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One character trait I need to work on is the fact I care what people think. In general this isn't a bad trait to have but coupled with my control freak nature, I tend to try to 'ease' my husband into people and that isn't fair to him. L's a very 'take me as I am' type person and because of his blunt nature and sarcasm he doesn't always give a good first impression. And as his wife who loves him and knows the funny, kind, and caring man he is I want everyone else to see that as well so I always try to smooth out the things he says. That and I care what other people think of me. Not sure were that comes from but it's there. Just something I need to and will always need to work on.


Thankfully my husband isn't afraid to stand up to me and go 'Look, you don't need to sugar coat what I say.'

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I know how you feel, OG. N is horrifically blunt. I've told him for years that he's a grade A butthole like that. He just doesn't care. Now, he's very agreeable and professional at work but outside of work, watch out. He has an opinion on everything and he's not afraid to day it. Several of my friends are not fond of him and a few outright hate him. He loves to get into these arguments and lectures and has a way of breaking down his points so you feel like a complete idiot.


I've had a couple of our mutual friends bolt out of the restaurant because of something he said. Now, he was right and they are being fragile but you get my drift.


I used to do try and smooth things out or do damage control. Now I'm just like eh. My friends have learned to sort of get along with him, since they know he's with me.


What helps, in my case, is to preface and to suggest staying away from certain topics with him. Maybe that would work for L? It is mixed for me but that's because N, like me, has seen very strong views and he's not afraid to hurt feelings over it.


And at the end of the day, some people are just better off not seeing each other! I have a couple friends that I will absolutely not have N be around because they have nuclear warfare with each other.


N treats me so well, is extremely supportive, and our relationship is great... he doesn't argue with me like that. But others? No.


I totally know where you're coming from and I'm relieved to know that I'm not the only one who has to deal with this. Boy, I have some horror stories.

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Sherry - I think that's the best way to describe it. I know when he's being sarcastic and when he's being dead serious and until you've been around British sarcasm long enough to distinguish the two, that sarcasm can sometimes come accross as being arrogant and an a-hole. Which he's truly not. People here tend to take what he says literally and having been around him for 3 years I know when he's being serious and he's just joking so I try to lay the ground work when it comes to him meeting new people because I know and he knows he doesn't give a good first impression.


Fudgie - Yeah, even L isn't that bad, lol. I mean he loves to have discussions and isn't afraid to voice his opinion on a matter when asked but generally people just misread his sarcasm. If he makes a sarcastic comment about sterotyping Americans someone in the crowd is going to pull me aside and say, "He doesn't like Americans?" Well of course he does silly, why else would he marry one? Just stuff like that I try to control when in reality I shouldn't care what others think about him.

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Lol, yeah sounds like L isn't as bad as N (who just loves to troll, I tell him he's a troll too!!!) and that people just don't get sarcasm. Brits are very sarcastic.


I am very sarcastic too though, in real life (definitely not on here, oh man)....I think it's how you're raised. My mom is the QUEEN of sarcasm. Deosn't surprised me that she spent few years in England and loved it. Luckily, people in my life have adapted and no one gives me issue anymore.


The only way to get used to L, IMO, is to spend time with him and learn to deal with sarcasm. But learning sarcasm is something that can be done. Definitely.


As for N? I love him but it's a bit of a lost cause. People with sensitive skin aren't gonna like him and I've accepted that.

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Our children are going to be experts at sarcasm then with L as a father, lol!


This is true, but most of the people who meet him will only meet him once, so that's their impression of him. Even those who do meet him more than once most people go off that first impression someone gives them. I just know his sarcasm so as his wife I just want everyone to see the person I see. I just need to realize it doesn't matter what others think.

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Hahaha my dad's family is enormously sarcastic. My father's parents were English. So my dad and all his siblings are sarcastic and so are my brother and I. However my husband's family is English as well and they are not sarcastic at all and neither is my husband.

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Managed to hang up the curtains I bought today without killing myself. Doesn't look too shabby either. Had to get them because I pulled into the drive way and one blind in our living room window was just mangled. No idea what got up Jasper's butt to attack the blinds so viciously. Little butt head.


Got the official acceptance letter in the mail from USCIS, that felt great. We are having to amend my taxes from the last 2 years to show married filing separately (pain in my butt) so hopefully my tax guy will have those finished by the time I get off work tomorrow so I can drive up and sign them.

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Today has been such a long day. I worked from 6:30-1:45 and we were so swamped. I'm so tired of people not pulling their weight. At 1 I got a call from my sister's house. I picked it up half expecting her to want me to take her to the doctor or something and I hear, "Nay Nay?" It was Tyler! I could hear a tv in the background but no adult. I kept telling him to give the phone to momma but he wouldn't. He kept saying really adorable things like 'Cow, moooo!' or just general baby gabber. It honestly worried me. He eventually hung up with me and I called mom and told her. She and I both kept calling the house for the next 45 minutes but it just gave a busy signal. I left work at 1:45 and headed straight to my sister's house. I got about half way there and mom called me back. Apparently Tyler had woken up before my sister after their nap and decided to play with the house phone. Since I'm on speed dial he must have hit the number that held mine when he called me at work. My brilliant nephew also managed to dial 9-1-1 and some how said 'momma hurt'. So what woke my sister up was the police officer knocking on the door. I mean, at least he knows what 9-1-1 is I guess!


After all that I stopped by my mom's house and picked up my step dad's birth certificate, their tax return for this year, and his recent pay stubs for the whole immigration deal. Then I went to my tax guy to amend this year's and last year's tax returns. We filed me as single but we don't want anything that says differently when we send in my tax returns for this next stage so I had to amend the returns and file as married but filing separately. Thankfully I we didn't owe anything on federal but we owe $200, $100 for 2011 and 2012. Could be worse.


And in the middle of all THAT my best friend texted me, her and her boyfriend have broken up. So I'm sat there in the tax office pulling every ENA member card I can out of my butt trying to help her. Even as her best friend it came out of left field for me.

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She's like me (Mad Cow and all) and they got into fight, she told him to get out, he did... they'd been fighting a lot lately. I think they are going to take the month he's working (he works out of state for a month and then is back home for 2 weeks) just to think about waht they both want and if they want to give this another chance.

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All blood work came back normal. Doctor says there is an auto-immune disease that persists with hives but she wants to rule an allergic reaction, even to something within me, first before going down that road. So I'm off to see an allergists the 9th of April. Means ill be all itchy and spotty on my birthday. *grumble*

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I managed to get 120 pages worth of tax returns scanned and printed tonight (that's 3 years each for me and my stepdad at 20 pages per year) and our pay stubs scanned and printed as well. That's out of the way at least. Now it's just down to small things (copy of this, copy of that, original of that). The financial package I have to mail off is huge - thanks to the tax returns - and in turn the package I'm mailing to L (containing all originals) is huge as well. Aye.


My throat still hurts and my nose is becoming more clogged and the pressure is building. Crap. Pretty sure I'm out of DayQuil as well...

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