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I'M HOME!!!!


Oh thank you God! If I spent one more night in that hospital I was going to FLIP! Ugh. My mom was actually breaking ice in the drive way today (in order to get out tonight) and ended up slipping and falling. Yeah, I know. She doesn't realize she isn't a young hen anymore. My brother and his friend were there to help her though. She ended up hurting her back and twisitng her right knee. It's pretty bad too, she's limping around. So my sister and BIL came and picked me up and brought me home. We also have Tyler tonight so it's nice to walk into the house and see his face break out into a smile when he realizes who I am.


While I was at work and cleaning a day room I was watching this game show called Million Dollar Drop or something. The object is people start out with 1 million dollars and they answer a question with 4 possible answers. They put x amount of the money on different answers (they have to put all the money down but must leave one answer with no money on it). They then drop the areas were the answers are. If they guessed wrong on the answer they lose whatever money they put on it and if they got it right, they got to keep however much was on it and continue to the next round. There are like 7 questions. Anyway...


the question they had was, "Who was the most googled person in 2009?"

Possible answers were: Kate Gosselin, Bret Farve, and Michael Jackson.


I swear these two were IDIOTS! I was literally standing there in the middle of the day room talking to the tv and at one point I yelled, "2009 was the year MJ died! It's Michael Jackson you * * * * !" (and yes, I used an English term). Who did they pick? Kate Gosselin. Then the next pair of bright ones got this question:


Who played Batman during it's highest grossing movie?

Possible answers: Christian Bale, Geroge Clooney, or Michael keaton.


Yet again I was hollaring out Christian Bale (Dark Knight, hellllooo?) and they picked Michael Keaton. Fail.

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Also, today, the 14th is ONE MONTH until CS arrives!!! *dances*


Ah, I'm sooo ready for him to be here! We had a tift today on my lunch break and I feel horrible about it. Going to try to make it up to him. He's also feeling a lot better, he went to work yesterday. Still some aches I believe but over all he can function again.


As well, yesterday was one year since CS and I met on here and it's been an amazing year!

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Congrats. Hard to believe it's been a year. I wasn't here then but joined sometime in February (and I can hear people saying they wish I had never come here, lol). I meant to ask you, but what does your family think of you getting married? Do they think it's too fast or just right?

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Congrats. Hard to believe it's been a year. I wasn't here then but joined sometime in February (and I can hear people saying they wish I had never come here, lol). I meant to ask you, but what does your family think of you getting married? Do they think it's too fast or just right?


Oh, they are like everyone else, they have their own opinion. My aunt is divorced so she has the peculiar view on marriage. over all they asked me was I sure I knew what I was doing (looking out for me and all) but I haven't heard anything negative from them, no. They all know I'm a pretty mature 22 year old and have a straight head on and they know how serious I view marriage. Seriously, I think they are just ubber happy it isn't my ex, haha. Now him, they hated. CS, they loved him. He was the perfect gentleman when he met my family in October.


And as bad as it sounds, the only two people's opinions who mattered were my uncle and best friend. And I knew my uncle wouldn't care as long as I was happy. He of course asked me all the normal questions: Do you know what you are getting into... does he treat you right?... does he respect you? stuff like that.


I'm sure it's happening sooner than most of them would like but my mom really can't judge me. She married my dad only after knowing him 2 weeks. Yeah....

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Hey at least you get to avoid the very awkward "lets get our parents to meet each other" dinner..


Wow - a year since you first found out the other existed! Congratulations


Do you put your wedding band on a lot? I put mine on once before the wedding.. didnt want to jinx it so I left it at once.. but I just couldnt resist for that one time..

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Exactly. I have a feeling his mother and my mother would NOT see eye to eye, at all....


Thanks! I still remember that corny pick up line he used: "If that's the real you I'm moving to SC!"


I actually don't have them. CS ordered them off a UK site (ended up being cheaper for him to buy them than for me to buy from an American site) so they shipped to him. He did try his on for a while the day they arrived. It's a different fit than his promise ring so he said it took some getting use to.

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.. as it turns out, no, you're moving to the UK!


