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That's close to my/our rent. It's $620. We don't pay utilities but $600ish dollars is still a lot of money in my book. Paying that twice a month for 2 different places....woah.


Exactly. I mean, at least at his place that includes utilties as well but here it doesn't, our rent is just $625 flat not including power, garbage pick up, and water which all 3 thankfully have yet to go over $120 a month.

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Our power company really overcharges you here, I think, so N and I only looked into places that included it. I guess we are lucky to be in a city where if you know where to look, you can have cheap rent in a place that isn't the ghetto.


$120 for all 3 isn't bad at all. Here it's $90-$100 just for electricity and that's if you're careful about your usage (psst I'm not). Ick.

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We hope so too Renny.


Happy news in the impending niece/nephew department! Baby is still looking good, she's 14 weeks and the baby's BPM was 158. Her miscarriage rate went down 10% and premature labor risk went down 25% with her quitting smoking. She's gained 7 1/2 lbs - not much as those of you who have seen my sister know she loses it fast. They go April 8th (my birthday!) to find out the sex.

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Hi OG, I don't know if you remember me but I used to come on this forum quite a lot, I can't really remember what my original username was though tbh. Anyways, I'm the girl who was wanting to move to Canada to be with my boyfriend whom I met online 4 years ago. The love story between you and L really inspired me and gave me hope that one day I would get to be with the man I love too. Well, we are now both living together in Canada and 2 days ago he proposed to me on Valentines day! I can't believe this is all happening like I'd hoped.


I will have to travel back to my country in 3 days and will have to do the long distance thing again for 2 months, then I'm coming back here to be married in the summer. I really hope you and your SO will be able to be together very soon, you are so great for each other.

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Today was pretty good! Worked first, came home about 2 because I was starting to get this swelled hive right under my eye. Had a feeling it was going to be a bad attack of swelling and boy did I call it. I texted Hers a pic but at it's worst I would be looking at something normally but have the physical sensation I was squinting. that's how bad my eyes got. A stronger dose of prednisone and benadryl later and I'm pretty much back to the normal. Still some swelling that hasn't went completely down but I don't feel any pressure around my eyes any more. And bless my husband and best friend, they cracked up when they saw me which in turn made me laugh. I just looked so ridiculous. Obviously I couldn't control that but them making me laugh took my mind off the fact I looked like a bloated whale in the face.


My best friend came down for a few hours today after I got work. I helped her study for an anatomy test this coming week and it kind of gave me a preview for what I'm in store for this coming Fall. She's taking medical termonology as well so I got to look through her book for that class. Def. going to be mentally hard those two classes. After studying and general chit chat we went to Applebee's for dinner. I did semi well with the food although I did go crazy with the soda. Still working on that vice. After dinner we popped over to the outlet malls for her to find a pair of shoes. Normally the introvert in me hates shopping with her because I'm a very 'get in, get out' kind of person and she likes to browse. But tonight we managed to merge those two things pretty well. She browsed and I walked about at my own pace looking at shoes. She kept asking my opinion on the shoes she was trying on and I'm like 'You know I have no fashion sense, see what I'm wearing now?'


After the shoe store we went to Fossil were she fell in love with this pink purse. I mean in love, hard. It was $130 though so we spent about 15 minutes stood in the store while she went back and forth over how badly she wanted the purse vs. how furious her boyfriend would be at her spending that much on a purse. The purse won out in the end. She's headed home now and I'm sat in bed, contemplating if I'm awake enough to get a few math lessons in before tomorrow.

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I'm sorry to hear about the coworker - i hope she keeps her baby.


I think $130 on a well made purse is not bad. if it's good quality, it really can last 10 years! I got a $500 coach purse on sale for $200. It's brown leather (no logos on it) and looks good years later. I just don't like logo purses or accessories.

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I do too. We kept telling her sometimes everything can be okay if you have spotting but when she started talking about having period like cramps a lot of us said after she left that that's not a good sign, at all.


See for me it's just way too much. I see a $100 purse and see 5 or 6 lesser purses. I think it's because I just don't have a huge thing with purses which drives my best friend CRAZY because she is a purse hoarder. She picked up my purse yesterday and was like, "Please tell me this isn't your purse." I'm like it's not THAT bad. "Oh yes B, it is. I'm taking you shopping for a purse for your birthday." We just have completely different tastes when it comes to purses.

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The most I have ever spent is $50 and that is because it's a nice classic leather bag. I can tell it's going to outlast everything else I own. I think Alex dies a little inside when I bring a new purse home, but I don't own many, I just stick to a colourful smaller one and the larger leather one. If I were to get a Fossil one, it would have to be a gift.


I hope she is okay. Poor girl must be scared and upset

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I think the most I've spent on one is $30 from JC Pennies. And I have on clue were that one is, lol. Most of my own come from Walmart and are never more than $20.


I can't imagine the emotions she's feeling, not knowing if everything is okay. That's one thing I can say about L. When I'm pregnant and if I were to text him something was wrong he'd drop everything to get me and the baby to a hospital. Although I do joke that if I go into labour during a world cup I might as well have a home birth, lol

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I have all of my vera Bradley bags but the most I've spent is $25 and from thrift stores. Anymore expensive ones were bought as gifts. I can't see spending full price on a nice Vera, though I would like to. I'm just too cheap!

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