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Your co-worker needs to accompany her 30-40yr old son to the doctor??? I can imagine how that wouldnt have gone down well with the supervisor (unless the son was very sick..)


I think the curls look lovely and I just love that hair colour. I know there's something people do to buff up hair when its flat in places - I think it involves hair spray or something - but it looks really soft and lovely the way it is.


Re: the eliptical trainer/cross-trainer (I think thats what you meant by the machine where your arms and feet go different ways!) - that is my favourite machine at the gym and the only one I use. It has no impact on the legs, unlike the treatmill - so you arent hurting your knees. But - if your chest starts to hurt you should definitely stop and rest - thats too much.. pain when it comes to muscle training is what you should be aiming for (you're basically trying to break your muscle, and when it repairs is when it builds stronger) but for cardio - pain is a sign to stop or slow down! But I know how hard stopping can be when on a roll..

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He has been very sick but he is married. One would think his wife would accompany him. Or at least make the appt on a day she didn't have to work. I dunno. Maybe I'm weird.


Yeah, I have gotten a lot of tips on here on how to bump up the volume. Def. going to try that this afternoon (if I ever go to bed!) and see how it works. Volume I know I can get... my problem is will my hair hold a curl when it's been washed? We shall see! Since she did it and I have laid on it and moved around it's softened out but it really looks JUST like my normal hair when I haven't done anything to it. So I'm thinking if I can't get it to curl with a clean head I'm just gonna spoof up my normal do.


That's it! I was def. weary about it but I wanted to try something alongside the treadmill and I remember MG saying it's great for toning your bum. When I first started I felt pain in my right knee but I had just walked 25 mins on the treadmill and I pushed through and it stopped. I often found myself feeling sluggish on it, like I wasn't going very fast. Def. going to have to work up to it. Yeah, I did. It was just like a boob pain--I know that sounds weird but if anyone has ever had them they know what I'm talking about-it's like right above were your breasts starts and it's just like this small stabbing pain. But when I rested or kept going it went away. I dunno.

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I completely forgot to go on a rant about this earlier and a thread just reminded me.


There is a girl at work (I say girl but she's 30) who got married two years ago I believe. 2-3, can't remember. Anyway, we were all outside on break chatting and the subject of my wedding came up (I always get giddy when people ask me questions, lol). One thing lead to another in the topic of conversations and said girl told us she was having an affair. I wasn't even shocked really considering she has been cheating on him since BEFORE they got married. It's really unbelievable. She's slept with at least 20 men during the course of their marriage and she has absolutely no remorse. None what soever. Makes me sick really. Anyway...


One of the other girls said something about it being morally wrong and the 30 year old girl (we will call her A) told me and the other girl (we will call her C) that we were both too young to understand the concept of marriage, even if I was getting married in less than a month. I was like, excuess me? I don't know the meaning of marriage? I may be young and marrying fast but at least I know what marriage vows are suppose to MEAN. I mean, this really floored me and is something I can't understand. A is 30, supposedly that age were you are mature and wise enough to enter into marriage and yet she's pretty much spitting on the instiution of marriage while I'm sitting here trying to defend it and I'm not even in it yet! I'm percieved as the one making a mistake because I'm marrying young but SHE is married and is walking all over it. Ugh. It just makes me sick. It really does.

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Wow - "why did she marry him?" is the obvious question that comes to mind. So she married him for some stability - but wants the "excitment" of multiple affairs on the side?


You know.. I used to know someone like that.. he said that he thought life was about "falling in love" (with a new partner every few months or so from what I could gather) .. but had a wife and two kids. And I asked him once if he'd accept the same behaviour from his wife - and he said "no, I'd divorce her on the spot, I know its a double standard but thats the way I am".


Sigh .. I dont understand it - life's not a game. Life's serious. Why would you play around with something as serious as life? Even if you were the kind of person who thought "what he/she knows wont hurt him/her" and you did get pleasure out of multiple relationships.. why would you be stupid enough to risk a wonderful family.. a loving spouse and (in this guys case) two children??? And from what I could gather - he did not have an unhappy marriage. Even he didnt claim to .. honestly I think he went down that path.. one affair.. then another.. then another.. and then just got into the habit.. addicted to it somehow. And then there's nothing for it but to claim you have no remorse and try to believe it.


