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I literally felt felt like I was going to die about 1 AM this morning. My stomach felt like someone had poked me with a heart iron and was just slowly twisting it and I was so sick to my stomach. I finally threw up and managed to fall asleep. My stomach still kind of hurts though. Damn people who don't use proper hand sanization coming near me...

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It really is itsallgrand, especially when you are working in a place like a hospital and you have to come in contact with it. I mean all it takes is simple infection control people. I pick up laundry and we use water soluable bags for when people have a sickness like this, that way we can just chuck that bag in the washer without opening it and coming into contact with the yucky stuff on it. But of course some CNAs didn't tie the water soluable bags so we came into contact with the sicky laundry. And I know some people don't exercise hand washing properly like they should and that just baffles my mind.


L decided while at work today that his last day at work will be Aug 2nd. He'll catch the train up to London and stay in a hotel then catch the 9 am flight on the 6th and fly here, both if we have the visa at that time or if we don't. We are both pretty optimistic (ha!) about getting approved soon with so many apps around us getting approved.

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I have literally done nothing but sleep the last few days. Either the sickness made me or I have been catching up on loss sleep for the last month and a half! I managed to wake up at a reasonable time today and have just been lying in bed catching up on General Hospital. I have to go to the insurance agent tomorrow and switch my car insurance for a lower monthly rate, don't mind that!

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I don't feel like I've had 3 days off work and school. Blah! I got up around mid day today - my sleep schedule is so wonked up - and cleaned before talking to L. Kitchen is all sparkling now and I'm in the process of washing the bed covers. Blinds are open and letting fresh air and sunshine in the house. About to grab something to eat if Jasper lets me up!

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My MIL is pulling at my heart strings today! Her and L were talking about how she's been lately (her and L's stepdad are going through the most amibical divorce ever) and she got to talking about the future and how she won't really be around her grand kids a whole lot. I think with L's impending move here and suddenly being by herself for the first time in years it's just becoming more real to her. That and we are pretty sure L's sister and her fiancé want to move to Australia which would leve my MIL all alone in England. We've actually talked with her about L sponsoring her for a visa to move here when he's able to.

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Yikes about the washing machine catching fire.


Glad to see that you are close to getting your application approved (esp if the one before you was approved).


Yeah it was pretty scary in a way. I was just sat there sorting socks and I noticed it smelled smoky. That really isn't ODD per say as certain things we wash can give off that smell at times. But I thought it odd and walked into the other room were the washers and dryers are (not expecting to see anything) and was confronted with this huge cloud of smoke from the washers and I instantly triggered the fire alarm. The 'funny moment' if you will is that they had been working on the fire alarm all day, which of course meant it going off for like 5 minutes at a time. So when I triggered it in my area the ER (who are the ones who call out Code Red and were the code has been triggered) cancelled the alarm and called out that the Code Red was a false alarm, because they thought it was all part of them testing the fire alarm system.


I literally said out loud, "No, no, not a false alarm!" So as I'm frantically trying to reach the ER staff via phone the head of security department comes running down the hill to my department. Apparently he has the same access that the ER has when a fire alarm is tripped and he saw that it had been manually tripped in an area they weren't working on. So then he radios that the Code Red is not clear and they of course come back on and call out that all personnel need to report to my department because of a fire, which I find funny considering maybe 30% of our staff actually know were my department is located. My boss comes walking in and calmly says, "It would happen on the Friday it's just you and I down here, wouldn't it?"


I have showered two times so far and my hair still smells like smoke. Blah.

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