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I hope you two get to Myrtle!


OG, do you have a lot of tension in your neck/shoulders? At one of the yoga classes this weekend, the instructor kept having to tell me to relax my shoulders down my back, and guessed correctly that I get headaches... Since then I have been consciously keeping my shoulders relaxed instead of up around my ears!

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My sister gave me a damn heart attack today. She texted me saying she needed to talk to me, when I asked about what she simply said our brother's name. Instantly thought his girlfriend was pregnant (she's 16, he's 19). Thankfully no, he's just been having some heart flutters and low BP and he wants to go to the doctor. I gave her the number to mine (they go by your income) to set up an appointment.


Then mom calls me a few hours later and my sister is being taken to the ER. Her stomach is hurting an she's throwing up. We're just all falling apart!

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Well my sister's ER trip is a little more serious than a hurt stomach. She's actually in premature labour and they are letting it run its course although early this morning it started to slow down. They are concerned about his heart beat - it should be between 120-130 but his is resting at 110-120. He currently weighs 6 lbs. and he's actually already head first in the birth canal. She's also 1 CM dialted still. So baby Eli could be here in the next few days!


And on top of that my mom messages me while I'm at work asking me did I change the password to the Verizon account online. Erm, no? Then she texts me hours later that I need to call her. So I tell her to just call me at work. She rips into me! She's like 'I tried calling you while I had Verizon on the phone and you didn't answer' - erm.... at work mom. 'You knew I was having trouble with this' - SHE was the one who got logged out while in the account and it reset or something. And she is wanting me to remember security questions to something I created 6-7 years ago!

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They ended up stopping my sister's labor so she is back home. She's hurting but baby Eli hasn't made his entrance yet!


Today marks one month until L arrives. We are both so ready to have him here. This kind of waiting is, somehow, even worse than the wait before we had the visa. I wish with hind sight we would have saved the savings in the beginning (rather than the end) that way as soon as he had the visa he could have flown over. Oh well, can't cry over spilt milk. It has went by fast since we got the visa, it just feels like so much longer still til he gets here. And as always right before we see each other we just get sick and tired of the distance and having to talk to each other over a phone so our argument shave increased.


Plus side I've dropped 10 pounds. No idea were that went to be honest, I'm still on the prednisone (low dose though) and I haven't been to the gym due to trying to finish this semester out. Guess I sweated enough while at work! Speaking of work, one of my co workers made British pigs in a blanket - they wrap them in bacon instead of a crescent roll - but she cooked them in this brown sugar/butter mix. OMG. It was so good. So damn good.

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imho, you should tailor your resume for each job you are applying to and listing key words and all. i don't know how many jobs are available in your town, or how many, but certainly he should aim high and get the best job he possibly can.

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Can he look for.jobs in Atlanta?


It's too far of a drive, especially with the one car and the fact it'll be awhile before he gets his license. Or at least a while before he feels comfortable enough to drive by himself. In theory he could look in Athens if nothing pans out here.

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I just wish baby Eli would make his appearance already! Sister went back to the ER yesterday because she hadn't felt him move for a few days and were still having contractions 11-15 minutes apart, come to find out that's because he just doesn't have the room to move! Stopped her labor and sent her back home.


And I am so ready for a vacation. Today at work was just.... I need a bottle of wine after today. Not a glass, but a bottle. I was just running around like a chicken with my head cut off! I'm trying to hang the clothes racks so they could go out today (I was scheduled to leave at 11 since I'm working a double tomorrow) and wash/dry about 9 loads of laundry at the same time and the phone would not stop ringing. And it wasn't simply calls that I could give them an answer to, it was they needed a floor tech and OF COURSE the two floor techs we had one had his radio turned off and the other one didn't even have one. So I had to walk all over that stupid hospital looking for them which took time away from MY job. At 10:45 I finally started laying clothes out but I couldn't leave second shift with 8 loads to wash, dry, and lay out. So I stayed til 12. Still no sign of second shift. I called her (today was her last day, she's leaving us) and she says 'I left a note that I wouldn't be in til 1'. Well she did but she left it in the most obscure place possible that none of us would think to look!


So, yea. Was not a happy camper. I am picking up more responsibilities, doing something I normally would only do if boss is out but will do it even when she's there. At least until we bring linen back in house.

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Hope baby Eli comes soon and safely.


Since one of your maintenance staff is leaving, hopefully they will hire someone so you guys are not so short staffed.


When L comes, will you guys take a few days off and go on a vacation before fall semester starts?


Yea, the hiring isn't going to happen. There's just no money for it.


I'm taking eight days off when he arrives but we won't go on vacation then, no. We do have plans to spend the weekend with the pseudo family (they offered to do a welcome-home get together for L). We'll leave their house on Sunday and have dinner with my best friend (it's her birthday) and go with her to get her fourth tattoo (and what I think is going to be THE most painful one). I may even get my other wrist done, not sure yet. Then school starts the next day. I won't go back to work til the Thursday though.


We do have a three day beach trip planned over our anniversary though (L thought we should do it since I'm taking this vacation and not actually going any were while he has this life changing event). We'll drive down that Monday and stay through Thursday that way I can have Friday to rest before going back to work on the Saturday.

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I watched it after an online alanon group posted it. Honestly I'm not surprised her mom is so upset and.in denial about it bc she definitely allowed her daughter to act like that growing up. You can tell. No one but a 5 year old throws their legs up and kicks like that.

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