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I think it's also a great thing for kids to look back on when they are older (past the teenager stage) and see how their parents use to be.


I have to admit, I find V Day very commercial. It's silly to only show you love someone ONE day a year. I mean, it's a nice way to stop and really think about that person but it's like Christmas... people spend WAY more than they should. I'm just getting him something small since I wasn't able to get him anything for Christmas last year.


Oooh great idea about the kids - that will be a lovely thing to share with them! When I was much younger my parents were going through such a rough patch and faught all the time. One day I came accross a photo of them at the beach before they had me.. they had just gotten married.. my dad had his arm around my mum and they looked so in love. It made all the difference in the world to me.


V day.. I know.. and the thing is spending $ is just an obligation because the day doesnt mean anything personal to you at all. It's like - if you do actually spend time and $ on it you find yourself thinking "and what are we celebrating again?" and if you don't - you feel like you did something wrong. Grrr.

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Oooh great idea about the kids - that will be a lovely thing to share with them! When I was much younger my parents were going through such a rough patch and faught all the time. One day I came accross a photo of them at the beach before they had me.. they had just gotten married.. my dad had his arm around my mum and they looked so in love. It made all the difference in the world to me.


V day.. I know.. and the thing is spending $ is just an obligation because the day doesnt mean anything personal to you at all. It's like - if you do actually spend time and $ on it you find yourself thinking "and what are we celebrating again?" and if you don't - you feel like you did something wrong. Grrr.


Yeah, it sucks that I can't look back through pictures and see my parents happy at any time because, well, they never were really.


Exactly. Like Christmas. I felt so bad I didn't get CS anything even though he told me not to.



Well, it snowed and it snowed GOOD. About six inches, no lie. They haven't even iced my road yet. Which leads me to a decision. Do I a) stay at home and miss today's pay (Which I can ill afford) or b) risk driving through it. I'm scheduled to work until Thursday so I'm thinking if I try to get in today, I can just stay at the hospital (I get free meals if I do). But then again, I don't want to skid off the road into a snow drift because who the H is gonna come after me? I don't know.

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Sitting here waiting on the director of cardiology to pick me up. No way was I driving in this so they are sending people out to pick others up. I couldn't fall asleep til almost five this morning and I laid in the bed since about 12:30 trying to go to sleep. I have been up since about 10 and I am tired and all I want to do is lay my head down. I slightly wish they hadn't sent someone after me so I could rest. Ugh.


CS still doesn't feel good. Poor guy was throwing up all night and is running a fever now. It really pains me that I can't be there taking care of him right now.

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Guess whose staying at the hospital were she works tonight? Me.


It snowed SO much here. There had to he seven to eight inches in my yard alone. No way was i getting out in tuat in my car. So I called my boss and the head of radiology who had four wheel drive came and picked me up. I really couldn't have afforded to miss a day of work anyway, I'm glad I got to come in. The roads were pretty bad. Slush and ice every were, the car slide a handfull of times.


But I made it to work safely though and didn't have too bad of a day. Tired most of it.


I'm still worried about CS. I hate when I'm on the other side of the world and can't take of him.

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Hopefully he will be back to normal in a day or so. My granddaughter was like that the night before last, throwing up all over the place, she had a mild fever and then the next day although she looked kinda pale she was fine. So weird.


Usually when one of them gets it, the others will soon follow. I wonder how long before one of my other grandchildren decides to chuck all over my floor in the middle of the night. LOL

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Second night at the hospital. It's really not that bad. I get three free meals and I'm not wasting gas driving.


CS felt super better today than he has. Still had some chills and body ache though. We talked for ten minutes before my shift started, just needed to hear each others voice.


I'll probably be here again tomorrow night, all this slush is just gonna freeze over. Ugh.

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OG, you are helping me more than you realize. I realize that the man I want first broke my heart before you started dating CS. In the meantime while I waited for a dream that's over, you got engaged. I think back to that timeline and had I completely moved on then I too might be engaged to someone else instead of waiting for someone not coming around. If he was going to he would have.


Anyway, your engagement made me realize that yes love can happen in a few months and I am wasting time when I could have been like you, only exception I could find someone closer to me.


You are lucky.

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I can't multi quote on this Droid. Grrr.


Sweetpea- yes they are! Even if i have to get up at 6:30 for breakfast, lol


NW- I'm glad I help. I know how hard it is to deal with an ex not coming back. And thank you, getting positive comments about our quick marriage helps ignore the onslaught of negative ones. I don't wdvocate all quick marriages (as I dont support all LDRs) simply because it really is a case by case bases. Don't rule out someone far away though... if i did i wouldnt have CS. When you fibr him, you will know.


And i am the luckiest girl in the world.


Circe- it is actually. Bed doesnt sleep too bad. Oh i know he is, he is going to drive me crazy when I do get home. I miss him too though. Hard to sleep without him really.


Sidehop- thank you. Yeah, snow we southerners can handle. Ice, we don't do so well.

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Hopefully he will be back to normal in a day or so. My granddaughter was like that the night before last, throwing up all over the place, she had a mild fever and then the next day although she looked kinda pale she was fine. So weird.


Usually when one of them gets it, the others will soon follow. I wonder how long before one of my other grandchildren decides to chuck all over my floor in the middle of the night. LOL


Ok I didn't have to wait long to find out who was next. My oldest grandson chucked all over my bed, the youngest grandbaby chucked as much as his little tummy would let him. My son's girlfriend who visits daily got sick at my house, my daughter has it, my 17 year old has it, my 20 year old has it. I think I am getting it, I feel so queazy right now. As a rule, I hate vomiting. In fact, I hadn't had any vomiting in over 6 years until that night in August when I had to go to the ER because I had slipped the disk in my back. All the IV drugs they gave me made me vomit all night long. Right now, I honestly wish I could just vomit and get it out of my system. I am so uncomfortable, I have bubble guts right now. I really feel like I could just let loose at anytime and I have the trash can handy. Oh did I mention I am work right now?

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