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Poor Tyler has to have surgery again. His urethane isn't big enough so they are having to go in and widen it a little because its causing some bladder problems. Basically my nephew is having penis surgery. I didn't know whether to laugh or worry when my sister sent me that. They go on the 25th and the surgery date will be set then. Hopefully it'll fall perfectly so I don't work and no school interfearance because I want to go. That and mom has asked me to drive her truck there- mom refuses to drive in Atlanta traffic.

My brother had that surgery when he was 4 OG. This was almost 40 years ago and it turned out fine. Hugs OG.

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Yup, some out there are pretty skanky. My buddies and I realized that while looking for bridesmaid dresses. At first I thought I was being a prude, but really, WHY are formal dresses so short and tight? Yuck. We doubled over laughing when my maid of honor insistently vetoed one that, while pretty on the hanger, turned out to be nothing but a mini skirt with a long chiffon skirt split in half. "I veto. I veto SO hard" LOL

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Just that I agree with some of the comments to the article. Lily-livered and what not. The women have to actually GO through this physical ordeal. Yes, it is traumatic on everybody involved, but you now have a family to support while Mom recovers/ goes on mat leave, so man up.

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I don't know, we as woman wouldn't like it if a man told us to man up after a difficult labour because we had to look after the child while he went back to support the family. I think people forget difficult labors, especially ones were the mother/child's life is at risk, are just as difficult on the father. He may not physically be going through it but he's emotionally watching the woman he loves and his child go through something difficult that in many cases is life threatening. And on top of that he's the one who usually has to make the call of choosing between mother and child. I'd be shocked if a guy didn't have emotional issues after that.

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I understand that, definitely. But I do not understand the case where the man just did not go back to work because he was too traumatized. I don't know. I was raised with a "buck up" type attitude, as in, it is part of life to go through traumatic events. You can grow from it or you can shrink back and hide. I wonder if any of those men were just too embarrassed to seek counselling and that's why it got so out of hand.

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If I remember right that was the guy wih PTSD, not uncommon a thing to happen with that. I remember a girl from my survivor group who at that time hadnt worked in 5 years because she witnessed her best friend's rape. Last I heard she still hadnt, even with entente therapy. I mean when it comes to rape or molestation I have the same attitude - buck up, get over it, don't let it define you - but everything else I tend not to.

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Scratch that, I have to leave early just one day and it was the day my boss already knew about. Whew!


Had dinner, trying to get in the groove to work on this last English essay and finish up some math stuff. Also renewing our lease before the 26th to get the 2% rate on the rent increase. *grumble*

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Allergist called me while I was at work, said my CU test came back elevated and she wanted to see me next week instead of May 7th to discuss what that meant. So I have an appointment with her Tuesday at 2 PM. Maybe we'll finally have an answer to this...


Also got the notice that immigration accepted L's choice of agent form so the bill for his part of the second phase should come available soon. Just waiting on his police certificate to arrive and then that package will be over nighted to immigration.


And my feet and legs hurt so much from work today. Could def. go for a foot/leg rub right now....

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Spent a $1 on grits this morning from work cafeteria to go with my blueberry waffles I bought from home. Sure enough as I was getting out of the work truck I dropped them and they landed upside down on the ground. Didn't really need them anyway I guess.


I think grits are something that have to grow on you. I tried them once while I was down there and I didn't like it.

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