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Only you know what's best for you and what your limit is, and it's great that you are realizing now that you can't do your best in that class right now, but will be able to later.


The control freak in me really wants to push to the end but I think it could adversely effect me long term. A WP won't hurt my GPA (so I'll still have my 4.0) whereas if I continue now and bomb the final (a very likely thing) it will effect it. Thank you though Sherry.

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I just have to keep telling myself there is only 46 days until my 10 day vacation.


Walmart called me again - about the 8th time since I put in the application - so I finally relented and set an interview for Tues at 4:30 (Tyler's birthday, actually). It's in the pharmacy so we shall see.

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I can not believe Tyler turns 3 tomorrow! Seems like only yesterday I was reaching through the incubator to touch his tiny little 3 lbs. foot for the first time. He has completely redefined what being an Aunt means to me and he will always have a little piece of my heart. Happy birthday Munchkin!


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I had my interview at Walmart today, I think it went well! I had the experience they were looking for and they loved the fact I had my own car and lived close by. I have to be registered to work in the pharmacy so they have to do all that so I went ahead and disclosed the one thing on my background. Fingers crossed.


I also got to speak to Tyler today. Mom called me and was like, "Tyler wants to talk to you." He said, "Hi B!" and then jabbered baby talk. The next thing I knew he said 'Bye B!" and hung up the phone, lol. So ready to see that little boy on Saturday for his party!

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I got to talk to Luke yesterday and he was so cute!! They're coming to visit in a couple weeks and he said he loves kayaks and it was adorable. Aren't nephews the best?


God they are.


My mom also told me tonight that Tyler is afraid of Spiderman. Not sure why but she finally figured out why he was waking up crying in the middle of the night (there's a Spiderman sticker on his toddler bed). Very odd, lol

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FINALLY got in touch with my financial aide office. If I drop Medical Terminology I'll still be above the 67% completion rate financial aide requires (so my financial aide for next semester won't be affected) and I've completed 60% of this semester so I won't owe anything back for this semester. Just have to email my professor to get the withdrawal paper.

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Worked half a day today then went to Tyler's birthday party. They had started before I got there (friend of the family had been in a wreck and was in a hospital in Atlanta) but I got to see him open his gifts. He's so adorable. Mom and my stepdad got him one of those toy cars he can sit in and push himself around in. Of course Aunt OG put it together for him - what a headache. Tyler kept trying to get in the car while I was assembling it, mom was yacking on the phone and wasn't keeping him occupied, and the directions for said car were not the clearest to begin with. I got it together though!


Came home and talked to L for a little bit before taking a afternoon nap, been working on math for the last few hours with King of the Hill as background noise.

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38 more days until L arrives.....


I was off toady but I went in and talked to my boss who came back from vacation today about going to first full time, even if that means working one or two days in housekeeping. She was okay with it and even said she'd look at this current two week schedule to see if she could go ahead and switch me around some days. Before she left I jokingly said 'Hey, bring me back some sand!' - they went to Florida for their vacation - and she actually did in a ziplock bag, lol. She even got me this little key chain from the place they stayed at. Love my boss.


L and I are hoping to get to go to Myrtle this year for our anniversary. It depends on a lot - money, if L has a job - but both of us are itching to see the sea.

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