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You can't be southern and not love grits!! Northerners eating grits are totally like that scene in "my cousin vinny" haha


Well ,here grits are totally foreign concept. You won't get grits in Canada not anywhere. However it did remind me a bit of cream of wheat. Now I do love cream of wheat. But it's creamy. I found grits to be rather gritty. Which is maybe why I didn't like it.


And what is with boiled peanuts??? I tried that too. It was kind of yucky salty and mushy but I ate the entire cup because I didn't want to throw it away.


However now sweet tea I would come back for! I did love that stuff.

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I don't know they were just entirely too salty for me. Just cultural differences I guess. I am sure you guys will find it just as strange when you go to BC. I did love my time in the South though. I had always wanted to go there. And I loved the Gulf Coast best of all.


We might go back to Alabama in October but I will have to see. My son wants to go to the Talledega race for his 16th birthday.

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L and I were talking about the move to Myrtle this afternoon, weighing living 30 mins away vs. actually living in Myrtle. It's years away but with the visa stuff coming to a close soon (hopefully) we can finally look forward to our future and it feels great. It actually got me thinking about opening up sometihng like a 'Christmas club' were the bank takes a certain amount of money out of my pay check before I see it and depsosits it it another account and that solely be for the move one day. I'll have to talk to the bank and my HR department at work to see how to set it up.

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If you have Bank of America, you can get rolled over money--like if you spend $4.17 on your card, 83 cents goes to your savings account bc it rounds up to the nearest dollar. As much as Jared and I each swipe the debit cards, we save a lot that way. You can also direct deposit your paycheck at any amount to any bank with your own account. That's what we do. I never even see the money.

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I think my bank has something like that, I remember the teller talking to me about it once but I waived him off. I think I did because for some godly reason my bank requires the extra money to be deposited in a savings account and you have to keep a min of $300 in a savings account. That's why I currently use a checking account as a savings and just don't have it linked to my online banking. I'll have to talk to my regular teller and see what she says. It would be nice to have that.


I know my HR department said at one point yo could have x amount automatically deposited from your check before you see it but it'll mean getting a paper check the first week it happens vs. normal direct deposit. Gonna have to suck that up and just do it though if we ever want to move to Myrtle with peace of mind!

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I would break away from any bank that won't let you have access to your own money. Honestly a $300 minimum? That's crazy. A credit union we are with has a $25 min but that's nothing. $300 is too big. That's half of rent if you need it!!

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Naw, it's all over this state. Bank of America won't touch me with the thing against my credit.



Oh I love how I'm expected to come down for someone's birthday but no one gave a thought to come visit me for mine. How lovely. One day I'll get tired of being other people's after thoughts when it comes to important things for me.

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Just 3 more class days, just 3 more.


More importantly only 3 days until my extended weekend! Heading out Thursday night to spend 3 nights with the pseudo family for my uncle's son's 10th birthday. Coming home Sunday morning to spend the day studying for exams which start the week after.

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Do you know what the prompt will be? Or at least, what the prompt will be like? When it came to timed essay finals, I usually planned out what I wanted to write beforehand, but I always knew, more or less, what the prompt would be (or at least could make a pretty accurate guess!).

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