But surely anyone with a heart who had any kind of love for their partner would have to have some remorse..

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Pretty much. She wanted someone who care for her and loved her but wanted action on the side. Her exact words as well.


She's the same way. We asked her that too and she said almost the same thing. I think a few months back he got a little suspicious and was acting mean toward her and she put this whole big cry fest on about how she loved him and wouldn't do it again (not telling him but us)... I was sitting there thinking 'karma is a witch' and I knew she would do it again.


The only explanation I can come up with is we all have different defiintions of love. Clearly there are those standards definitions we as humans live to but maybe there are those who define it differently than we do.

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That's totally messed up.

I hope they are using condoms because she's probably a pocket o' germs, if you know what I mean. *gag*


I feel bad for the guy but I can't help but if he knows about it. It doesn't sound like she's very discreet at all about it. Surely he must know, even if there are no details. Yuck, I'd be out of there in a jiffy!

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That's totally messed up.

I hope they are using condoms because she's probably a pocket o' germs, if you know what I mean. *gag*


I feel bad for the guy but I can't help but if he knows about it. It doesn't sound like she's very discreet at all about it. Surely he must know, even if there are no details. Yuck, I'd be out of there in a jiffy!


I know, I hope she at least uses them when she has her affairs. :s


I honestly don't think he does. I have met him a few times when he comes to pick her up from work and he really is the sweetest guy you could meet. You can def. tell he dots on her and thinks the world of her. I know she usually does her affairs when he goes out of town for business and never when he's home. I feel bad for him. It's women like that that give us a bad name....

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Whoa that's one busy schedule!


Yes it is. 0.o Luckily we have almost everything we already need. CS is getting the attractions for our honeymoon at the end of this month and all I have left is to get something to go under my wedding dress, the flowers for the cake, email the cake lady, and order the cake topper as soon as my mom gets the money for me. All that's left after that is stuff we have to do the before.. get the license, pay the judge, pick a time...


I'm pretty much trying not to look at calanders right now, lol

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I'm so glad to be home!


Work was none stop today. Every time I turned around I was getting paged. I wouldn't have minded if it weren't for the STUPIDEST crap! First time it was to do two rooms on a hall that isn't mine. Okay, I can live with that. Then I got paged right before my lunch break to get gum up. Gum?!?! Really? How hard is it to get gum up? I hate people who think they are above doing something when there is someone else there to do it for them. So I managed to get the gum up and eat lunch and have a nice conversation with CS. Of course as we were talking I got another page about sweeping the leaves up from the front lobby. Yet again, I'm just like really?? Ugh. It's not that I hate my job... I really don't. I don't want this to be my career in life but I don't hate it. I do, however, hate people I work with sometimes.


After work I stopped off by Wal Mart to pick up some things. Got some leggings that were sale (figured I'd try them out.. how much larger could I look? and picked up some powder to use with my liquid foundation. I also came accross some $6 champagne bottle. I have never had champagne before (and I don't think CS has either) but I wanted us to have something to toast with on our wedding day and I don't care what it is, as long as it's not punch, lol. So I guess we will see what it's like the day of. I'm not expecting it to taste wonderful mind you, it was $6 but hey. At least I can say I had champagne on my wedding day, lol


I also got CS's Valentine's Day card. Of course they had no fiance cards >.


So I'm headed to order my lingerie for the wedding night (which I'm hoping will double for underneath the wedding dress) as well as the flowers for the cake and my cake topper!

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We have the world's smartest cat!


I was looking around for my phone and Jasper was laying accross the foot of my bed. So I look at him and ask him (like I expect the cat to answer!) "Were is mommy's phone? Are you on it?" He meows, gets up (sure enough, his fat bum was laying on it), looks at it, looks at me, nudges it with his nose, and then flops back down but not on the phone.


I was like Jasper! You are awesome baby boy!

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Oh wow - i love the hide and seek cat.. and how smart is Jasper!!


