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He's here! He's here!


He landed a little after 1 PM and was through immigration by 2:45. Fairly quickly. Before he got off the plane the flight crew let him in the pit (they allow you to view it after a flight, not before) and he got a picture of him sat in the captain's seat. He looked like a kid in a candy store. We came back home and he rested a bit, unpacked. Luna and Jasper went into hiding for a bit but are slowly coming up and exploring him. We just got back from dinner at Longhorns - SO good, pretty sure I'm in a food coma - and we're currently lying in bed watching a tornado documentary while Luna and Jasper crawl all over L.


Still hard to believe he's lying next to me and he's here for GOOD!

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This weekend has been nothing short of amazing!


We arrived at my uncle's house Friday afternoon. The trip down took a little longer than normal because we had some time to kill before my favorite Japanese place opened, so I decided to show L the area I grew up in. I didn't go down the driveway - I'd just rather not ever see my dad again - but I took him down the road, showed him my nanny's church, my high school... Our first night here my uncle's wife and I had a few glasses of wine (two each) and my uncle and L had a few beers, pretty fun night. I got buzzed (because for SOME reason when I get drunk I fall asleep so I know I wasn't drunk) and I became enthralled with a sonic screw driver (Doctor Who reference). Like I became fairly annoying with it, lol. The next day we all kind of lounged around and got the place ready for L's party. My uncle's wife did an AMAZING job:


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Hand painted flags!


Not a lot of their friends showed up but L was okay with that. While a lot of their friends our part of my pseudo family, pseudo family to him right now only consists of my uncle and his wife. Eventually a few friends did make their way over but we started out just the four of us in the living room with wine and beer again, plus American and British pigs in a blanket. Why we wrap ours in crescent rolls I will never understand. We really should have stolen the British way of making them!


By the end of the night I had had 4 glasses of wine and had once again become enthralled with the sonic screw driver - had it taken away from me many times. 4 glasses was enough to make me drunk though because around 9 I had to fight to stay awake until 11. It was a great night though. I'm slightly bleary eyed this morning and while L was up at 6 something I stayed in bed until 8.

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My uncle and his wife also taught L and me how to shoot archery yesterday! They are in the SCA and it's something their son had wanted to take up so they themselves have gotten into it. It's pretty awesome to do, something very primitive about shooting at a target with an arrow. I did really well too, my years of marching band helped me bring my firing arm back level. L did better the longer he did it.


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It was really amazing. Good family, good times!


L and I had an adult conversation on the two hour drive back home. Before we left for my uncle's L noticed the tread on my front two tires is really low and my uncle noticed as well. The back ones are still okay so for now we would just have to get two new ones, rotate the ones that are on the back to the front and put the new ones on the back. But two tires alone is going to be at least $150. Plus the car is still doing the stuttering thing so the ERG valve or whatever needs fixing.... it just makes sense to do the adult thing and cancel Myrtle Beach and use the money we would have spent on that trip fixing the car up. We still might be able to go though. If L has a job and I have gotten my school money back before the proposed trip then we can use my school money to go on the trip. But if he doesn't have a job then we will only lose the deposit we put on the hotel room. It just makes sense. Sucks being an adult but eh!

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