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so what's next?


Our information will be sent from USCIS to NVC (National Visa Center) which that in itself will take a month. This next stage is what we call the financial stage. Once there I have to send them another application showing my finances and since I don't make enough to support him we are having to use my step dad as a joint sponsor. That's done with filing out an application, sending pay stubs, employment letter, last 3 years of tax returns... while they are verifying all that information we have to send them a separate packet with an application L filled out along with a certified copy of his birth certificate and police certificate (similar to our criminal records here, it would show if he had anything) to Homeland security. They will run a criminal background beck on him. Once our finances are approved and L's deemed not to be a threat to the government they will send everything to the US London embassy.


While that's going on L has to book his medical appointment (a cool $300 for a 30 min physical), make sure he's up to date on all his vaccinations and such. Then they will schedule an interview date and he will go up to London to have the interview. At the interview is were they will say yes or no to the visa. If approved L goes back home and waits for his passport to arrive in the mail with the spousal visa in it. Then it's just a matter of booking a plane ticket.


With no more snags (the latter stages tend to go faster than the first) we are hoping to have him land Oct. 16th, the day after our 2 year anniversary.

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I'm so happy I'm bouncing off the walls. I need to get to bed, I need to be up at 5:30 for work tomorrow but I'm elbow deep in the financial application for both me and my step dad, just going over what we hadn't filled out yet. Talked to my mom and she's coming up this way at some point to get a certified copy of my step dad's birth certificate (not making THAT mistake again with a certified copy!). I was going to have a glass of wine to celebrate tonight but got caught up in this, lol

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It's so hard not to get impatient and just want the distance to end now that we are through the tough part. It's the smart and responsible thing to wait and have L land Oct. 16th (even if we get approved for the visa this summer) but OG being the impatient one is like 'well, do we really want to wait a few extra months L?' My calm, practical thinking husband of course is in charge of that decision thankfully or I'd be wanting to push up the move date.

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Ah, so much paper work to gather for this next stage! It's ridiculous. If I send an original copy of anything I also have to send a copy PLUS make a copy to send to L. If I send a copy of something I have to send L the original. The good thing is once NVC recieves our case and assigns us a case number, we could be through the second stage in a week.

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