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I am so ready for my holidays!!! 22 days until Carowinds, I am so ready to get on some roller coasters and scream my little heart out, lol. God I hope it doesn't rain. I'm going to be so furious if it rains. And I'm looking forward to the other holiday (are we even talking about that yet on here?) lol

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May as well announce our relationship's progression...




Well for those who don't know, Dang and I are headed down to were Hers is and we are going to have a girl's weekend in July! Kind of a pre-getaway to see if we can survive around each other for a few days because we want to take a girl's cruise very soon.

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I'm looking forward to it. L is worried about the car making it but its only an hour more than Myrtle and the Monte Carlo has made that trip twice. I need to get the cigarette lighter in the car fixed though so Ill have a way to charge my phone to use the GPS. Might be cheaper just to get a little GPS unit for the car.

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Today was the first day since the beginning of Jan (excluding spring break) that I didn't have to be up at 6 am to go to school. YES!!! I did pry myself awake at 8 am. I had my last exam for this semester, public speaking, today from 1-3 so had to go do that. I feel pretty food about it. It was open book but wasn't the easiest thing in the world but I held my own. I also bought my books back to the book store and made $73. I paid $350 for them but meh. It's $73 I didn't have before!


L's medical for the visa is tomorrow so fingers and toes crossed!

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A couple on the visa forum we are on just posted they have a case complete! That is such good news for us because it's literally been a race between them and us to see who gets through NVC first. Whenever they have an activity on their case we usually have one a day or two later.


Less than four months....

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Thank you Sherry! I'm so looking forward to Carowinds and the weekend down with Hers and Dang.


Because L is so amazing and funded both trips I had been thinking of surprising him and planning a trip back to New York next October for our 3rd anniversary, going back to were it all started. I ended up telling him, lol, but I'm glad I did! Found out he'd rather stay in a hotel room than an apartment this time around and he has some frequent flyer miles we can use toward our flights. It will HUGELY depend on when he gets a job though but it's something we are both looking forward to. I love New York (could never live there, too noisy) but I think it will always have a special place in my heart because it's were we met. And it'll be the first time we've flown together on a plane. That's the part of the trip he's really looking forward to.


We want to go to the Intrepid Museum (L wanted to go last time because they have a Concorde but I wasn't aware of his love for planes then so we opted to do the river cruise), plus they have the space shuttle. Not just any space shuttle, the Enterprise (my husband is a huge Star Trek nerd). And we want to go to the 9-11 memorial.


I found out I got 141 of the 150 questions on the exam right so I ended with an A in public speaking!

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I am beyond flabbergasted right now. Just, beyond. Someone on facebook posted something that I won't repeat here as it's highly politically charged but the other part of it basically was 'rape can be fixed with love'. I... I literally stared at the computer screen for 30 seconds just, shocked. Normally I just scroll past posts like that but this just infuriated me.

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