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L posted his interview story on the immigration forum we're on so ill just copy it over:


Arrived at the Embassy at 7.30 on the button, having left my electronics and rucksack with the hotel I stayed in the night before (Wigmore Court Hotel – good value for money by the way) and there were probably about 20 people already queued. After having my letter checked and passport verified I headed through a small hut where airport style security (think luggage scans and a metal detector) is in effect. Apparently watches also need to be scanned, didn’t know that previously.


Directed around to reception, where I was given the number I-902. Only the second Immigrant applicant of the day, which I would suggest allowed for very speedy service. Was sat down in chairs waiting by 7.40, it is clear that they do not begin to see people until 8am – although the small area for snacks is already open and receiving customers.


As the numbers begin to be called, most are N numbers for the first five minutes, then I-901 is called and shortly I am called too, around 8.06. The I-visa booths are not on the front next to the waiting chairs, you have to round a corner to a more private area. Met with a young-ish British man who proceeded to go through my Civil Documents, and cue a heart attack –


- As you may know, after my medical I needed to do have a follow up with the GP. The man asked me if I had had my medical yet, because the results were not in the package and there was nothing on the computer to say they had been received. My heart sank; I thought I wouldn’t be getting the visa today. He went away, and was gone about 10 minutes. Every second of that 10 minutes felt like an hour….


….. Luckily all was well, because I had had my medical in advance of the package being received at the Embassy, it went into a separate drawer and the two had just not been married up. Phew! I don’t mind telling you that in that moment I was more than a little concerned! Everything was fine with documents however, and he didn’t even ask for the original tax returns (which I have read they have with others) I had my X-Ray CD returned to me to take upon entry and soon I was back in the chairs with the pink form to fill out for DX secure delivery.


This was about 8.25.


Before I knew it my number was being called again at 8.40. I hadn’t even had a chance to pick up the book I had brought with me to read. To be fair I couldn't read anyway, the fear of missing the call for your number pretty much prevents that. Soon I was in front of a young African-American women who explained that she would ask some questions etc. while rifling through my paperwork. It was more formal than I have read of others, and it did seem more like I was being asked to prove something rather than it being conversational. Not a problem really, just felt different than I was expecting. On the flip wide, she didn't ask to see any evidence - not even the copious number of photos that had been lugged all the way from the States.


Questions asked:


- How did you meet, and where did you meet in person for the first time?

- Explain how your relationship progressed from that initial meeting.

- Describe your wedding ceremony

- Who was there

- What is your relationship to the Joint Sponsor

- Does your wife have any siblings

- Names and how old are they, where is your wife in the line up?


The last question I actually got wrong! I said she was the middle one, before correcting myself that she was the oldest of the three. I think the Officer understood that it was a genuine mistake, since she said in a joking way that she wouldn’t tell my wife I got it wrong…


And then came the words we all want to hear….. “I’ll be approving this visa, and you are free to travel to the US as soon as you have your passport back from the courier”


L actually told me when we talked today that when he answered the 'were did you meet' question the lady actually had him spell out the name of the site, lol

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Are you still on cloud 9?


I still remember that awful day when L couldn't fly over for your (first) wedding and how heartbroken we all were for you...then, when you had your wedding and bravely parted ways shortly after. NOW, you will truly be together forever and I am so happy for you both.

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It's weird, lol. I mean we are obviously excited to have it but its less excitement about getting the visa and more a relief like DN said. I think it's because we are only a little over two months away from him arriving. I'm happy we have the visa and I am thrilled about it but I'm more thrilled with the thought he's coming in two months. If that makes sense. Haha


That day still plays a part in our lives too. No matter were we go now we will stay close to the airport the night before, it's just become ingrained in our travel plans!

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I emailed my professor in my medical terminology class to see were I'm going wrong on the exams. I'm not doing bad - a B on the first one, C on the second, B on the third - but I'm just not making a damn A no matter how hard I study. This last test, the one I made a low B on, I felt SO confident after that test. I knew EVERY answer about the ears - and can still recall terms off! - but I only made a freaking 81. It also covered eyes and the nervous system but I don't know, I thought I did really well!! Maybe she can help me see were I'm going wrong.

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Nervous system can be tricky to get. All I can say is that make sure you understand how it works on a very base level, like this activates this, which can x, y, z, and how, etc. It helps to make pictures, or even flowcharts, if that's how you learn.


If you need help, you can always PM me. I got my science degree last year so I can help you with science.

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Must... take... a ... study.... break....


Luna is currently curled up on my chest. Another child who does not understand personal space. I love it though. However I do not like being peed on at 5 am. Seriously! I moved her litter box into the laundry room where Jasper's is. Took her to it, she sniffed, even used it. Thought great! I felt her hop on on the bed in between my legs this morning and when I rolled over a few minutes later I felt a wet spot. Grrrrr!


65 days until L arrives. 65!! I keep reloading the countdown app because I'm like 'Is that right?' but it is. Month after next. Someone at work (but not in my department) asked me today when will he be coming over. I almost replied 'When we get the visa' - I've been saying it for almost a year now! - but then I was like hold on, I actually can say a date! That was pretty thrilling.


L isn't too happy with me. I tried hanging this coat rack thing on the wall only, the wall I'm trying to hang it on isn't a support wall apparently (my husband's words) so it was never going to hold the weight of coats and purses. Which is evident by a fairly large hole in my wall right now. Yep....

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He was not happy with me when I showed him the wall. In fairness I know I can cover it up easily (thank you Pinterest)! We've also been play fighting about my obsessive need to rearrange the living room every 3-4 months and the fact he likes things to stay were they are. Right now he wants me to move a small table because it's 'in the way of the walk path'. I'm holding firm dammit.

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