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Medicine is still going good.


I worked my butt off today. Lord. I got a lot done though, no one can say I didn't pull my weight today! I'm taking a PTO day Thursday to get the car fixed and while he's working on it my mom said she'd run me to the guy who does our taxes and go ahead and get that taken care of. Not going to be so simply this year since I'm filing married and L has to have a tax ID number - just more bloody paperwork the government wants from me. Thankfully I'm getting the balance of my financial aide on Wednesday - about $700 - so that will pay for the car getting fixed and filing our taxes. I'm also going to get a vacume and a blender with it and then the rest is going into savings. All my taxes will go in there as well, mostly as a buffer for when L is here and doesn't have a job. He's bringing over a large sum as well to tide us over but you never know with the job market.


right now I'm resting from doing a small spurt of cleaning and then I'm going to settle in and knock out homework. Maybe I'll be in bed before 10 tonight. *Crosses fingers*

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My doctor's office found a rhumatologist for me. $500 for an office visit ( o.o ) but they accept $100 down and will do payment plans. That I can live with at least. They also offer a 40% discount if you pay in full the day you come, I think it comes to like $300 odd if we took that option. We'll have to see how much the check I get from the school is because that's an option we'd take as well just to go ahead and knock that bill out.


USCIS also offically moved their processing date to the week of June 4th so that's some positive news for us concerning the visa. They've been processing the week of May 28th forever now but we know they have done approvals for the beginning of June while 'officially' still processing the last week in May. So hopefully by the end of the month or March we will hear something. We are pretty much looking at L moving here the beginning of Aug.

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Don't get me started on medical fees. It's ridiculous how much that business makes! I'm happy you were able to work something out and most medical offices will work out a payment plan; they do want their money afterall and will take what they can get.


You know just for the blood test I got and culture check (STDs, HIV, Diabetes, TSH, etc.) would have costed me over a thousand bucks if I didn't have insurance. It's insanity.

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School costs are just as ridiculous. I filed single on my taxes last year (long process to file married since L isn't a citizen) so I was curious and stopped by the financial aide office. In 2014 when we file married I will virtually get nothing back in pell grant because we are married with no dependents. You literally can't get any kind of help unless you have a child nowadays. Seriously. I, a hard working person who has managed not to pop 3 kid out by the time I'm 24 can't get a squat of help but another 24 year old who chooses not to work and has 3 kids by 3 different dads can get all the help she wants.



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Went and filed my taxes this morning. We are getting a lot more back than we thought we would be - a few hundred - and all that will just be dumped into savings. The mechanic cleaned my EGR valve out and said if the check engine light came back on within a few weeks I'd probably have to replace the valve (figured as much). Of course I locked my car keys in the car while it was still sat at his shop. >.


Grabbing a quick bite to eat and then jumping in the shower before working on this essay.

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Essays... I hate them. lol. Just down right hate them.


I mean for God's sake, I've been writing my novel for almost 20 years now - holy sweet Jesus have I really been procrastinating that long?! - and I've deleted whole chapters and no one else had seen them but me. Writing something that is going to be graded and seen by someone else? Doesn't mix well with a writer who always second guesses themselves.

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On the actual novel? Sparingly. While I love to write I have this huge anxiety thing when it comes to my writing being judged. I can take being critized, it's just something about putting so much of yourself into something and handing it to someone else with the hope they will like it. It's in the fantasy genre so most of the work done on the novel is actually in regards to the world it's set in. Its no easy feat creating a whole new world but I hide behind that as well.


If I'm working on the world the book is based on I don't actually have to try to write the book. This is the logic of a crazy writer, lol

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if you ever have any credits to spare, take a writing workshopping class. After awhile, you won't care. It can be tough though...because revealing your TRUE writing really is baring your soul to a roomful of strangers.


Ah so you are world-building


Sometimes I miss school and all of those writing classes.

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I may look into that. I always fret over writing assignments even though I love to write. Like with my speech this week I was freaking out the first few days - and we didn't even have to write it out word for word, just had to make an outline! - but once I got SOMETHING down and started editing the anxiety went away. I think a small part of it may also be this time around I'm actually trying to do well in classes rather than just winging through each class.

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Bless my husband. Come to find out I completely misunderstood the person's comment on my thesis statement and I don't have to completely rework it. Takes some pressure off!


I also hate working with women. Really. Put a bunch of women together and they do nothing but try to bad mouth each other down. I'm fine with my co workers going to my boss when I'm actually not doing something properly but to out right lie and say I'm doing this when I'm not infuriates me beyond words. Karma is a witch.


I really need to go to Walmart and deposit some money but I just can't get out of this bed right now, lol.

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