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MG- I'm so sorry to hear that. your whole house has it? Yikes, break out the lysol! I know with CS he would feel better once he threw up but 15 mins later be sick again. I remember when I had a vomitting virus last year, it was rough.12 hours of straight vomitting. I hope you get better. Do you have any phenagren?

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Yeah its for nausea. Helped me a lot but a doc has to prescribe it.


Kayleigh? That's one of the names CS and I have picked out for a girl (well, it will be our second daughters name. Our first daughter will he Kari Elaine).


Yeah my little princess Kayleigh. She was the first to be sick and then it just snowballed out of control. I'm not really suprised, when one of the kids picks something up it doesn't take long for all of them to go through it as well. This is the first time in a while that the adults have gotten sick though so it must be nasty.


I like that name you have chosen. So girly girl. LOL

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I will admit I don't understand your quickie marriage but if you feel it's right, only you know. I do know many people who married quick and still married. I knew a couple who dated 10 years, got married then divorced within a year. I actually think that people wih very long dating periods (not talking because of school or being young) are often people who just "stick" with each other then realize later on they really shouldn't be together. I have this very funny feeling though that my next relationship will be with the right guy and we'll know right away. It won't have red flags and we'll get married soon after meeting. When you know you just do.

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NW- it is hard to explain and really the only reason that makes sense is when you know, you know. And its so hqrd to explain how you know, its just this gut feeling. Now, what I think sets CS and i apart and will save us is we know marriage is constant work. It's a dance that never ends to avoid the potholes. We are both children ot divorce we take marriage very seriously, we both agreed years before meeting each other we would only marry once.


It's just so natural to have him in my life. It's like I can't imagine a time he wasn't there. I know he wasnt but i look back and can trace every decision I made that lead me to him. He truly is the other half that completes me. And believe me, we fight like any other couple. We are pass the honeymoon stage annd have our own problems but we deal with them with the help of a select friends on here (since we met on here we agreed not to air our personal problems with each other on the main board). There is no set path for a couple because each couple is different.


Sweetpea- Kimberly's name is the only name that isn't tied to me, CS, or our families, lol. She will be the odd ball if we have three girls.

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I don't have any. I'm assuming that would help with whatever is killing me at the moment?


Yeah almost everyone in the house now has whatever the heck Kayleigh started with the other day. I'm re-naming her Typhoid Mary.



Hahah my dad's mother used to call all children Typhoid Mary, she insisted they amplified germs and then gave them back to you and tried to kill you off. I found it to be true.......lol. When my son started school I was never so sick in my life and it went on for about 3 years........yuck. Get better everyone.

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Oh metro, sounds awful!


The only name we've ever known that we want for sure is Celeste. Alex told me how much he wanted a daughter named Celeste early in our relationship, and it's always stuck with me. I have always had this feeling that we will have a daughter one day, and I'm pretty sure I know what she looks like. Odd! Sons, I can never imagine or picture so I think it will be really hard to pick out boy names if we need to.

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Oddly enough I can see my oldest son-weird but its true. He will probably look just like his dad.... I just hope what little blonde hair we have in the family stays away from my.children, lol eye color is almost a given, cs and I both have blue eyes.


Not always a given......both my mom and dad have vivid dark blue eyes, my brother and I have green eyes.

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Depends on whose genetics are more dominant, but certain genes can skip generations. There is a picture of Alex's great-great (maybe one more great) grandfather and he is a spitting image of him. It was so shocking that I burst out laughing. I never thought that could happen, but genetics work in mysterious ways. I think it's really interesting, because you never know what you're going to get. His family thinks that we will have the first redheaded kid in 2 or 3 generations, and I kind of think they could be right.


vic- dark blue eyes are so gorgeous, but so are green

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Eye color is a weird one.

Blue is thought to be "less common" compared with brown.


Well, only my father and I have brown eyes and my mom and other sibs have blue.

I always told dad when I was little: "see? We are different. We are like our own family."


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The green allele acts differently than they suspected. Supposedly there is NO way I can have green eyes if my parents have blue, but they are finding the green allele does not act like they suspected. My husband too has brilliant blue eyes and all his family for the last 6 generations has had blue eyes. Does my son have blue eyes? Nope, he has my green ones. Same with my brother's kids. All his kids have green eyes despite the fact his wife too has very blue eyes.

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I always forget bit i believe my grandparents have blue and green eyes. My aunt has brown, my mom blue. Mom and dad have blue and all three of us have blue- mine are a light blue-gray though and my sister has dark blue eyes. I know anything can occur but I have a feeling we will have a little blue eyed boy with hopefully blonde hair.


CS's sister has blonde hair and CS has this tiny patch of blonde on the back of hia head. It's adorable. And his facial hair is blonde while his head hair is brown. Soooo I'm hoping no blonde, lil

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Yeah, my mother's mother had green eyes and my dad's father has hazel eyes. My mom's dad had blue eyes and my father's mother had blue eyes.


I like my eye colour though cause only 2% of the world population has green eyes. Mine are a very brilliant green, very unusual in colour.

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Oh what a day! I did some 17 surgery rooms. My lower back hurts (from all the flipping mopping) along with four dayrooms. Ugh. Right after I cleaned a room a woman from another department came and was looking for her scrubs. I told her I sent them to the front office and went back to cleaning. Next thing I know I hear a tv so I go look. Please guess who was sitting in my newly disinfected room watching tv and munching on chips? I flipped. I wanted her out so I told her to go to a dirty room. Next thing I know she is yapping on the phone very loudly. I had it. I went to my boss who went to hers. They apologized to me and I told them nor to worry about it. Some people....


I'm also spending another night here. Yay. I'm going home tomorrow though, I miss my child! I did order a pizza tonight and I'm currently watching criminal minds in my room. Ready for my day off.

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Oddly enough I can see my oldest son-weird but its true. He will probably look just like his dad.... I just hope what little blonde hair we have in the family stays away from my.children, lol eye color is almost a given, cs and I both have blue eyes.


I have blonde hair and neither of my parents are blonde. My mother is dark skinned, dark hair. My dad is lighter skinned, dark hair. I have an aunt who is blonde and my grandma is blonde. No idea where I got my hair color, but somehow I did. Genetics are weird. Both my brother and I have light brown/hazel eyes. My other brother has green eyes. My mom has dark brown eyes and my dad has the same eye color as me. It's pretty crazy how that all happens.

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Genetics are weird. My dad was a redhead (actually a brownish red) and my mom's a blonde, yet both me and my brother have very dark hair. My mom and brother have blue eyes while me and my dad have hazel eyes. It's funny because both of my parents are light skinned and short whereas neither me nor my brother is. My dad's whole side are all redheads yet that gene bypassed me and my brother. I always say that my children will be red haired.

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