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And we have good news on the Oscar front! I printed some flyers and put them up at work, a lady from another department got in touch with me yesterday toward the end of my shift and said she had no cats and she'd be glad to take him while we searched for his owners. And if we can't find them she's willing to keep him and give him a good home. The best thing to come of this, for us, is L and I both agree that when he gets here and we decide it's time to get a new cat, we want to adopt. I've never been against adoption, at all, always advocated for it, but the only two cats I've ever had I got from local postings because they were kittens going to a good home. However L and I have been looking at the local Humane Society website and adoption is def. for us. Oscar came into our lives for a very good reason.

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We've thought of that as well. A few of my co workers told me Friday they had seen him around for at least the last half year but never thought to see if he was a stray or not.


Well we don't have Oscar any more, the lady came by Friday before I left for my home town and picked him up. Jasper was not dealing with him being here very well and I hated having to keep him confinde to that one room. The lady was more than happy to take him home with her and we've both sent out word to local lost and found sections of shelter websites just in case his owners are looking for him. I even posted a picture and flyer up at my vet's office since it's close to the area were I work/found him.

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I'm glad Oscar was picked up and you didn't have to put him down. Oscar was very lucky he crossed your path. You saved him.


He helped us too. L has been looking at the Humane Society's website all weekend. We won't get another cat until L moves here but I've never seen him so excited about getting a new member of our family.

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lol, hopefully we can find one that's relatively young so it's not so hard to introduce them. Jasper has been around other cats and did well with the kittens that female cat had at my mom's house 3 years ago, he just has an issue with older males, especially if they haven't been snipped.


Just got called into the hospital. Our boiler was leaking like a biblical flood so my supervisor and I had to sit and wait on matience and our boss to get there. We cut it off for the night but it could still need to have a major part replaced on it. Which will be hilarious since they've still not replaced the washing machine that caught fire!

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Aww so exciting! We were going to get another dog for my dog but trying to go through rescues was heart breaking because the dogs didn't like my dog and mine is just sweet and sometimes aloof with other dogs. Since we are now having a baby another dog is out of the question at the moment.


Are you going to go with a little female? I love Burmese cats I think they are adorable.

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Talked to the lady who took Oscar. She nor I have heard anything from potential owners and she put up a lot of flyers around the hospital over the weekend. However Oscar has adjusted to her home well and her grandkids love him. So even if we never find his owners he at least is in a loving home.

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Zumba felt so great tonight. We did drums though, that isn't too fun, lol


The bestie and I are considering a girls trip to Carowinds to celebrate getting through our first semester. I've got to talk it over with L on my end.


We started working on Access today in computer class, completely over my head. On top of finishing up my English rough draft I've got to start my expert speech that is due next Wednesday and study for my math test on Monday.

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Pretty slow day at work today, went to the gym after work and did 30 minutes on the treadmill. Came home and while the oven was pre heating I did some stretches while my son wound his way around my legs. Dinner is currently on, SVU is playing as background noise, and I'm about to knock out some homework before getting an early night for work tomorrow morning.

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We've tentavily set a date for May 13th to go to Carowinds. Shouldn't change. So looking forward to it as well, I haven't been an amusement park since, God, 2006 when I went to Six Flags over Georgia.


On a crafting note this bathroom storage thing is getting on my nerves. It was one my mom gave me and it was already white but needed a fresh coat of white so I decided to spray paint it. apparently I used two differing types of spray paint or SOMETHING because now every time I spray the cabinets (the very front of it) the spray paint wrinkles. I'm literally have to spray sections of it every day and then wiping away the wrinkled stuff and then respray. Pain in the butt.

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