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My allergist is just not understanding I can't afford the type of medication she wants me on for, of course, my rare autoimmune disorder. She keeps saying Prednisone has side effects well, yeah, but so does the immune suppressants you want to put me on! It's no more serious than kidney failure or the dropping of my white blood cells. And it's cheaper, FAR cheaper. I did tell her I could do Cyclosporin once a day at 25 MG (that's $40 for a month supply) but it was up to her weather it would even build up in my system at that low of a level. If I do go solely on Prednisone to combat it she said I'd have to take a Vitamin C/D supplement (probably should be taking that anyway) and have some kind of test to check my bones since it can cause bone damage.

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OG, does your allergist provide "samples" of the meds for you to try and see how it works with you? I know most docs will give you some samples for you to try, before having you fill a prescription for it. Also, have you looked into if you would qualify for any price reduction for the medication (low income programs, etc)?


I do agree with the allergist about the prednisone. It can cause a lot of issues with your body (weight gain, bone damage, etc). I have asthma, and for a time, I was getting flareups every month or so, and with each flareup, I would have to go on a dose of prednisone. The doc finally put me on a regimen of daily medications to keep my flareups in check, and not have me constantly have to take prednisone. The prednisone caused me to gain weight, as well as develop "chipmunk cheeks" (puffy cheeks) which are a side effect.

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i don't know if we've already talked about this, but do you keep a food diary where you write down EVERY SINGLE THING you eat? i wonder if it is some allergy to some food. (wheat? strawberries??) that would be so much easier to fix. i agree, prednisone long term is not so great.

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ps - i would try to enroll in health insurance asap. it will be fast. try through your work. or if that doesn't work, try through a private insurer. when i was unemployed, i had private health insurance for $110 a month.

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ps - i would try to enroll in health insurance asap. it will be fast. try through your work. or if that doesn't work, try through a private insurer. when i was unemployed, i had private health insurance for $110 a month.


i don't know if we've already talked about this, but do you keep a food diary where you write down EVERY SINGLE THING you eat? i wonder if it is some allergy to some food. (wheat? strawberries??) that would be so much easier to fix. i agree, prednisone long term is not so great.


It's not an allergy to food, hives over 3 months is classified as chronic and not an allergic reaction. My CU Index was through the roof or more specifically, my IEG which I think is attached to the antibodies of the mass cells is the wacky part which is causing all this. I also have a positive ANA and my symptoms are classic autoimmune chronic urticera - swelling of the joints and body when not on a immune suppresant and itchy, raised hives when not on antihistamines plus swelling randomly.


I can not afford health insurance through my work - it's $350 a month with a $3,000 deductible and it's shoddy insurance. They are always trying to not cover things that my co workers have and I can't find insurance any cheaper. And until the turn of next year insurance wouldn't cover anything related to this even if I could because it would be classified as a preexisitng condition

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OG, does your allergist provide "samples" of the meds for you to try and see how it works with you? I know most docs will give you some samples for you to try, before having you fill a prescription for it. Also, have you looked into if you would qualify for any price reduction for the medication (low income programs, etc)?


She doesn't Renny, and I'm waiting on the paperwork through my general doctor to try to see if their program would cover the medicine. I go to a income based doctor (they charge a flat rate or the visit and any labs done) so I just have to apply there and see if they deem it acceptable enough to cover. Other than that there aren't many options open to me because I don't have a child.

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personally, i would be very very scared to walk out the door without health insurance. if you were ever in a car accident and had to spend a night in the hospital, that would be thousands of dollars right there. and of course, a more serious illness can be even more costly. my dad's chemotherapy and hospital stays ran in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. without insurance, well, he couldn't have been treated (he passed regardless).


with the movie shooter incident in colorado last year, half of his victims were uninsured. some of them had very serious injuries which required weeks at the hospital. hundreds of thousands in bills, and no way to pay.


yes, paying for insurance is such a pain in the ass, but if you can find a way to get on a plan, i would do so. the $3000 deductible sounds horrible, unless you have a life threatening illness.

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Generally I agree, and would love to be on health insurance, especially now with this, but it's just not in the budget, not without commpletely depleting what little extra we have a month for any random expenditure (ie car breaks down, essentials around the house, etc). Maybe once L gets a job we can relook at the situation (or his job will offer a better plan than mine does). Because as it stands now with my job L couldn't be put on my insurance if his job offered it (no idea why they implemented that this year).


I remember looking on Blue Cross Blue Shield awhile back and we could get a plan for $150 a month I think I saw but it was a $5,000 deductible. Honestly this is one of the number one reasons I'm going back to school - so I can afford it without being broke from it.

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I'm still asking Sheila that and its been 3 years.


hahah, Lord don't tell me that. I know she'll probably calm down a lot when we get her spayed, it's just adjusting to another personality in the house. It's been only Jasper for the past 4 years and even as kitten he was never this go-go-go-go-go-go and using me like his personal scratch post. They really are like human babies.


I saw this book on Pinterest, How To Introduce Your Dog To Your Child and I thought it was really neat. May look for a kitty version when that time comes.

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Fine choice.


(looks like my hair LOL)


lol! My hair use to be naturally this really light mousey brown but apparently the older I've gotten it's natural color has went to the dark brown that it is now with some natural red tinge to it. I just really want to lighten it up, I always feel my hair is at its best when it's on the light side.

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