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Turned in my first essay, felt good.


Still no word on the visa. *sigh* even my calm headed husband is getting tired of this. Apparently someone (with FAR too much time on their hands) went back and looked at the last like 100 applications by changing one or two numbers out of a case number. While their website says they are working on The week of June 4th there are applications in May that still haven't been approved. There is really no rhym or reason to how they are playing applications. I'm going to email my congressman in the next few days, see if anything can be done.

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ut Aww that's cute.


N and I aren't doing anything. A lot of money is going to medical copays lately so our v-Day "date" is him coming with me to the vet tomorrow with our vomiting cat and he's going to pay the vet fees for the visit and stool analysis. Usually I pay all vet costs because he pays 100% of the rent so that's kind of him.

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Haha sort of. If you call wrestling him into a carrier and listening to him cry is romantic, haha.


I think he'll be okay. He has sensitive stomach but is naughty and likes to knock things over and eat human food and then he barfs it up.


Lately he has just been throwing up. He's lost a little weight. Still acts like the same in-your-face purring kitty. We'll find out more the cause. He'll be okay.


I need to deep scrub the carpet once he's better.

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Did Zumba tonight. I missed the first 30 mins because I thought it started at 6 - it starts at 5:30 on Wednesdays - but I got the last half hour in at least. We did this thing called drums, holy crap. Basically you are in a squat position for what feels like hours (really probably 5, 10 mins) and you are drumming your hands as if you were beating a drum and you lower yourself from your waist and go up and down and even bounce on your heels a little, all while maintaing the squat position.

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I can't even begin to describe my frustration at immigration at this point. I had to come in for an hour this morning and do an order for my boss because she's caught the stomach bug going through the hospital. Did all that an got back home and was like 'hm, lets see what's happening on Facebook.' What's the first post I see? A girl whose doing the same process as us and sent her application off after us has been approved.


Words can not describe the anger I felt in that moment. Logically I know why she got approved, hers was sent after a certain date and any applications sent after that date are being sent to other offices and this getting approved faster than those left sitting at the main office like ours. I'm just beyond tired of this.

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He's just as frustrated as I am. He was a bit snippy with me Wednesday when we talked and it was because someone else past our application deadline had been approved. For the most part he handles it well (as he does all stress) but every now and then it slips through and he shows me just how annoyed and frustrated he is. For him, I guess being the male, he's more concerned with finances and how the longer this first stage takes, the harder of a bind it's going to put us in maybe.


L has to leave his job by Aug because that's when they renew security clearances. If he renews it it's a whole other fandango to quit after it's been renewed - I don't know, government stuff. So whether we have the visa or not he can't work past Aug. Now hopefully it'll all work out great and he can quit in Aug and just come over but if this process keeps dragging out he'll have to quit in Aug and then use some of the money we've said for savings while he's out of a job to pay his rent there (since he'll obviously not be working).


We were honestly talking this afternoon about having him just come over in Sept even if we don't have the visa and just eat the cost of a plane ticket for him to go back whenever they call him for his interview, that way our savings is still being used on rent here (which is what it's suppose to go toward) rather than rent here AND rent there.

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Well the way we'd do it is L would fly over here on a round trip ticket (that way in case immigration asked him when he was returning to England he'd have a return ticket to show). When he gets called for his interview he'd use the return portion to go back to London and do the interview then buy a one way ticket from England to here. Tickets are cheaper going from there to here but we'd still be looking at probably $1,000 for a last min ticket. It could essentially, yes. L's rent plus the portion he sends to buffer my income is almost $1,000 per month so we'd only have to eat $1,000 one time vs. potentially eating it for multiple months waiting on the interview call if it comes after Aug.

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