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We won't know the topics until the day of the exam (literally when we sit down to take it). We'll have 8 to choose from. We also have to use 3 sources from our English book so we at least know the essay topics will structure around themes from our readings. And we are at least allowed to bring our books in to use to help with quoting. Our online assignment for this Friday is a mock exam essay. When we turn in our final essays on Wednesday he'll give us 2 topics to choose from and we have to have the essays posted by 5 PM on Friday, his way of getting us familiar with the structure of the exam so we don't freak the F out the day of. Thankfully I've taken Friday off and will be with the pseudo family so I can work on it!

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Oh, good. Awesome that you have the chance to practice. One thing you could do is come up with a list of 3-5 potential topics (because, as you said, you know they will revolve around the themes in the readings). And then go through with different highlighter colors and find good quotes for each of those. That way, you at least will have a great assortment of quotes to choose from and won't likely be frantically flipping through the book looking for that one great quote you know is there but can't find (been there, done that!). Maybe do some freewriting on those potential topics so that you've thought about them. I would bet there will be some overlap between the topics you choose and the topics the professor chooses. You've been in the class and done the readings, so you know what is important to the professor.

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Yeah, and we can even bring in the papers we have written and if we decide to use the same author's quotes in the exam that we did in our papers we can for ease of finding them. He's a pretty laid back guy, as long as you come to class and put effort in he works with you. Not counting the last paper and exam, I have an A in his class which has never happened to me before in an English class!


Stopped by the bank after school. Found out because of were I work the bank has an agreement so that employee's of my hospital can open a Benefits Savings account that has no minimum balance. You just have to have a minimum of $10 transfer into the savings per month. Score! So I set that up to automatically transfer $20 a month from my pay check once it hits my bank account (hopefully once L gets a job we can boost that to $40 a month). I also signed up for the debit card thing Hers was talking about and it's being deposited into the savings account.


We'd like that to solely by our 'future move to Myrtle Beach' fun but obviously if we need to we can dip into it if the car needs repairing or something. AND I found out the bank I bank with is in SC as well and have a branch in Myrtle Beach. Won't have to transfer banks at least!

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So I had the appointment with my allergist today and I left her office in tears of happiness. After 7 months we FINALLY have an answer as to why I'm breaking out into hives. I have (basically what's called, there is no 'real' name for it like Lupus or the flu) autoimmune chronic urtaceria. Basically it works like this: we all have mass cells in our body and attached to them is antibodies. Whenever we come into contact with something we are allergic to those antibodies send a message to the mass cell telling it something harmful has entered the system and the mass cell releases histamine, which shows us that we are having an allergic reaction. In my case the antibodies are constantly telling the mass cell I'm allergic to something (even though I'm not) and the mass cell is constantly releasing histamine. It is an autoimmune disorder and there is no cure, just a managing of the symptoms.


She's slowly going to bring me off the prednisone (over a 6 week time) and in two weeks I'll start taking Cyclosporin (sp). It's an immune suppressent drug (same one they give transplant patients although mine is a much lower dose) so I'll have to take extra precautions while at work and keep up to date on my vaccinations and such. I'll also have to have frequent blood work to make sure my kidneys aren't being damaged from it, etc. It doesn't effect fertility, does mean some adjustment of meds while pregnant and possibly while we are trying to concieve.


Over all I feel like the biggest weight has been lifted off my chest. The 'in sickness and health' part of our vows really came into play pretty early on!

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Well all the medicines I'm on are the generic brands, but they are still close to $100 for all of them. Thankfully I can get the Claratin (sp) and Pepcid through my hospital's pharmacy cheaper than buying it in store. Claratin I can pay $10 for 10 capsules but through work I pay $2 for 30 of them. And I'm on a 40 MG Pepcid and work offers 10 MG for $5 (50 per bottle), I'd just have to take 8 of them a day.

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Thank you guys!


I am soooo sleepy right now. Been up since 6:30 am for school (although I came home at 11 since I wasn't doing anything in my last two classes) and have not even had a nap. I was going to vacume the car out but it started raining - go figure. At least the car got a free wash!


Right now I'm pushing through the sleep, with the aide of coffee, to get through my last math lesson on perimeter and area. Almost done, then the studying for the exam next Wednesday begins. So ready to see my psuedo family though!

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just finished a diagnostic test in math (teacher said we could take it as many times as we wanted to help us with the exam). At the beginning of the semester I took the same test and made a 23 on it (yeah, I was in desperate need of this class). Just took it again and I made an 88.

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