huge spiders in it (I've read the book a million times to know they were coming) but I might have freaked out when they actually came on. At one point the music stopped in the movie (for dramatic effect) and the theatre was silent except for little old me sat there covering my eyes going, "No, no, no, no, no, no no."


We came back home this morning and L caught up on his Youtube videos while I played a few hours on Skyrim. We went to my mom's for our family Christmas around 3. My brother got us the pots and pans set I had my eye on since we are down to only 2 pots and my mom gave me a bucket of Tootsie rolls, homemade fudge, and fuzzy socks. I'm so predictable, lol. L and I are both off tomorrow so it'll be nice to sleep in together. We've got to do the weekly grocery shopping as well as hit the gym before my root canal consultation. And if it isn't raining any more I'm going to take him to an old Bi-Lo parking lot so he can start practicing with the car.

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Sounds like a lovely weekend OG! I'm so glad you two are together this christmas and able to spend time with your families


Speaking of huge spiders, there was one in the bathroom the other night. I had my glasses off and thought it was a huge hairball. Put my glasses back on and walked into the bathroom... there is this HUGE spider. I jumped onto the toilet and yelled for Alex to get it. Total girl moment but it was just way too big for me to deal with hahaha.

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It's still very surreal to actually have him physically here for big events like holidays. I remember last year I went with the pseudo family to see the first Hobbit movie and I can't believe a year ago he still wasn't here.


I'm just screwed when we have huge spiders because L is just as afraid of them as I am.

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Too bad L, you're the husband and therefore, the spider catcher. Just like B is probably the one who has to scrub the toilet.


Oh yes. Unless he misses the toilet, and then he cleans that up. The only pee I'm cleaning up is our kids.


I woke up this morning feeling so blah. Hoarse voice, runny nose... I'm so tired of being sick. Sick or not L and I went to the consultation for my root canal today. He says any kind of trauma could have done it (even as far back as childhood) but that I also have an infection in the tooth which probably sped the roots dying process. So root canal still scheduled for the 30th. We were going to go up to my uncle's for the new year but I doubt we will go now.

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Apparently whatever I had was a 24 hour thing because by 8 PM last night I was feeling almost 100% better. So much so I pounced my husband for sex, haha. I seriously think it's L that is making me sick. It never fails when we come home from work he cuts the heat off (Which we leave on while we are at work for the babies) and turns the air on. I could deal with him cutting the heat off but why does he have to cut the AIR on??


I also managed to do something to my lower back at some point because it has been killing me all day, to the point I can't even stand up straight, I'm kind of leaned forward so it won't hurt. L tried to give me a massage in that area but holy geez I almost slapped him it hurt so bad. I took a pain pill so hopefully that will help. I really wanted to straighten the house up but my husband has regulated me to the couch and we're ordering pizza tonight so I don't have to do any cleaning or cooking.


And I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas!! Our first Christmas physically together! And I have to work, poo. Well I didn't have to but with the root canal we could use the extra money since I get paid double tomorrow.

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The last few days have been the worst I can ever remember. About 1:30 on Thursday I started feeling ill at work, really nauseous and my stomach was physically hurting but it came in waves. I warded throwing up until I walked out of work and then promptly emptied my stomach on the sidewalk outside work. Lovely. I came home and slept for a few hours but upon waking up still felt just as horrible and threw up for the second time. Then I went to the ER were they diagnosed me with a stomach virus (wonderful) and wrote me out for the next two days of work. And that night I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I was up every 1.5 to 2 hours throwing up and couldn't keep anything down, not even ginger ale or water. Poor L had to work the next morning and because he's a light sleeper every time I got out of bed to go to the bathroom, he woke up. So it was a long night for him. The last few days have just been my stomach trying to right itself out and today is the first day since then that I feel like I could eat food and keep it down. I have to work tomorrow but then I'm off the next three days for my root canal.

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I'm sorry you got so sick. There is definitely a bug going around. My whole family got sick on Christmas. I myself had to go to the ED a couple days ago because I wasn't unable to keep down liquids and I became dangerously dehydrated and required a night of IV fluids and IV anti emetics. I hope they sent you hope with some anti nausea meds

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They gave me some anti-naseou (I hate that word) while I was at the ER but it honestly didn't help. The ER nurse told me to drink Sprite and not water (as dxz could upset my stomach?). Well I threw up the Sprite anyway. I doubt any kind of medication would have helped. I was so damned thirsty though that night. I knew I couldn't keep water down but God I had to drink it.


I'm feeling 100% better than I was Thursday night, for sure. I couldn't fall asleep until 2:30 AM last night because I apparently was very gassy. It started in my stomach and worked its way up to a gas bubble in my chest. Very uncomfortable. It also didn't help our neighbours were blaring bass music until 3 AM. So L didn't sleep either which instantly means grouchy L. I woke up with that same damn gas bubble and it finally went away after a few hours of work. Now I'm off for three days (although I have my root canal tomorrow.... ugh).

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No root canal today, woke up sick to my stomach and there was just no way I could deal with work being done on my mouth for 40 minutes and throw up in someone's face. Instead we took Mini Smaug (my new nickname for Luna because I swear she looks like a dragon the older she gets!) to the vet to have her last shots done before we get her spayed in the next few weeks. And now I'm in the process of moving us into the (current) spare room and the spare room into our (current) room thanks to our noisy neighbors.

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I am so excited for our trip to Washington, DC in May! It'll be a nice treat for finishing out the semester and our first real vacation together since Myrtle last October. We've found a nice 4 star hotel that's actually in Arlington (therefore a little cheaper, still a bit more than I would normally like to pay). But it's not far from the comedy club so can't complain too much!

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Couple of New Year Resolutions:


1. Get healthy (don't we all make this one?) But no, seriously. I'm not even remotely comfortable with my body right now and it's time to take action. New year, new action plan.


2. Do my best this up coming semester in school (which starts this coming Monday, eck!)


3. Continue to improve on how I communicate in our marriage.

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Good Lord I don't even know if I can make it til midnight! L's already in bed (he has to work tomorrow) and the plan was to wake him up five minutes before midnight for our midnight kiss. However I'm sat here painting a Christmas gift while watching a Disappeared episode and I'm sleepy as crud!

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