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I thought spring beak was still two weeks out. Nope, it's next week. Not sure if I'll have school work from all my classes during it but I know I'll have to do math. Poo. Hopefully going to my uncle's over the break (I'd leave out this coming Sunday after work and come back Wednesday morning before work). Keeping my fingers crossed I can.

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I gave my mom such crap for years for not being there during my teenage years. She was obviously there but because mom and dad were divorced she wasn't there, I didn't grow up in the house with her. I didn't have her handy to walk me through all the things of being female or the little crisis you have as a teenage girl. I use to be so jealous of my sister because she had our mom during those times but the older I get the more I realize it wasn't a bad thing. Because of the way that worked out I learned fairly early on to be self sufficient and that while people were there if I needed them, they couldn't be there just whenever I needed them. Mom gets kind of mad at me when I tell her I went to a doctor by myself or I was in the ER the night before with a migraine. Because of those years I honestly just don't think to tell her. It's not life threatening so why bother her? I call her when I do need help - car battery dies, car breaks down, I can't remember the oven temp on the reciepe she gave me - but over all I just forget.

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School went by quickly today, shockingly enough. I've got some hustling to do in math to finish the tests before the last day of classes (have to have those finished before we can take the exam), did a tour of the library for English class, listened to expert speeches today in Public Speaking, and took an exam in computer class. Talked to L on the drive home - I HATE when daylight savings times roles around. Instead of 5 hours between us there is only 4. 5 is perfect for us and our schedules. With 4 we don't even get to talk on much lunch break at school now because he hasn't made it home by then.


Went to Zumba tonight even though it was the last thing I wanted to do. We learned moves to Shakira's 'Hips Don't Lie'. It's the first dance we've done were I even remotely feel sexy, lol. I'm beginning to notice some changes with the two hours of Zumba a week plus 30 mins of hard cardio here and there.

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Seriously? What is up with my damn google mail. L isn't getting some mails either. Ugh. I haven't even touched the essay again. If you want you can just do it off the one I sent you. Since the clunker didn't save the changes last time the copy I have is the one I emailed you.

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I have no idea why Jasper likes to eat plastic things. I know he does this so I make and effort not to leave plastic stuff around that he can get too but some how this cat ALWAYS finds something plastic to chew on. But when he does it upsets his tummy and I get woken up at 3 am to him hacking hairballs for the next hour. I just have no idea were this stuff comes from. I swear he has a plastic stash some were.

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oh. for a second there i thought you meant will and kate's baby. haha.


was your sister's kid living with your mom for a long time?


hahaha! No, I'm pretty excited about that baby!


Well mom still watches Tyler every now and then, the new baby isn't due to arrive until Aug although the doctor wants to take him/her a month or month and a half early.

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