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Is it the end of the week yet? No?


My brother got Tyler a fish as an early Christmas present, so adorable! Of course said fish died that same night so he had to go back out and get another one before Tyler woke up. Poor guy. I bought Tyler's first Christmas present today: a aquarium decoration that is Spongebob's house.


Making meatloaf tonight, L's first time having my meatloaf. Hopefully I won't poison him, hahaha

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Slept in til 6:30 this morning (so sad when 6:30 is considered sleeping in!). Went and caught up with Hers for a few hours over breakfast in Atlanta before coming in to work today. I'm working with someone who really doesn't have common sense. Amazes me. But oh well, someone has to, right? So ready for tomorrow at 2:30....

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So glad to be off for two days! Came home from work yesterday and L and I promptly took a 3 hour afternoon nap together. It was really nice to nap together but neither of us wanted to sleep for 3 hours! Poor L barely slept last night because of it and he had to go to work this morning. It didn't help that Jasper got sick in the middle of the night because my son won't stop eating the old Christmas tree!!


I'm at moms now doing laundry while being subjected to Spongebob to keep Tyler quiet, lol

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So glad work is over. I will be so glad when this week is over.... I am only working 6-9 on Friday because I have to take mom to her dentist appointment. My brother was going to but he's starting physical therapy on his finger that day and she obviously can't drive herself after having a few teeth taken out. Everyone else leaves early to help their moms so I sure as heck am.

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Woohooo! The stress at work has left until next year! Well, this specific stress at least. I only have to work 3 hours tomorrow since I'm leaving to take mom to her dentist appointment. Rather looking forward to only 3 hours of work! Then again I have to work by myself all weekend when there's suppose to be two people there. Boooo.

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you don't want to do ultrasound anymore?


Not that I don't want to, I just can't do A&P. At least the A&P my school offers. You must take the lecture and lab at the same time and I don't know if it's because my mind doesn't naturally wrap around stuff like that or the fact I'm learning lecture stuff and learning new lab stuff every single week (plus working full time), but I just can't do it. I was reading for 6 hours every day and I was just not able to catch up. And in order to get into the ultrasound program you have to be a straight A student and I MAY have passed that class with a C, maybe a B, but def. no A.

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I worked from 6-9 today, leaving at 9 to go pick my mom up from her house. Drove her to Commerce to get a tooth pulled - owie! - then I took her to get her prescription and run a few errands before the pain medication wore off. While out and about with her I popped by the mechanic because, surprise surprise, the car was making a strange dragging noise whenever I applied the brakes today. So we need new brake pads - yay! It's not too bad price wise - $135 including labor - so I'm taking it up there Thursday after work to get fixed since we're heading to my uncle's next Friday. Speaking of that, I need to do L's shirt like ASAP....


And it looks like we'll do our family pictures after the turn of the year. My mom is worried about getting everyone together and I'm like look, just pick a Saturday or Sunday and I'll ask for it off. Let my sister know and if she doesn't make it hey, she doesn't make it.

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Things are going great with L's job. He went to a meeting today with the head of our department and the area the manager wants to hand off to L could be a major stepping stone to getting us to Myrtle. So much so we're starting to look into schools that could further that area for L. Of course no local schools do that, haha. Figures. We have a while before he becomes eligble to receive aide though.

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His mom is right, he's the only person I know who could roll in poo and come out smelling like roses!


The monday following going down to my uncles we are going to drive to Athens and get L his permit as well and start THAT fun process. And we really need to get that ball rolling because if he takes on the responsibility the manager wants him to he'll have to go to regional meetings - aka drive - and it won't always be feasible for me to take PTO time to drive him to places as far away as four hours away. Plus it gives me a chance to talk to my advisor about taking the spring semester off and then starting the business program in the fall.

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