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My throat is hurting and I'm a little stuffy. OF COURSE I'd get kick when I'm off for two days!!!


We just had a huge thunderstorm come through. Torrential down pour with thunder and lightening. Loved it! My home town had a tornado touch down so between my mom and me we are keeping in touch with family.

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My mom is freaking me out. She's given me this Rainbow Bright blanket I used as a baby for our future kids and started talking about knitting one. She knows we aren't going to want to find the sex out so she's going to knit it green. I just kept looking at her like 'are you trying to tell me you are sick or something??'

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Two friends I know through my psuedo family (they are married to each other) are having a baby tonight!!! I am so excited and happy for them! I knew the guy before I knew the girl. The guy is really sweet and awesome guy and they are such a beautiful, loving couple!

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They are admitting my sister to the hospital. She's starting to dialate and she's only 28/29 weeks.


Hopefully they can stop it OG. Even so your new nephew is still at an age to survive. I will pray that they can stop her labour.

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