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I have done nothing all day, just sprawled out in the bed and watched The Office (US version). I do have to pick L up at 3 to run and pay the power bill and pop by the bank. I did manage to finally get the money shot on our family Christmas card - the children have not been very responsive to looking cute with a bunch of lights and ornaments - so I need to start working on that as well.

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Such a cold, windy day here in the South today! The temperature never got over 35 degrees and when I left work at 2:30 you could still see your breath outside. Jesus. And there's a 30% chance of snow tomorrow morning - wonderful. And with the lows being in the 20's tomorrow if it does any kind of rain or snow, that crap is going to freeze. Double great. They at least fed us at work today (free Thanksgiving meal for all employees) and it wasn't bad at all.


I also put in for the weekend before Christmas off so we could go up to see the pseudo family and see the second installment of The Hobbit. I saw the first one with them last year and we decided to all go together again, although this year L will be able to be with us. Then we'll go up there to ring in the New Year with them the next week. Busy December!

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I have been craving Cracker Barrel coca-cola cake ALL day long, to the point we went out to eat there just so I could have a piece of that damned cake (my fellow food lovers will understand!). My co workers are poking at me saying I'm pregnant (I'm not) because I have seriously been craving chocolate all week. Any kind of chocolate I can get my hands on. Dinner was good though, was nice to go a small date with L. He's currently playing FIFA in the living room and I am watching The Office in the bedroom while goofing around on the Mac.

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Finished up work today (which wasn't too bad, I got a lot of extra stuff that needed to be done finished since it was a slow day for most of the hospital) and L and I changed clothes before going to my mom's for dinner. A local church fed all the hospital employees who worked today so L and I have had two Thanksgiving dinners today. We are stuffed. My mom's food was so good. I have a bring home plate of practically nothing but mac n' cheese. Coming back from moms we needed to stop for milk, bread, and cat treats.... we made the mistake of stopping at Walmart. OMG. The parking lot was packed. There was no parking so I had to just let L out at the front of the store and drive around waiting on him to come out. Of course the 20 minutes it took him to get everything and come outside I circled the parking lot - once. And L really got to experience Black Friday shopping by having an Artist Set thrown at his head while picking up the milk.


Luna and Jasper better love these treats!

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That moment you are working on your husband's last Christmas gift annnndddd Walgreens makes you sign in to check out and you can't remember your information so it kicks you back to the main page and surprise, surprise, doesn't save your project. Grrrrrr!!!!!!


We are almost done with Christmas shopping though! I picked up gifts for some of my co workers (I got my boss a pink flower necklace/earring set, my one co worker a Duck Dynasty garden gnome, and my secret santa co worker I got her a scarf, hat, and pair of gloves). Still need to find something for my co worker who is moving away at the beginning of the year. And I'm currently waiting on fabric paint which is being held hostage in Doraville to finish my uncle and his wife's presents (I'm making them shirts, his is this two headed Celtic wolf design and hers is this picture I saw on Pinterest to do with the Wicked musical). L's under the tree gift has shipped and will arrive at my mom's and I know he got me Reese Cups for my stocking stuffer. My main gift is apparently in the house (I know it's a necklace) but he's hidden it from me. Apparently it's in a place I rarely go, no idea were that is in a small two bedroom apartment.... so all we have left to buy for is my mom (will probably make her something), my brother (no clue, but I want to get him something nice since he's buying us new pots and pans), the best friend, and my uncle's son.


I just love seeing Christmas presents wrapped under the tree.

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After work today L and I popped over to the local shopping center to try to find my last co worker I'm buying for a gift. And thankfully I found her something! I got her this decorative stirring spoon with a cute saying on it and this really pretty cross. So that is all work related gifts accounted for and leaves just my mom, my brother, my uncle's son, and my best friend. Still working on my uncle and his wife's shirts - I really am too OCD to be a crafter sometimes.


I go on Wednesday to register for classes for this upcoming semester (fun!) and then we are going back down to Athens the next day to resell my textbooks from this semester and hopefully get L to the DMV to get his permit. We shall see. And my husband is currently yelling at FIFA.. oh dear.

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So my mom sent me a FB message saying that I might want to block this person and a link to their profile. It's my dad. I'm really tempted to add him as a friend just so I can go 'you know what? I'm doing fine you butt hole. No matter what you did to try to screw my life up or make me screwed up like you, you didn't.' Probably won't though.

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L and I have been watching this reality show called My Cat Is Hell. I put it on the other night as just background noise because I wanted something different other than The West Wing or The Office but it's actually a really informative show. It's basically about this guy who is a cat whisperer and he helps people with their troublesome cats. But the main guy calls cats either tree dwellers (they like to be up on high things and survey the domain) or bush dwellers (they like to be low to the ground or in things) and L and I looked at each other and were like 'OMG! It explains Luna!' Because Luna is clearly a tree dweller! And I've always found it sad that she won't sleep on the bed with me, L, and Jasper when we go to bed (if it's just me in the bed she will curl up on L's side). So the last few nights we've moved her cat tree into the bedroom and Luna has slept on it in there. We're going to get her another cat tree so she can have one in the living room and one in our bedroom. And next month we need to take them both to the vet. Luna is due for some shots plus getting spayed and microchipped, and Jasper is due for his rabies vaccine.

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Woke up kind of hivey and with swelling today (still coming down off the steroid) and I've got one of those dull headaches. The house needs to be straightened but it's just not happening right now. Tonight is our annual nursing home Christmas party, hopefully my headache goes away a little so we can put in a quick appearance.

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