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My mom gave me a tote of dolls that were mine when I was growing up. What am I suppose to do with these things? I remember some of them (these are the kind she bought but refused to let me play with so they are unopened) and there's even a Sailor Moon doll in there, I don't remember that! But I can't sell them according to mom. *sigh* Another box taking up space in my second bedroom closet...

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Tyler's surgery is scheduled for 12:45 pm Thursday. I'm going to my mom's tomorrow after my allergist appointment and spending the night. She said we'd probably leave about 9 AM for the hospital with us going in a separate car, I even offered to drive for her (her car though). She and I will stay until he wakes up.


Luna is growing so much! She actually makes noise when she jumps from the bed now, haha, and she is constantly chasing after Jasper's tail and feet. He's normally a good older brother and just lays there and lets her, although every now and then she goes too far and he respond in kind. I always know when he's being a little too rough with her because she'll give a little cry, I'll shout Jasper and he lets her go. I swear she is teething and using me as her primary teething ring! She's so energetic and God, I haven't had an energetic cat in 5 years. It literally feels like there is a baby in this house. I'll be sitting in the floor at the coffee table doing homework and she'll just randomly pounce me and I have to pick her up and tut her away. She's playing with Jasper's light up, squeaky mouse right now and it is driving me insane. At least it's getting used I suppose!


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We made it down to Atlanta area for Tyler's surgery without me killing my mom. I drove her truck because I can't take her driving in Atlanta but God she was just as bad in the passenger seat. I told her she was driving back home. And Tyler, I love him, but he does not make my uterus scream for children. If anything he makes me want to sew it up.

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Tyler's surgery went great! It was literally only a five minute procedure (although the wait was forever!). He's doing well and is already home. He'll be sore for awhile, obviously, and he has the stitches that will dissolve. This was him before surgery:


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And after when all he wanted was that IV out of him:


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