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She's due Aug 18th but they were taking him a month early anyway (something about his weight and her weight gain and her body size). I'm not sure. She's 140 pounds and it's all baby. I think it's really just freaking mom out because it's two weeks even before Tyler was born.

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It sounds like she has an incompetent cervix if this keeps happening to her around the same age gestation. It could be that the her cervix just can't take the weight of a baby that size. Usually for women like that they just sew the cervix shut. I believe they call it cerclage. Usually they do it around 12 to 14 weeks. Although that has a risk for miscarriage as well. Or it could be that she just is a woman that has preterm labour every time .

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Mom and I think the same thing, that something happens around this time that her body just can't handle the baby. With Tyler the placenta started to detach so she had bleeding for weeks prior to them taking him but this is just kind of out of the blue. She was complaining about pressure Monday night when I was at my mom's.

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Update - She's still having contractions. They've given her steroids and calcium so far. They did say her cervix looked long which was good. If they can stop the contractions she'll have to be on complete bed rest. They say he is 3 lbs. 5 oz. though.


Yeah I suspected they would've put her on complete bed rest. Did they give her the steroids to mature the baby's lungs incase he is born early?

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Nothing yet. Her boyfriend's mom is up with her (our mom is baby sitting Tyler) and the only thing we've heard this morning is the doc hasn't been in yet. No idea if she's still having contractions.


My friends did have their baby last night. 8 lbs, gorgeous little boy!

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I'm working a double tomorrow so I left work at 11 today. did some grocery shopping and picked up my medication (a whopping $67). Came home to Jasper greeting me at the door (as usual) but I couldn't find Luna any were. I could hear her but she wasn't coming out. That's when I realized I had locked her in the hall closet this morning while feeding them.


Just imagine how I'm going to be with human kids.

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My legs are killing me after that double. Maybe L is right, maybe I am getting too old to be doing doubles plus running a house by myself and going to school. Doesn't help I'm stressed about school. I get to leave work at 11 tomorrow so that helps.


My high school had their 2013 graduation today. I can't believe it's been 7 years since I graduated, were did those years go?

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Worked from 6-11 today, spent most of the day putting out the delivery of linen. Yay. Came home and started working on a project. Nothing fancy, I've just wanted a coat/purse rack to hang on the wall for a while now instead of tossing them on the couch or the computer chair. I found one and am just touching it up by spray painting it. And it really helped me unwind and de-stress from all this school stuff. I just needed a little crafting break.


I sound like such a child, lol.


L's interview is this Wednesday. The nerves for both of us are starting to set in. Mine because this is the last thing and I'm so ready for it to be over with, his because he doesn't want to answer a question wrong or anything like that. I told him he'd be perfectly fine, the man always reacts well under pressure. He'll leave Tuesday morning and spend the night in London since his interview time is early in the morning. Hopefully I'll hear from him before I go to school that day!

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This literally brought me to tears. I mean, I know I'm an emotional person but damn. It made me remember all those little things about Nanny that I loved and the fact my kids will never get to meet her or make biscuits from scratch with her or help her tend her garden. Or even hear Nanny and Papa's love story.

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Doctor's office called me today. My cyclosporin levels are extremely low (barely detectable) - probably because I just didn't have it to get it about a week before my blood test - so they want me to take 100 MG for a week and I go back on Monday for a blood test. Yay.

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