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Well one major hurdle has been passed - L's green card arrived today!! We're going to stop by the social security office tomorrow after my lab. Hopefully since we know he's in the immigration system that means he's in the social system. If not we will just apply for one (since it's been longer than the 3 weeks they quote you).

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My sister took Eli to the doctor today because he's been eating 8-10 ounces but throwing it all back up. At the doctor's they noted he had lost 13 oz and had no baby fat so they took him to the ER. They've admitted him for the next 3-4 days and they currently have no idea why he's drastically losing weight and not able to maintain fat or food. They are going to run every test and it's just a waiting game right now.

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Me too, mom is suppose to keep me posted.


Little brother fixed my brake light and afterward brought out a rifle for L to shoot. I personally think it was adorable that my brother went through the trouble of keeping the gun handy because he knows how much L wants to shoot. My brother's birthday is next Tuesday but mom is doing this party for him Saturday so we'll make our way up there after I get off work to celebrate.

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Thankful for a technological husband who is currently installing IOS 7 on my iPhone for me so I don't have to delete a lot of things.


However that husband is the same husband who commandeered the box our cake topper gets stored in AND my new iPhone charger so we could send off my broken iPhone that we sold on eBay.

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Well, L officially has a US bank account! It only took TWO hours to set it up. Jesus. I knew it was not going to be a simple 'Hi, we would like to open a bank account today' when the woman asked for a driving license. And then L opened his mouth and she realized that, yeah, she probably should have just left us on the couch. It was like a circus. First we had to explain why he didn't have a driver's license or social (and that he in fact can be here, he's not a free loader). Then she had to go converse with her supervisor which took 25 minutes. Upon them realising he COULD open an account without a social they spent the next hour searching for the form he had to sign.


Only he identified within five seconds of having the form that it was not the right form for him to sign as it indicated it shouldn't be used for permanent residents... which L is. We then spent another 10 minutes arguing over if he was a PR or not - because the Green Card that says it in bold letters isn't proof enough? FINALLY they got a higher up on the phone that understood what the hell was going on and L was able to open a bank account.


Never going into that branch again.....

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How cool. Does he have a field that he is interested in right now?


Not really. What he was doing in the UK he couldn't do over here so he's basically looking for minimum wage jobs right now. However in a year or two when he can be considered a Georgia resident he's going to go back to school. That he hasn't made his mind up about yet but he's leaning toward doing something with the law.

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Aren't some of his skills transferable? Will he get a reference from where he last worked?


I applied to loads of minimum wage jobs but ended up getting one a few pounds above, I only applied because it looked different and I was looking for a forth job to apply for before going the job centre.

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The skills from the more basic jobs he did, yes (like when he worked at a fast food place in the UK, that skill would help him get a job here in the fast food industry if he chose to). But the job he was doing for the last 5 years, no. The only area he could use that skill would be in Washington, DC (because his last job was with the British government). He has a lot of skill sets to fall back on, those skill sets just won't be in the money range of the skill sets he was doing right before he moved.


However having said that, he's always been resourceful. He didn't go to university and at 24 was making 25K (about 17K in GBP) and was making far more when he left last month. He actually use to work at his local job centre as well before his last job.

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Busy morning for the K family! L and I went back to Athens this morning (about a 25-30 min drive) and we got the official print out for his social. Then we stopped by city hall (were you pay the power bill here) and added him on to that bill. We swung by the bank and did a ton of stuff. We added him to three of my accounts (the bill account, the checking that acts as a savings account, and the actual savings account), ordered him a card for the bill account, and ordered me a card for my personal account. I'm sat here now snuggled to Jasper while L is in our bedroom filling out job application online.

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