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Funnily enough when I showed L the video his words were, "If you had put your feet on the roof of my car I would have pushed you out and just kept driving."


British sarcasm of course.


But I agree. I read were her mother said that wasn't her daughter - well of course you aren't going to see that side of your daughter because she acts like that toward her husband, not her mom. God if I went Mad Cow on my mom the way I do L she'd pop me upside the head. Literally. It's huge denial. You know you acted like a child, pull up your big girl panties, admit it, and move on. Don't play the victim.

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You have a lot more restraint than I do....LOL.


I work with a co-worker who has 14 children (!!!!!!) in her household. No, not ALL hers. She had 6 kids herself and married her husband who had full custody of 8 kids (I guess the mom(s) were in jail) so she has 14 kids living full-time under one roof. Varying ages.


She talks sometimes about her kids, which I don't mind, but I constantly wish I could ask her inappropriate, prying questions into her financial/personal life...how do you sleep, is it noisy? how big is your house? how do you afford things for everyone with your current job? (neither one of us makes much, same job) what do you guys do for fun?

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LOL, not Octomom cause she only birthed 6 of them...hehe. I still don't know how she manages to afford everyone but she seems like a hardworking, motivated person.


I don't get why someone would ask you "why do you post so many pics of your pets". Uhm, because you LOVE them? Duh! I wasn't aware that Facebook was really Babybook only.

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14 in ONE house?!?! I'd lose my mind! And she had six? Good God.


A bunch of us were sat around talking about how you always have that one friend on FB for every situation and that's when she turned around and asked me. I guess I'm her friend who is a crazy cat lady and posts pictures of her cats?

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That's pretty sad that a married woman of 25 years who has 2 cats may be considered a crazy cat lady.


I think anyone who has more than 4 cats qualifies as "cat crazy" regardless of marital status, sex, etc. Of course, I don't see that as a bad thing, teehee. I know N would be a crazy cat man if we had a bigger place and I let him pick up the strays we meet. He wants to adopt everyone!


But hey, I think she's missing out. If she can't understand why someone would post many pics of their pet(s), then she is missing out.


14 in one house/apartment/whatever. I don't know how they manage. I hope her husband makes a crap ton but I doubt it. She has my job and has been working there for years, so she probably caps out at $15/hour.

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Isn't it?


L is the same way! If we could he'd adopt a cat every day for the rest of his life. He's always sending me links to cute kittens and looking through the local adoption center's website. I find it funny because before me he was never a cat person!


I couldn't imagine that.

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I have to say, that surprises me, because I remember L not being a cat person. I guess you have definitely rubbed off on him!


N and I are moving into a bigger place that allows up to 2 cats. N wants another cat SO. FREAKING. BADLY. It's another $20/month in rent to have another cat. Our one cat is loud and he's enough but N disagrees!


I think it's awesome that L loves kitties now

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I have to say, that surprises me, because I remember L not being a cat person. I guess you have definitely rubbed off on him!


N and I are moving into a bigger place that allows up to 2 cats. N wants another cat SO. FREAKING. BADLY. It's another $20/month in rent to have another cat. Our one cat is loud and he's enough but N disagrees!


I think it's awesome that L loves kitties now


L was the same way before we got Luna. And even now he's talking about the next cat we get (which won't be until Luna or Jasper go). Luna and Jasper are so different. I wonder if her personality will change when we get her spayed.


I'm happy Jasper accepted his new housemate!


Me too! He still gets a little rough with her at times when they are playing and she'll hollar out. I have to shout his name and he'll let go of her. And she is getting go big!


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I hear spaying can "mellow out" a female cat. Won't make her lazy or anything, but it may make her "time of the month" (when she goes into heat) less severe on her and you.


They are so cute together! I love how Jasper is smushing his head into the pillow while she is smushing her head into him.

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