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We were going to have a huge home coming group at the airport (people like my uncle and his wife, my mom, brother, the bestie, etc) but L may be in immigration processing for 2-4 hours AFTER he lands. I just don't feel right asking, especially my uncle and his wife, to drive 2 hours to our house PLUS the 2 hours to Atlanta and then back home. So I think what we are going to do (barring talks with my uncle and his wife) is just me pick him up at the airport and then we'll drive down to my uncle's house that weekend so we can spend more than a few hours with them. Plus my best friend's birthday is that Sunday, the 25th, so we can leave his house and her house is right on the way back home. It'll be the first time he'll be at a 'major' thing with me.

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Depending on when he lands, it could even be 20 minutes


I agree!! Sometimes, immigration goes quick, esp if there aren't that many international flights unloading at the same time.


When I flew back from London, it took me half hour to get through immigration (because of the wait for luggage), and this was through LAX (which is one of the busiest airports in the US).

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Depending on when he lands, it could even be 20 minutes


I agree!! Sometimes, immigration goes quick, esp if there aren't that many international flights unloading at the same time.


When I flew back from London, it took me half hour to get through immigration (because of the wait for luggage), and this was through LAX (which is one of the busiest airports in the US).


True, although he will be going through a different immigration process vs. the one he would normally go to when he lands to visit. When he lands this time they will take him into secondary (I think that's the name) were he has to hand them the unopened envelope the Embassy in London gives him at the interview. So they have all that paper work so at minimum we've been seeing people in secondary for 2 hours.

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I went to my mom's last night to do my weekly laundry. When I got there Tyler had a fever of 102 and it was the second time that day he had it. He was completely hot to the touch, even his little hands and you could just tell by his glossy eyes that he didn't feel well. My sister had me give him a breathing treatment which broke my heart because he was so scared of the machine. He's always been the type of child who didn't like loud things, even the vacume scares him. My BIL and sister took him to the ER and it ended up he had bronchitis. Poor baby.


I left mom's house this morning for my allergy appointment. They drew some blood to check my cyclosporin level and she's readjusting how I come down off the prednisone since it's taking a little longer for the cyclosporin to build up in my body. I don't go back for six weeks though.


Also got an email with a calandar from my medical terminology yesterday. Going to be a fast paced course (since it is a summer class) but I just have to stay on top of the readings and studying.

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Yea, they said his fever should break within 24-48 hours. You could tell he still didn't feel well this morning when I left. Him and my sister slept in mom's bed and mom and I crashed on the couch (each end has a recliner in it and I can sleep any were, lol). I woke up this morning at one point to him shouting (from the bedroom) 'Nay-Nay' and my name. He wanted his sippy cup, lol.


And my sister is doing relatively well with this pregnancy. I think she said she's 140ish which is a lot considering before pregnancy she weighed 95 I think. Doctor says everything is looking good though, J (the baby) is going to be big so they will probably take him in July, she's due in August. I'm still finding it hard to connect to this baby the way I did to Tyler but after a conversation with my sister last night it's opened my eyes a little.

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I'm glad you are coming around. I promise you will love the new baby too. Just think, L will be around to be an uncle to both Tyler and the new baby! I had wanted nothing to do with my niece's brother, but he's such an adorable little chunk that I really quite like him. It's not his fault that his family is kinda screwy.

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Well you can feel how you feel about your sister. But the child is a separate human being. Would you be like that with Tyler? I don't think so. This child is no different at all.


I actually was. It was a separate reason, a personal one I had to over come, but I never bonded with Tyler until he was born. However even this is different than that time. I still felt something for Tyler while he was in-womb and... Idk. It's hard to explain.

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Perhaps. I would def. never wish any harm on my new nephew.


It honestly isn't up to me though, is it? I mean, not everyone goes ga-ga over babies, even their own family. I would like for her to be excited but I can understand why she wouldn't. It doesn't mean I won't love this kid or be there for him, I'm just not excited about the impending arrival. It's taboo, I know but it's the way I feel.

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