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Yeah I completely understand that! We were dead set on 'not right now' until he got a job. Well he had a job, a good paying one at that, so we've discussed once this round of hives flares back into remission coming off the BC and not actively trying (like keeping up with how many times we've had sex and only doing it on fertile days) but just letting the chips fall. If they last as long as last time - 10 months - it'll fall nicely into my gap in school.


So maybe sooner rather than later Mama, haha!


Well this granny goose isn't going anywhere. LOL

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Well this granny goose isn't going anywhere. LOL




My mom has already started on a baby blanket for our first future baby. Since we may not find the sex out she's doing one of those multi-colored yarns. I told her to start now because Lord knows it takes her forever to knit. She started Tyler's blanket before he was born and finished it about 6 months ago, haha!

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My mom has already started on a baby blanket for our first future baby. Since we may not find the sex out she's doing one of those multi-colored yarns. I told her to start now because Lord knows it takes her forever to knit. She started Tyler's blanket before he was born and finished it about 6 months ago, haha!


lol....that is so cute.


I don't do crafts but I will shop.

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Hahahaha awesome.


I hope you two have babies soon. It's easy to say, "when this or this is in place," but really, you've got your ducks in a row. It's never a perfect situation. Keep your eyes peeled for photos of Sherry and newborn on facebook. What a little sweetie pie

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Hahahaha awesome.


I hope you two have babies soon. It's easy to say, "when this or this is in place," but really, you've got your ducks in a row. It's never a perfect situation. Keep your eyes peeled for photos of Sherry and newborn on facebook. What a little sweetie pie


I hope you guys have babies soon too! Your shooting for 30, right? I know what you mean though. There are certain things that we still have to wait on, mainly the hives right now. I don't want to be pregnant and taking steroids so just letting it run its course right now. My allergist did say some people with an autoimmune disorders, the disorder tends to go into hiding when you are pregnant so that's promising!


Would y'all be able to afford a baby if y'all got pregnant soon? What about insurance? L is getting some right? What's his new job?


Accidentally posted this in sherry's thread hah


With both of us working full time oh yeah. Insurance we're looking into now. We could enroll in our work insurance when L hits 90 days but that insurance is horrible. $500 a month, $1,500 deductible, pays like 75% of all costs... so we're looking into outside work options. We'll also pick dental back up when he reaches 90 days since I still need a root canal done. He's the assistant to our department so he'll take care of all the administrative side of our boss's job - making the schedule, sending emails, etc. Our boss has way too many departments on his shoulders and needed the help so he got the CEO to create the position for L to help him out.

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OG, it would lovely to hear about you having kids. I think things are working out well for the both of you guys.


At 40, my chances for having a child are pretty much non-existent, but it is nice to live vicariously through friends and relatives having kids


Aw, thank you Renny!


There's still time though, many women have healthy pregnancies in their late 40's.

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Sounds like a great job L landed!


Renny, given the love that you shower on your g-pigs and on everyone else, I think you'd be a great mother and I do hope it happens for you!


We are shooting for 30, but honestly if my IUD doesn't calm down by our first anniversary and my 29th, I am going to talk to him about just trying not to prevent. Today I couldn't even do crunches without my pelvis cramping up! But I digress... Alex is not there yet. He takes things slow, as we all know. He was completely disinterested in the baby today, wanted nothing to do with any of it, but when we left he started talking about our own babies, how Moe will cry when they cry, etc... Mixed signals man.

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Ouch... that doesn't sound pleasant at all! Is it suppose to hurt like that and for this long? Didn't you have it done before the wedding?


And that's essentially what we will do when the hives go down. Not actively trying but not doing anything to prevent it. We could get pregnant the first time or it could take a year or so and we have a specific age for the two of us in which we won't be having kids.

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It's not all that pleasant. It's not awful, but it is uncomfortable at times... random times, really. Periods are still longer and heavier than before but the cramps have lessened in the last couple of cycles. I hear it takes 6 mos to a year for it to settle down, and I would probably still make the same choice. I wish I had done it years ago, but I didn't know it was an option.

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Listening to Jasper snore and the fish tank gurgle while I wait to get sleepy. L's already in bed since he has to work tomorrow (ha! I get to sleep in past 5:30!) and since we did the tires today I don't have to do it tomorrow. The cats' new litter box arrives Tuesday by FedEx. So ready to not have litter thrown all over my laundry room.

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Work is so chaotic right now. There are people coming in who are looking to buy the hospital (bigger people than who own it now so possibly better benefits? Who knows) but everyone is running around like a chicken with its head cut off. But I'm looking forward to this Saturday (meeting up with Hers!!!).


Going to try make baked garlic brown sugar chicken tonight for the first time!

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