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True, but with him coming over in Sept we will also have more money in savings to tie us over until he gets a job. Paying his rent and living expenses alone is 2-3 months of savings so that we aren't eating ramen noodles every day, lol. And it'll take at least a month for him to get a social security number. I jut remember how long Jared, a US citizen, was out of work that last time and its daunting. I will get money back from my financial aide each semester that we pocket - this semester it was almost $900 so in theory if he arrived in sept we could just chuck one semester of that toward the GC bill.


We haven't made our minds up yet, still a lot to do with the visa process but I think we are leaning toward Sept. I've told him I'd rather forgo a vacation (like long distance traveling kind) for 2 years than have to spend another month away from him.

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Called NVC on a whim between classes and we have a case number! YAY!!!! Best birthday present EVER! lol. Only took them 19 days! And as always things in immigration run on a snail's pace, it'll be 5-10 business days before we can pay the next application fee and send that off. Moving along at least!

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Not a bad birthday over all.


School was okay, got the assignment for my final essay in English. I'm thinking of doing it on the perils of online gaming (like World of Warcraft) and how the 'classic RPG games' like D&D are better. I'm a classic nerd so it's a subject I know a good bit about. Also learned my persuasive speech (last one, thankfully!) is due next Wednesday. I'm doing it on a subject close to my heart, why sharks should be protected world wide from hunting. Easy.


Got our NVC case number (wooohoo!)


Got home from school and went to dinner with my co-worker/neighbour at Huddle House. I was so looking forward to that meal all damn day long, lol. Got home and checked the mail and saw a package in the mail box. I thought it was from L but when I looked down I saw Her's return address. I stood their for a few seconds going 'What did M send me? She didn't say anything' - never crossed my mind it was a package on my birthday, lol. Opened it to find one of the sweetest cards I've ever gotten in my life and this gift which promptly got hung:


image removed


I truly love my friends!

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Is he pre-hypertensive?


Despite me being very, very overweight, I've always had a BP of around 118-120/70-82. If I have coffee, it's 125/80s, haha. I think a lot of that is genetic. Oh, and how much sodium you eat. I don't eat much sodium at all so I think that's a big factor. I don't know how his diet is but I do that many people in the UK eat a LOT of salt, just like people in the US.

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Is he pre-hypertensive?


Despite me being very, very overweight, I've always had a BP of around 118-120/70-82. If I have coffee, it's 125/80s, haha. I think a lot of that is genetic. Oh, and how much sodium you eat. I don't eat much sodium at all so I think that's a big factor. I don't know how his diet is but I do that many people in the UK eat a LOT of salt, just like people in the US.


Yeah I am not too sure of that, but here is my family experience. My in-laws are from England and they pour salt all over everything. My FIL used to roll fresh veggies in salt, yes SALT! My husband pours so much salt on his stuff you can see the crystals. I keep telling him he is going to die. Yet his blood pressure is perfect and so his heart rate. 120/70 and 62 heart rate.


His parents once they hit their 70's though had to go on medication for high blood pressure and high cholesterol. While that is entirely more normal as you age I used to CRINGE when I saw their salt use. My dad had a heart attack at 39 so I stopped using salt when I was 19.

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Vic, that is some pretty horrific salt use. Rolling fresh veggies in salt. That's awful.


I don't even use salt shakers anymore. I use salt when I cook meat but that's it. People just dousing things in it...oh god. no no no no no no no

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Yeah I do not use salt on ANYTHING. You can actually taste the salt in stuff if you do not use it. I can taste it in prepared foods and restaurant food. It is like they cake it in. Yuck.

My dad's family has really bad heart health. They are full of strokes and heart attacks so I avoid it like the plague.

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Is he pre-hypertensive?


He is, his BP is usually low 130's to over mid 80's.


Skin test came back negative so not allergic to anything. Allergist sent me to the hospital for some blood work. There was 3 things tested but I can only remember the thyroid antibodies one. Now my arm hurts like a bugger. I was suppose to go back to work when I got back home but am now having to work 3-7 because the person who was working that shift called out because of a panic attack. I'm reaching the end of my rope with having to rejuggle school work because of this woman.

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The second application fee in the visa process came available today (you can't send the application before you pay for it because you have to send in this generated page with the application which doesn't happen unless you've paid). I gave L the bank account details over Skype and he physically paid for it on his computer. So between classes tomorrow I can mail off the financial package!!

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I skipped math class this morning - just could not bring myself to get out of bed at 6 am. I will be so glad when I don't have to get up at 6 am for classes this summer - so before my English class at 10:30 I ran and transferred some money at the bank, grabbed breakfast, filled up the car, and mailed our immigration packet. $34 to over night it and it weighed 1.5 pounds. Yikers.


I noticed the tank top I'm wearing today is a lot looser around my stomach than it was a few weeks ago. Small progress.

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100 on my powerpoint exam and an A on my second English paper. If I keep the momentum up I SHOULD finish with an A in English and a high B in Public Speaking Speaking, Math, and Introductions to Computers. I like how the class I was most worried about going into this is the one I am passing with flying colors. Go figure! I can probably raise the math B up to a low A if I do well on the next 2 tests, maybe also do that in computer class. Public Speaking, unless I blow her out of the water with my next speech I can live with a high B.

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Poor Tyler has to have surgery again. His urethane isn't big enough so they are having to go in and widen it a little because its causing some bladder problems. Basically my nephew is having penis surgery. I didn't know whether to laugh or worry when my sister sent me that. They go on the 25th and the surgery date will be set then. Hopefully it'll fall perfectly so I don't work and no school interfearance because I want to go. That and mom has asked me to drive her truck there- mom refuses to drive in Atlanta traffic.

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