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80 on a math quiz and 90 on the test. I can live with those numbers.


My MIL is really starting to have a hard time with the way things are changing for her. I talked to her on FB message the other day and it's really hitting her hard. I did my best to keep her spirits up (which just made me feel like an ass since I'm the one taking one of her kids away from her, lol) but I could tell she was down. I even tried to point out to her that by the time we have kids we will (hopefully) be in Myrtle Beach and 6 hours from my mom so she won't be like right next door. It's still not the same though, I know. My mom is still only a 6 hour drive away vs. a 10 hour plane ride and then a good 2-3 car ride.


It's weird to be juggling two different sets of emotions from family. My mom and best friend have not hidden the fact at all that they are happy I ended up staying here in the States but my MIL is sad her son is leaving her, obviously. So the first set makes ME just smile in sadness because they are so happy I didn't get to move somewere I would have loved to live (that's obviously not how they mean it to come accross, just how I take it) and the latter one makes me sad for her. But the one good thing to come of all of this is relationships have strengthened. Looking back over how my best friend was when I was planning our wedding I think she was pulling away emotionally (without realizing it) to prepapre herself for when I moved to England. Since we switched gears she's been very present. And L's relationship with his mom has improved ten fold from what it was when we first got together which warms my heart as his wife.


At least our kids will have their grandmas, lol.

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I know the feeling. I feel like my husband's parents especially his siblings and mom don't care much for me because I took him away. My husband was integral part of the family life and he did alot for them. My husband feels now they used him because he did alot of things for them like fixing things and such and now barely anyone reaches out to us (not his mom but his siblings). I try to keep in touch via text to check to see how everyone is doing. My husband's family is in the States at least but it's 10 hour car trip that no one really wants to make. The 2 sisters have a lot of money so they could fly but they are controlled by their husbands so that's a no go. My husband is happy and says he's not worried about how his family is if they can't understand that.


Also, congrats on your grades. Those are nothing to sneeze at. Anything A or B range is decent.

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OG - quick question about something I was thinking about today and you're the right person to answer it. From an objective standpoint do you think you and L would be together today if it weren't for technology? From a romantic standpoint well, sure, I bet you feel -as I would - that you'd be together no matter what, technology or no - but you two really are a great example of how technology probably contributed a great deal to the life and health of your relationship and marriage. At least I think so -do you agree?

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OG - quick question about something I was thinking about today and you're the right person to answer it. From an objective standpoint do you think you and L would be together today if it weren't for technology? From a romantic standpoint well, sure, I bet you feel -as I would - that you'd be together no matter what, technology or no - but you two really are a great example of how technology probably contributed a great deal to the life and health of your relationship and marriage. At least I think so -do you agree?


Hey Batya, sorry, just saw this!


No, I don't think we would be together today if it weren't for technology. At least, we wouldn't be as strong as we are without it I should say. The fact is without technology we probably never would have even met. Even if we play the fate card and assumed at some point the Universe would have thrown us together even without technology, I don't know if either of us would have entered into this LDR without it and I don't see how we ever would have survived. I look back on those first 2 months were all we did was email each other constantly (no video or phone chats), just words on a screen and I can't believe that was ever our ONLY form of communication. Nowadays we iMessage constantly throughout the day and at some point during the day talk for a minimum of 30 minutes on Face Time, so I at least get to see him.


But I agree. Technology def. enabled us to have the relationship we have today.

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I actually had the thought that you and your bestie were growing closer again since you are not leaving.


Yeah, I kind of realized it this last time she was down. With a clear head, hind sight, and not being in the middle of planning a wedding I can look back and see how I mistook a lot of her behaviour for not being interested when in fact she was probably pulling away emotionally. She even surprised me when she made the comment that when I got to be 8 months pregnant she wouldn't put her phone on silent at night (I could be in a fiery car wreck and she'd not know until morning because she silences her phone when she goes to bed), which of course led us to laugh over the memory of me almost missing my niece's birth because I lost my phone the night before she went into labor.

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I can't believe my niece turns 4 in a little over a week! Pretty excited to see her (she didn't come down with her mom last weekend). I work first that Friday before her birthday so I'm going to go up after work and spend the night with them, then get up super early Saturday morning to sit at the civic center (again) to hold the spot for the party at 1. The things I do because I'm an aunt.

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