Champagne.. hmm I don't remember my first reaction to champagne, but I do very specifically remember my first reaction to chardonnay (strictly speaking, champagne is chardonnay produced in the french region - but I can't imagine there's really much of a difference) was "that tastes like fizzy, off-apple juice" But now I like it even better than wine - and I think its very fitting that you have some for your wedding toast - brilliant work on getting such a good deal too. But it reeeaaalllly goes to your head (even more than wine) so watch that!


Did you end up getting the corset?

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I know. I'm a very proud mommy.


That is how CS described it. A watered down apple juice almost. I have had Chardonnay before and didn't like the taste. Just too strong for me. I still do want to get us a bottle of red wine for the honeymoon, hopefully. God yea, that's all I need is to be drunk at my reception off one glass, lol. I'll probably take one sip and be like yep, I'm done. lol


I did end up getting it. I got it in 2x size, the lady at the website I called said because it's adjustable I shouldn't have any problem with my fear of it being too small at the bottom.

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Went to the gym after work. I dunno, didn't feel as great afterward as I did the other night but then again I didn't do the treadmill as long as I use too. I did the criss cross machine for 15, the treadmill for 10, 25 abs and 25 lower back stretches.... I actually left my socks at home (wonderful) so instead of letting it stop me from going I just wore my shoes without socks. Great idea... except now I have a blister. :s Ugh.

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OG, are you using music? Have you got an ipod or something you can download motivating songs to while you go on the machines? That can really help you find the energy to keep going and make it less boring etc. I find music a lot more motivating when on the machines then I do watching tv while on them.. You need songs that you can move your feet to the beat to.. can be really effective..

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I am using music. I have songs on my Droid and will just stick the headphones in and listen while I'm on the machine. It does help and keep you focused, more so than watching tv. They always have a tv on and I'll watch the images but be listening to James Blunt. My knees did start to hurt when I got on the criss cross machine (I stupidly got on that first instead of warming up on the treadmill, won't make that mistake tomorrow) but after a few minutes they were fine. The one thing I don't like about the criss cross machine is as I'm doing it, I can feel my fat stomach jiggling. Ugh. Def. don't like that.

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You're much more motivated than me! I don't like the gym and really haven't gone in over a couple years. I just can't get myself to actually go consistently. I just go on walks/jogs with my dog and that's about the exercise I get. Though I need to start doing weights or something. My arms are pathetically weak. lol.

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You're much more motivated than me! I don't like the gym and really haven't gone in over a couple years. I just can't get myself to actually go consistently. I just go on walks/jogs with my dog and that's about the exercise I get. Though I need to start doing weights or something. My arms are pathetically weak. lol.


I'm really not all that motivated, haha. CS has had to push me this week to keep going. I'm SO glad he has too. I have been to the gym 3 times this week, all 3 days after work for about 45 minutes and right now (I just got home from the gym) and I feel GREAT. I did another 15 on the treadmill (started on that), 15 on the criss cross machine, 25 ab lifts, and 25 lower back lifts. Felt great!


My eye appt. is tomorrow morning at 11 to get my glasses. So ready to have them. I can barely see at night now when there is an oncoming car. Mom is going to come with me so they can dialate my eyes (kind of can't drive after that! I don't think I'll get the glasses until later next week though. Grrr. I'm ready to have them now!


I'm off this weekend too. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to talk to CS properly this weekend. Poor guy is doing over time tomorrow AGAIN. At least it's more money for when he gets his lap top. He had a guy night tonight with some friends, watching Top Gun (his ubber favorite movie of all time). I wasn't surprised when he said they all could recite every line from the movie. We are hoping to have a date night this weekend or soon. Been forever since we watched a movie together....

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Ooohh - Top Gun.. awesome.. one of H's favourite movies too.. he likes to sing along to "you've lost that lovely feeling" in the bar scene.


I've become totally unmotivated with the gym too.. there was a time I was addicted - literally addicted - but as the finance director at the firm I was working for at the time said to me "I used to be like you.. addicted to the gym. But really I was just running away from my problems. Not saying that you are.."


And, I was.

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