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I feel like that right now. Half way through work I kept feeling a painful sensation on the inside of my thigh. I looked down and yep, I had chub rubbed a hole into my thigh. I kept going since I Was already half way through work - BIG mistake. Right before we went for dinner I went to stand up and felt the full extent of the chub rub. When we got back I had L rub this fast healing crap I have - sexy went out the window years ago in this relationship, lol - and it hurts. The fast healing stuff doesn't but if I walk I have to walk so my thighs aren't touching.


Damn thighs.

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Oh me too!! It's awful and even worse when you put lotion on to try to lube things up. Burnnnnnsss.


After awhile I gave up on wearing sundresses on vacation and wore shorts instead. Alex was like, "why are you putting on your shorts to walk down the beach?"

"Chub rub honey, chub rub."


I always feel so ashamed but what can ya do? I had it even as a skinny kid because I had big thigh muscles from sports! Hate those chicks with space between their thighs

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First test in anatomy lab tomorrow. I'm prepared as I'm going to be considering I was sick this week. I really do feel prepared, at least on the areas of the body and the different body cavities and the difference in anterior/posterior, superior/inferior type things. After the test we are starting work on microscopes. After school we are going to the social security office to see if L is in the system yet (he's so ready to get back to work) and hopefully his glasses will be in so we can just swing by and pick them up while we are done there. He's also ready for them so he can see!


I'm only half way through my first psychology chapter (34 bloody pages). I'm pretty much caught up in my art class, just have to do this assignment called 'Morning Pages'. Every morning first thing I have to write out three FULL pages of thoughts (much like free association writing) and then after three days write my response about the situation. Should be comical considering the ONLY two thoughts in my head at 6 AM are 'Coffee' and 'Shower'.

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88 on my lab test. L says it isn't bad since I missed three days of studying (due to being sick) but I really wanted a freaking A. L is also still not in the social security system so we have to go back next week. His glasses also hadn't arrived by the time we left the city (a 30 min drive from our house, more than likely because of labor day) so hopefully I can pick those up tomorrow after I get out of school.

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OT, but I know why you love Hobby Lobby. They just opened one up close to where I work and I checked it out during my lunch. Wow!! It is a crafter's paradise. They had a grand opening coupon where it was 40% of a full priced item, and I got a set of pens I needed. That place is big.


The test is your first test. How many more do you have this semester for that class? You'll be able to make it up down the road.

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Our daughter thinks she is a dog. The ball that she tore off her new toy is her new favorite toy and every time we are in the bed she plays fetch with it. We'll throw it and she'll bring it back, in her mouth, and drop it on the bed for us to throw again. It's adorable. Jasper just lays there and watches her go back and forth. L and I are currently lying in bed watching Star Trek: The Next Generation. And I'm watching it willingly. Lord.

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I listened to a story on NPR the other day about how hard illegal immigrants have it sometimes and I realized I'm sometimes to republican for NPR. But I'll stop there.


I find NPR fairly balanced (I listened to one of the affiliates a lot this past summer in the city i was visiting and loved it!).

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