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A lot of stuff on NPR is pretty fairly balanced but some stories, like this one the other day about illegal immigrants, was so far to the left that I understood where NPR gets its reputation for being liberal. I listen to it daily though and usually enjoy it till they go too far to one side.

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There was also a story of how NOT ENOUGH people were on Medicaid in Michigan and had an interview with one working mom who lost her job and health insurance and her daughter who has asthma and a heart condition had to get treatment without insurance. She's now making monthly payments to the $1800 bill and the whole story was about how she could've taken advantage of Medicaid but she chose not to.


It was very very left. I was surprised I could point that out to myself though bc I typically can't. I had a contemporary history class in high school where we had to find the bias in various news sources and I failed it every time haha. I'm usually pretty oblivious.


That's my point of these posts, mods! I'm not getting political!

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No I'm the same way. And I'm def. not trying to bring politics to ENA any mods! I just wanted to voice my feelings and didn't feel comfortable doing so on FB since a girl I work with married an illegal but they went through the process to make him legal - and then I remembered FB lets me block my posts from specific people, ha!


In other news, is American football season over yet? Why must this sport fall during my favorite time of year? Give me hoodies, pumpkin scented candles, and Halloween but why American football?

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Thanks Annie, we'll def. look into it!


Went to classes today and spent the rest of my day finishing up my chemistry chapter. Bugger. I remember now while I passed it with a D in high school.... L and I also spoke to his mum on face time. It was a great conversation. She showed me around her house, lovely little place, and we talked about A&P stuff and the kitties. She really misses L.

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L gave Jasper their mouse that is stuffed with cat nip to play with and Luna - miss thang as I've come to nickname her - snatched it from him and they then spent a considerable amount of time chasing each other for possession of said mouse!

Ha! You should have got that on video. That would have been hilarious!

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So glad to finally be rid of this headache that has plagued me since yesterday. Worked with it last night, went to bed with it, and woke up with it this morning. It took L giving two neck rubs and lots of headache medicine to finally get rid of it.


As I was leaving work I saw a sign for those corn mazes they do every October. L said he would be willing to go - he won't do haunted houses - so it'll be a nice little date night next month! They have a daytime and night time period to do the maze and I'm thinking of doing the night time. You aren't allowed to bring flash lights and the only light is from the moon. So much fun! I'm so ready for fall!

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