My H had never worn a ring before so it took him ages to get used to it - he used to clench and unclench his hand all the time. Now - sometimes I take it off him to play with it and he'll always take it back in less than a minute because he says it doesnt feel right without it on his hand. Made me smile

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Exactly! lol


CS had never worn a ring either. When he gave me my promise ring in New York I gave him one as well (a simple band). When we got engaged (since we didn't get engaged in the traditional sense) our promise rings were our 'e-ring' ring. Every time someone at his work would see it and ask why he had a ring on when he wasn't married. He's say 'it's my e-ring' and I KNOW he got some funny looks for that...

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Exactly. Bit untradtional but our entire relationship has been like that, lol



lol, I loved this part of our webcam conversation today:


CS: "I wont be able to talk to you before you go to work on Sunday."

Me: "Why?"

CS: *silence*

Me: *thinking... and then it hits* "Football is on, isn't it?"

CS: "Yeah."



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A couple of years ago we went to a friends wedding. On the way home, Alex starting talking all about our wedding and what he wanted it to be like, etc... Somehow, we decided that if I get a beautiful ring, he gets an engagement quad. I'm not really sure if that one still stands... I think it's changed to snowmobile.


He'd get a wedding ring of course, but won't be able to wear it to work-- too dangerous. That kind of makes me bummed because I love it when I see men wearing their worn down wedding rings.

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I think it's great when men wear engagement rings too. After all if we all want equality then everything has to be equal. Personally I am fine with not getting an engagement ring if he doesn't.


We never really called it his e-ring. It was still his promise ring from me (as my promise ring was from him, it just temp. stood in place of an e-ring) but he jokingly called it his e-ring. I think there were even a few times he didn't want to bother with it and said he was already married, lol


A couple of years ago we went to a friends wedding. On the way home, Alex starting talking all about our wedding and what he wanted it to be like, etc... Somehow, we decided that if I get a beautiful ring, he gets an engagement quad. I'm not really sure if that one still stands... I think it's changed to snowmobile.


He'd get a wedding ring of course, but won't be able to wear it to work-- too dangerous. That kind of makes me bummed because I love it when I see men wearing their worn down wedding rings.


Yeah, I'm sure CS would have preferred an engagment laptop or something.


Ah, that sucks he can't wear it to work. Luckily CS's job isn't physically demanding (in that sense) and he will be able to. I said I wouldn't wear my e-ring to work (I'm a housekeeper so I bang my hands around a lot) but I have been.

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A couple of years ago we went to a friends wedding. On the way home, Alex starting talking all about our wedding and what he wanted it to be like, etc... Somehow, we decided that if I get a beautiful ring, he gets an engagement quad. I'm not really sure if that one still stands... I think it's changed to snowmobile.


He'd get a wedding ring of course, but won't be able to wear it to work-- too dangerous. That kind of makes me bummed because I love it when I see men wearing their worn down wedding rings.


lol. I am not giving the idea of an engagement lap top or anything to V because he would be all for that...

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Oh I know. Working my neck muscles always gets rid of mine. Of course CS is 4,000 miles away... -.- And he gives THE best neck massages. I remember the first time he gave me one in NY when I had a headache, I literally felt so relaxed I fell asleep sitting up right while he was rubbing my neck. The man has magical fingers.

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I have one (got it in NY) that looks just like the first boot - but the heel is a mix of the first and second boot - and it has silver buckles on the side - always get compliments from women when I wear it. I prefer wearing it under jeans though.


Hold out for something that looks more like the first boot - the second boot won't look nearly as good (and its a diff kind of leather too - not nearly as shiny).

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Yeah I'm going to look around for the first one, although not as long.


I had a good nights sleep last night, was in bed by 1:30 and slept til 11:30. Not too bad. Still could have slept for another hour or so really, lol. Talked to CS some before I showered and ate breakfast and we will talk again on the way to work since he is going to the cinema tonight with a friend. At least it's the weekend which means some what less work load for me. After this past week, I'm not going to over do it at ALL.


Gotta clean my room tonight when I get home. It's to the point were it's even bugging me, that's when I know it has to be cleaned, lol

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