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I'll post it but I really don't want this turned into a political debate. It said 'Rape is ugly, but abortion can't fix it, love can'. I don't know what made me mad, maybe the fact it was simply 'oh, if you have love you can over come rape' or 'rape can be fixed'. I think the latter is really what drove it home.

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yeah. but it's good to keep tweaking it and improving it. it is so important to have a good resume.


i have a friend who was let go from her job a few months ago. she's been looking for work like crazy. nothing. i asked her to send me her resume, and there were some obvious glaring errors. lack of a professional sounding email address, unexplained gaps in employment. the resume was accurate but was so ho-hum. the average hiring person only looks at your resume for 6 seconds, so if it doesn't catch their interest or attention, it's going in the garbage. no joke.

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My public speaking teacher said the same thing. She used to go to school with someone who had worked 10+ years in a human resources department and she said people who used the familiar resume template to do their resumes were almost always just looked at and sat aside, they look for catchy resumes.

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L's medical went great! His blood pressure was high, even the doctor there said its normal for that kind of setting. So we just have to get his GP to recheck it Friday and send the immigration doctor a letter. Other then that he passed with flying colors! Now just waiting for the final phase of stage two to be approved and then get our interview date.

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Well once he has the interview and they approve us for the visa (this is the last step) it's just a matter of waiting for his passport to return to him with the visa in it. So if he has a interview date for the beginning of Aug well go ahead and book his flight for Sept 3rd.

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Mom just told me they apparently want to work on Tyler's heart. When he was born his PDA wouldn't close so they inserted a clamp. Now they are wanting to go in, put him on life support, take the clamp out, and then take him off life support to see if his lungs can handle it. And do this BEFORE his penis surgery.

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I barely got any sleep last night. I didn't sleep with my mom because I a) am a bed hog b) cover hog and c) flip over a lot and I knew she was tired so I made myself a little palette on the floor and was watching tv in the living room. My sister and Tyler were asleep on the couch (Tyler at her feet) and at one point she must have turned over and hit him in the face because I heard him cry out. He sat up and saw me there so he grabbed his Cars pillow and sippy cup and laid down with me resulting in this:


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So cute. But he sleeps like me so I was the one who didn't get any sleep between having a foot in my ribs or waking up to all the covers being wrapped around him... I know what L goes through with me now.

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You really should get your sister to get a second opinion in regards to the surgery...not trying to be a 'know it all' or anything but if they could find a surgeon who does 'off pump' surgery..where they don't stop his heart, it would be much easier on the body. Then again, we work with 25-90 year old heart patients...not pediatric. Man, that is big news.

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It's just so random. I understand why they had to put them clamp on but maybe they are afraid he'll outgrow it? Or having it will complicate things? She did say they want to, not that they will. Although the penis surgery is def going to happen at the end of June.

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Went and picked up my prescriptions, whopping $73 worth including the cyclosporin. I love using the pharmacy I do because they are the cheapest but the pharmacist is a bit of a nosey person. Not sure if she's suppose to be but every time I have a wild prescription filled, like the cyclosporin, she asks me why I need it and then when I tell her what for she gives me this look like 'you don't need this.' I don't know. She always ruffles my feathers wrong.

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