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so if i want to start watching Dr. Who, where do I start? at the beginning?


Yes, although the beginning is tricky. I myself have not watched what we consider Classic Who (1963-1989) because I just can't get into old time tv color and stuff. Honestly if I had started then I would have never kept watching it, lol. I started watching what we call New Who (2005-present) which is when they bought the show back after a 16 year hiatus. I would start with Season 1 of New Who (they have it on Netflix, all the way up to season 5 or 6 I believe). The Doctor will be Christopher Eccleston. The first episode is okay and there's a moment in the first episode were I realized I could like this show but it wasn't until the second episode that I actually started liking it.

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Booked a vision appointment for me and L on the 27th around lunch time. I'm over due for my exam this year and he really needs a new pair of glasses since he's using my spare set. I've spent most of the morning in the guest bedroom organizing Christmas decorations. Yes, I am that person. I bought a bunch of decorations from my co worker who is leaving in Sept, almost all them brand new, never been used before. Not only ornaments but boxes, gift bags, lights, garland, a LED penguin to put outside. The works. So I've just been sorting it to blend it with what I already have since I decorate by color each year.

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I came down to my mom's today to wash clothes and help her with Tyler - his dad is in some kind of assistant manager school for the next 8 weeks so can't get him on the normal days he would. I come down once a week to do clothes anyway so I told her I'd help her out as much as possible. We went and picked my sister and Eli up and ran some errands. Tyler did fairly well in Walmart until he spotted suckers and then it was all over. Mom wouldn't get him one because he wasted the last one she got him and that cued an instant melt down. You would have thought we were murdering him. Thankfully I had bought my phone and was able to get Mater Tales on Netflix up and that calmed him down. When we got back to mom's I got some cuddle time with Eli.


We are in the single digits now, 9 more days.

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I think it's different because its the second child, so it's your second nephew, not quite as exciting for you as the first. And honestly, you don't have to bond with that child, certainly not right off the bat. And after all, you're not its mother. Maybe as the kid gets older you will get to know his personality and it will be awesome.

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I don't know. If my best friend were to have another girl I would be over the moon. I think because certain things have happened since he was born - and even before so - it's hard for us to attach ourselves. I know it's taboo. And when I am around him I do spend as much time with him as a I can, I don't shun him for Tyler. Like today I fed him, burped him, changed his diaper. Hopefully things will improve in other areas to help it for both me and the other family member.


Mom has started knitting a baby blanket for our future child, lol. She's determined to get a few done for mine and my brother's future kids in case she isn't here by the time we have one. She even made ours green because she knows we don't want to know the sex one day. It was sweet of her.

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Why do "gender colors" even have to exist? I had a blue baby blanket. I still have it lol. My friend, who is having a girl, requested a bunch of clothes/accessories from the "boys" section - ie black baby pants, green and blue blankets, etc. she was annoyed at all the pink stuff she got.

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That's honestly one of my main reasons for not wanting to find the sex of our child out. Because if we have a girl I know people will only buy pink stuff and I loath pink. Before she found this particular color of green mom was having trouble finding one that didn't look horrible and I was like just make a blue one, I have no problem putting my daughter in anything blue.

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Work was chaotic today and I mean CHOATIC! We are bringing linen back in house - meaning we will do it all now vs. sending the bed linens out to a company to wash - so we are having to do a massive overall right now and we are down one person, my co worker whose been put out of work til next Wednesday because she had chest pains. My boss and I had to sit down and rearrange the schedule up to this weekend (because with this being back in house 3 people must be on first and 2 on second at all times). We still have to fix next weeks schedule and that is going to be a pain because my vacation starts Wednesday. I told boss she was determined to run me ragged up until my vacation! We managed to get a lot done today organizational wise. We did encounter a snag right as we were leaving which hopefully we can find a way around it - we have to, really - no other choice!

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I feel for you. You do housekeeping, right? At the hospital I work at, housekeeping is swamped and they don't do the laundry - they just collect the dirty stuff and it's all sent away to be washed. I couldn't imagine their job if they had to wash it themselves. That just seems like a lot. I don't know how many beds you have at your facility though. We can have about 600 inpatient/ED beds, but really, we can hold up to 700 if we really fill the halls, which we have. SO MANY BEDS.

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Yep. Well, housekeeping and laundry (what I do) are in the same department. Our housekeepers clean and we do everything with the laundry. Thankfully we aren't that big! I think our hospital has 100ish beds, our nursing home 150 at max. But we also clean the OR linen, the hospice room linens, the gym's towels and wash cloths, and 90% of the nursing home resident's clothes.

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Another long, hardworking day at work. Boss and I managed to get one side of the hospital's linen completely switched with just the two of us. Score! The next 3 days are going to be just as crazy though, especially Tuesday, my last day before vacation. I'm willing to go the extra mile these last few days because of my boss and the fact I'm going on vacation. We get everything sorted with the other half of the hospital on Tuesday and then I'm out for a week.


Speaking of work, today was L's last day of work! His co workers got him this book - no idea what kind - and wrote little messages for him. It was really sweet. So we're down to 4 days as of tomorrow.


Luna has apparently gotten a wild hair and has started jumping from the island window in the kitchen, to the top of the fridge, to the top of the cabinets in the kitchen. I really need to get a spray bottle.....

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2 more days.


L had dinner with his mum tonight and chatted with his sister (which ended well - sarcastically said, of course). He has to meet the landlord in the morning, get the deposit back, and then his mum is going to run him to the train station. Then it's a night in London - we don't even question if this is a part of our travel plans now, after that one Feb he stays near the hotel the night before - and he flies out Wednesday morning. He'll land at 1:18 our time but could be in immgiration for 2-3 hours after he lands. So I'm not even shooting to be at the airport until 1, whereas normally I'd be there an hour early.


Which helps because work is really getting their moneys worth out of me before my vacation starts Wednesday! The other half of our new linen came in today at noon so boss and I took a few loads to the local laundrymat to get more done.... I'm suppose to leave work at 3 and I didn't clock out til 4:40. Good lord. And we are doing the finale switch of linen tomorrow starting at 11 so boss and I are both shooting to be there later than 3. Probably won't leave til 5 at the earliest. So any last minute things I need to do - check the fluids in the car, put air in the car, vacume the car - will have to be done Wednesday morning before I head to Atlanta.

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