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Until last summer, I was in la-la land about my breast size. It wasn't until my boyfriend's friend told him he could guess boob sizes well. N said "yeah right guess hers". The friend took one look at me and said "40DD" I was floored. I said no I'm a 38D. He laughed at me and shook his head.


I actually got myself measured properly and the guy was right. Go figure.


It's amazing how well a bra feels when it's right, right?

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This weekend has been so great!


I drove up to my best friend's apartment on Friday. We had dinner at Applebee's and then had to go to the local police station because one of her neighbours has been keying her car for the last few months and on Friday they left a note on her windshield that told her she sucked at parking and if she did it again they would 'key her crap'. So she filled out a report and they will interview the people in her building. The likely hood of finding who did it is very slim but maybe the police coming around asking questions will make the person whose doing it think it's not the best idea to continue if the police are involved. I personally wouldn't care if my car got keyed but I own a '99, she owns a '12, I'd care if it was brand new car that I'd had a little over a year. After that we went back to her apartment and watched a few episodes of The Office over wine and pop corn, so classy, I know.


We got up at 6:30 and got ready and left a little after 7:30. Stopped by Hardees for breakfast and then hit the road. It was a two hour drive to Carowinds but it wasn't too bad since 115 miles of the drive is on the interstate. We saw so many cops due to it being Memorial Day weekend. We got there right at 10 (when the park opens) and spent about 30 minutes getting into the park, parking, and getting into a locker. The first ride we rode was the After Burn (formerly Top Gun). I made M sit on the front row and I could hear her screaming the whole ride how she was going to kill me. But she enjoyed it! Then we rode The Intimidator which it's first drop is like 211 feet straight down. I love roller coasters but as soon as we went over that hill even I thought 'Oh -bad word-, this was a horrible idea'. It was just so steep of a drop you felt like the car you were riding in was no longer attached to the ride. But it was sooo fun!


After lunch we went to the water park for a few hours and I have to say that was the best part for me. We did a bunch of the rides were two people can ride in an inner tube. We went down on were we had to go by ourselves and the poor lifeguard was having to pull me toward the entrance. I just looked up at him and said, "I'm sorry, I'm a big girl". He laughed, I laughed. The only ride I hated was the one were you didn't go down in a tube, you just lay down and you shoot down the tube. Which is funny because I'm the one who wnated to go on that ride. The second I started down it I regretted it because it was my worst fears combined. I couldn't see, it was dark and hot, water was going in my mouth... just not a good time.


After the water park we redressed and waited in line TWO HOURS for The Vortex. Pretty positive that's were I got sunburnt waiting in that damn line. We never waited that long for any of the other rides. And turned out it was not worth the wait. My head kept bouncing against the arm thing, it tried to deflate my chest, and because it's a ride were you stand to ride it the seat thing dug into my vagina. It was just not comfortable. We didn't want the day to end on a bad note though so we decided to ride the Intimidator one last time and then go home. They were doing this thing were you could spend $2 and spin this wheel and one of the prizes was jumping to the front of the line with someone else. I did it and it landed on that but then bounced back to the one behind it. I was so mad. I talked M into doing it and she landed on the jump to the front of the line! So we didn't have to wait in line for the last ride!


Over all it was a fun day. I was worried we wouldn't have much to talk about (despite being best friends we really don't have a lot in common interests wise) but it was really a great day. So much so we want to do it again next year (since by then we will be done with a our pre requirments for our programs) but bring along her boyfriend and L. L won't ride any of the roller coasters but he did say he'd ride the water park rides. I got fairly sunburnt despite applying sunscreen twice. My legs and arms didn't get burnt but my face, chest and shoulders did. Go figure. Thankfully I have American Indian in me and it's already starting to turn brown.

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(post continued)


So today I ran to Walmart to grab some food and I saw this 'free kittens' sign. On a whim I drove over and was looking around. I had texted L and sent him a few pictures of the kittens they had and my husband texts me back 'I want one!' So we have a new member to the family, Luna!


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Which when compared to Jasper, she is tiny!!


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I know!! I never realized how huge Jasper was until I sat her down next to him! He's doing... Okay. Haha. He has hissed at her a few times and he's fine with investigating her but the second she walks to him he's like 'F that'. He has licked her forehead so it'll just be a matter of time for adjusting.

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I've got to take Luna to the vet tomorrow. I noticed the gunk in her eye last night was green which usually means a bacterial infection. I also have to drive 40 mins to get blood drawn tomorrow to check my cyclosporin level (fun) and do both of those before my shift starts at 11 am. I've been working on math stuff most of the day while watching King of the Hill.


Jasper and Luna are interacting more with Jasper hissing less. Progress at least!

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My kitty had a bacterial infection in his eye recently. Lots of green gunk and pus. It's bacterial when that happens. Viral infections run clear. I got some antibiotic drops to put in his eye. Make sure the vet gets you drops and not ointment. The ointment is more irritating, harder to put in and doesn't seem to coat the eye as well.

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Cute kitty. Is she a few weeks old?


Glad you had a great weekend with your best friend.


She's about 9 or 10 weeks old.


My kitty had a bacterial infection in his eye recently. Lots of green gunk and pus. It's bacterial when that happens. Viral infections run clear. I got some antibiotic drops to put in his eye. Make sure the vet gets you drops and not ointment. The ointment is more irritating, harder to put in and doesn't seem to coat the eye as well.


Thanks for that Fudgie, I'll make sure to tell him. Yea I thought it was just some eye gunk but when I saw the green I knew what it was. I would have taken her today but the vet was closed with the holiday and all.


Jasper is on the bed for the first time since I bought her home. He's at the bottom and she's lied on my chest. More progress!

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(post continued)


So today I ran to Walmart to grab some food and I saw this 'free kittens' sign. On a whim I drove over and was looking around. I had texted L and sent him a few pictures of the kittens they had and my husband texts me back 'I want one!' So we have a new member to the family, Luna!


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Which when compared to Jasper, she is tiny!!


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She is so DANGED CUTE!!!! Hi Luna !

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Oh I love it. It's the same as the one I had before, just white.


Ahhhhh. I have the black one. I dunno know for some reason I just like black. My husband has the iPhone too but he's thinking next time he might try the Samsung galaxy.

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L hates white Apple devices but I think it looks great. Just need to get a Doctor Who case for it, lol.


After having an iPhone I could never go back to any other phone setup. I remember having my Droid and wanting to slam it into the ground because it literally would not do anything.

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I am just not sleeping good nowadays. I'm primarily on second now except for Fridays and the weekends and I think that is what is throwing me off. I'm not getting up til 10 or 10:30 and then working 11-7, coming home and cleaning or doing home work but then I have to go to bed early for something or another. However when 7 am rolls around I just go 'oh, I can put that off until tomorrow' and I go back to sleep.

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It literally took all afternoon. We have 3 chances to make over a 75 on a quiz and we have 1.5 hours. It took me the entire 1.5 hours all three tries but the last time I got the A. I know what I'm doing, I just get the little things wrong. I was actually almost in tears when L surprise called me because I was like I can't do this, just can not do this.


In children news Jasper is knocked out on the recliner behind me and Luna is on my leg trying to attack my elbow.

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