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Today is not my day. While at work a co worker asked me, "Did you see that spider?" Obviously my reaction was 'What spider?' Come to find out I had walked past it on the stairs and not noticed - my co worker even said she thought 'if B has seen that she won't come down the stairs'. It was huge. Like brown recluse huge. I of course had the co worker kill it. L met me at work so we could run some errands and as we pulled into our driveway I looked over at the living room curtains and there was a huge spider on the back of my curtains! Now my husband doesn't mind killing the little house spiders we get but he refused to go inside and kill it (and, obviously I did too!). I actually called my co worker/neighbour over to come inside and kill it. It was huge. Long, spindely legs (and the cats must have attacked it because it was missing one according to L). All in all, not my dang day.

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Work was so long today. So long.... I baked L a cake for his birthday tomorrow. It isn't the prettiest cake - or the straightest for that matter - and it may just give us both a heart attack because my husband LOVES chocolate. He wouldn't let me put any candles on it. He doesn't like being reminded he only has one more year before he turns 30. We're actually currently waiting to hear if he got a job he applied for at my hospital (same overall department as me, different subsection) but it's full time, better pay (even than me!), and I wouldn't have to leave work to drive him, he could just walk. We are going to go to Longhorns tomorrow night for his birthday. He is in love with their baby back ribs.

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Work was horrible. People didn't show.... people were having to be moved around... so glad it's my weekend and I'm off the next two days.


And today is L's 29th birthday! We went out to Longhorns to celebrate. As soon as we were shown to our table I feigned a bathroom break to find a hostess to tell her it was L's birthday. They didn't sing to him but they did bring him out a sundae with 'Happy B-Day' wrote on the plate. Very lovely!

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And the rain has come in! Jasper and Luna are currently fighting over window ledge space so they can listen to the rain. The second it starts thundering Jasper will be out of there, lol.


Just reviewed our wedding officiant on Wedding Wire - almost 2 years after our wedding. Oops.

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Honestly, as much as I refuse to get my hair cut, the more you pay, the better the cut. At least in my experience. My favorite haircut on myself was $85. Not including tip. Just a cut. $85. But I loved how it turned out. Tried to cheap out when it needed some "cleaning up" and went to a $20 place...worst haircut ever.

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When I lived in San Francisco, there were cheap ($10) or free cuts you could get from a hair dresser who was studying to become more advanced. I guess there are additional certifications. I found those cuts to be great, and the store manager would supervise too. Worth a look into..

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When I lived in San Francisco, there were cheap ($10) or free cuts you could get from a hair dresser who was studying to become more advanced. I guess there are additional certifications. I found those cuts to be great, and the store manager would supervise too. Worth a look into..


I like cheap hair cuts because I'm a penny pincher but every cheap hair cut I get I leave lacking.


Is he going to be working at Walmart and the hospital?


Just the hospital, that position is full time and permanent.

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I had to leave work early for a doctor's appointment. My ingrown toe (well, my infected ingrown toe) just got worse and worse. And dropping a chair on it didn't help. I have an appointment on the 28th to get it cut out but I went today to get antibiotics. Doctor prescribed bactrim and I'm so ready to have this stupid thing out. After my appointment we went to Walmart and picked up a new book case, a new media case, a present for my co worker's birthday, and various Fall smell good things. Came home and we literally spent the rest of the afternoon putting those two blasted cases together. I'm so ready to take a hammer to them. But they are put together and the book shelf already has stuff on it, including an entire shelf of L's airplanes. I'm such a loving wife.


I've also spent the last 45 minutes making pigs in a blanket for my co workers birthday lunch tomorrow. I just need to sleep.....

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