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So I took Oscar (the lost cat) to the vet to have him scanned for a microchip. He didn't have one and L and I had talked of seriously adopting him since he's so sweet and loving. But before we were going to do that we had to get him tested to make sure he didn't have anything that could hurt Jasper. Sadly, he does. Oscar has FIV. We can't keep him so I'll have to notify the woman who had said she would take him that he has it, just in case she has other cats.

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I've had my cry. I'm not giving up on poor Oscar. I asked my co worker who is baby sitting Jasper Saturday morning for me if she would mind doing the same for Oscar and she agreed. I made sure she knew to make sure the door is shut and that he doesn't come out and Jasper doesn't go in. I'm going to make flyers tonight and post at our complex's mail box and at work. At some point if I can't find him a home I'll have to make a hard choice but I have to try at least.

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not yet. I've reached out to some of my co workers to see if they've heard anything or if they know anyone who will take a FIV positive cat just in case I don't find his owners. The vet said he'd never seen such a loving tom cat but it was rare for a house cat to have FIV as it takes 6 months to throw up a positive. I'll talk with L on how long he feels comfortable keeping him here while we search.

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I actually just posted an add on there. didn't post a pic. Apparently my tiny city doesn't have an area on CL! What the crap, lol. I had to put it to the next major city. I also just finished making a flyer and printing a whole lot out. I'll be able to put some up at work but it'll be Sunday before I can hit the local gas stations and everything as I'm leaving for my home town tomorrow after work.

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Wow, what a whirlwind two days!


After work on Friday I headed to my home town to spend the night with my best friend. Walked through the front door and got a HUGE hug from my niece, C. We then went and met a few members of her family for dinner at O'Charley's, a little pre-birthday dinner tradition we started when she was two. We had a wonderful dinner and I did pretty well on what I ate and how much. C went to spend the night with her great-grandma after the dinner and me and the bestie ran a few last minute errands for the party. Got back to the house and had a girl's night of wine drinking and Sex and the City, which was really nice. It was nice to have that down time with her, catch up, talk. Needless to say waking up the next morning after two glasses of wine and 6 hours of sleep was... yeah, lol.


By the time we got to the park (8:15 am) someone had already taken the gazebo with the playground. Needless to say my best friend was not a happy woman. There is a reason she and I have been best friends for over 10 years, and one of those reasons is neither of us react to stress well. She had her own little Mad Cow moment and I was sat there gaining a new respect for what my husband has to deal with when it comes to me. We eventually found another park with a free gazebo and set up shop decorating. Once her mom got there to hold the fort down we ran and picked up the balloons, cake, and pizza. The party in all was a huge success. My niece was in a right mood and we had to wrangle her just to get pictures with her cake and open her presents, all she wanted to do was play on the playground. It's over again until next year at least!

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